Archived Vespids, Arachne And Torpids

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Leaving Massive, bye. AND SHUT IT YOU
Sep 3, 2013
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Somewhere incredibly boring
IronLegion, for now.
When I'm talking about all of them together, I shall just say vespid.
Idea 1.

Assuming all the insect races share the Hive Mind attack+ thing, I think that McMMo xp should be partially shared out between all vespids within the range of the Vespid Attack+ benefit.

Idea 2.

Vespids (Or maybe just Arachne) should be attacked on sight by wolves, but be able to tame spiders instead, using... Netherwart?

Idea 3.
All of the seperate devisions of vespid (Vespid, Torpid, Arachne) should only have the Attack+ boost when in range of members of the same type, so an Arachne and a Torpid in the same room would deal the same damage as if they were of any other race.
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Vespid are colony type animals, and only attack in swarms, which is where they derive their swarm abilitys
Torpid and Arachne are not colony type animals, and arachne live solitary lives. I would reccomend due to an arachne's mischevious trouble making that they get an ability much like the avarr, where they deal more damage alone but in groups they are terrible.
Tor[id are beetle people, and beetles have a very large diet and each eat different things. I would reccomend a chance to have a different diet, like some eat plants and others don't. If a beetle who got the plant eating, meat would give poison and plants would give more food. Largely since beetle have a very diverse diet.
Vespid are colony type animals, and only attack in swarms, which is where they derive their swarm abilitys
Torpid and Arachne are not colony type animals, and arachne live solitary lives. I would reccomend due to an arachne's mischevious trouble making that they get an ability much like the avarr, where they deal more damage alone but in groups they are terrible.
Tor[id are beetle people, and beetles have a very large diet and each eat different things. I would reccomend a chance to have a different diet, like some eat plants and others don't. If a beetle who got the plant eating, meat would give poison and plants would give more food. Largely since beetle have a very diverse diet.
Arachne are solitary? I haven't heard that before, and the unreleased lore page's description says they are rare, not solitary.
The old lore page said that a few of them were solitary though, unless I am mistaken.
Idea 1.

Assuming all the insect races share the Hive Mind attack+ thing, I think that McMMo xp should be partially shared out between all vespids within the range of the Vespid Attack+ benefit.
Just to clarify, I mean that the individual will recieve less xp, and the other near by vespids will gain some, shared out from the deduction to the first one.
Just to clarify, I mean that the individual will recieve less xp, and the other near by vespids will gain some, shared out from the deduction to the first one.
I think that is a bad idea, not many people play vespid so giving then something like this would be pointless.
Nobody plays vespid, which is why nobody plays vespid funnilly enough. If we make vespids better, more people will play as them.
This won't make them better, you don't get much XP per kill so splitting it will not be smart.
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