Preserved Sheet Vestele Xilric

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Sep 18, 2016
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☾ Introduction ☽

♔Full Name | Vestele Xilrix
➢ Nicknames | Ves, Stell​
♔Age | Eighty-Four
♔Gender | Female
♔Race | Saivale Kathar
♔Sexuality | Wealth
♔Preferred Weapon | Whips and Sorcery


☾ Proficiencies ☽

♔ Skill Information | Vestele has 60 Points to spend.
➢ +15 Lashing (15 Points)
➢ +12 Magical Knowledge (12 Points)
⇻ Sanguinology
⇻ Shatterology
⇻ Dimmenthism​
➢ +8 Void Ritualism (8 Points)
➢ +10 Perception Training (10 Points)
➢ +10 Theatre Arts (Hobby)
➢ +5 Fast Blades (5 Points)
➢ +10 Stealth Rogue (10 Points)​

♔ Body Shape
➢ Physical Stat | 25
➢ Body Shape | Toned
➢ Body Fat | Moderate​

♔ Languages
➢ Common | Learned; Fluent/Illiterate
➢ Kathar Elvish | Mother Tongue; Fluent and Literate
➢ She'llaq | Ritualism; Fluent and Literate​

♔ Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
➢ Mageblooded |
⇻ Darkness Spell | Umbra Bolts
⇻ Darkness Spell | Forced Betrayal
⇻ Chaos Spell | Yoink
➢ Scion Spell | Want
➢ Mutations |
⇻ Void Sight
⇻ Void Ocular
⇻ Void Claws
⇻ Void Tail​


☾ Visuals ☽

♔ Eye Color | Crimson Red
♔ Hair Color | Snow White
♔ Hair Style | Waist length; Held up in a bun
♔ Skin Color | Pale Alabaster with various violet colored tattoos
♔ Clothing | An assortment of exquisite drapes, dyed a deep red and purple.
♔ Height | 6'8"


☾ Personality ☽

♔ Option Two | The Core List
➢ Character Alignment
⇻ Lawful Evil​
➢ Personality Type
⇻ The Commander - ENTJ-A​
➢ Religion
⇻ Void Worship 8/10​


☾ Life Story ☽

♔ Vestele Xilrix was born on a cold Winter night somewhere in the Dread Empire. Just minutes later, another child was born, her twin sister, Aestele. The pair was born into a prestigious family, living the life of nobility in the Dread Empire, and had everything they had ever wanted practically handed to them.

♔ The twins became difficult to separate, insistent on doing almost everything together, forming a strong bond. They would both participate in the same activities in their young age, theatre arts being the one most invested in, as they were both taken to operas and plays in their spare time.

Their mother worked as a scholar and priestess, and their father a seasoned war tactician. The twins shared a close bond between their mother, unlike their father, who was usually off fighting battles when they took place. Sticking close to their mother, they were introduced to religion at a very young age, which would eventually set them towards ritualism.

♔ The family was as proud of their religion as they were their wealth. They studied and worshipped the void daily, and became so invested in it that the twins eventually began to dabble in void ritualism. They practiced ritualism throughout the years, before eventually becoming masters of their craft.

♔ The twins would begin to learn about magic from their mother as they grew older, becoming especially interested in sanguinology, shatterology and dimmenthism. When the twins were finally ready, they chose their void sires. Vestele would choose Lumeira, Sire of Want, while her sister chose Ytthanhos, Sire of Secrets.

♔ The siblings, with more free time after completing their training, moved on to take a stab at sorcery. The two would become acolytes of a darkness mage. They blew through their training, becoming proficient in darkness sorcery within only a few years, while having time to spare to learn chaos spells. Feeling as if she wasn't combat capable enough, Vestele took interest in whips, intrigued by its ability to disarm and disable opponents with just a flick of the wrist. After her training in sorcery was over, she was able to learn how to use one.

♔ The sisters, nearing their eighties, had little left to do. The Dread War, coming to an end, opened up an opportunity to visit it. Knowing full well they would be ridiculed upon arrival, they decided to wait awhile after the events until traveling there. After months of waiting, the two sisters felt they were ready to leave, and find their own place outside of their lavish life at home, and set course for the Crown City.
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Okay so,

- Your backstory should make mention of the Dread War. A Kathar would probably not see Regalia as a land of opportunity.

Do this and I can approve the app.
Very well. Approved.
Stop playing women, we suck