Archived Vespid & Spiderwebs[suggestion]

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A lost Architect of an ancient Helvetican Empire
Sep 9, 2012
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Seeing as how the Vespid is an arachnid and in Minecraft spiders are able to climb walls and walk through spider webs with ease, why not transfer this into the Vespid race. Not sure since I'm not a coder but if possible and accepted/supported, have the Vespid race be able to climb spider webs, not just bare walls but if the wall was covered in webs they would be able to climb said wall, even more it would add alittle to roleplaying, seeing as how anyone can climb vines, make it unique for vespid to climb webs.

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Maybe when in a web a vespid could have creative flying, like dakkar and maiar in lava or water? This could work nicely if a vespid faction had tunnels completely filled with webs.
Maybe when in a web a vespid could have creative flying, like dakkar and maiar in lava or water? This could work nicely if a vespid faction had tunnels completely filled with webs.

Now. That I think would be cool. Though not all Vespid are spider like. This could cause problems.
Maybe when in a web a vespid could have creative flying, like dakkar and maiar in lava or water? This could work nicely if a vespid faction had tunnels completely filled with webs.

That was my intentions, I only see it as fair since Maiar can fly(Water) Dakkar can fly (lava) so why not allow the Vespid to "flying though the webs?
I agree. People may argue that it wont work because not all Vespids are arachnae, but its not impossible for a bee or fly to walk on a spiders web. I've seen it happen.
Lemme just say... The spider was NOT a happy camper.
Flying through webs seems a little unrealistic to me, but it could be useful. The thing is, when have you ever seen a spider walk so fast across a web that it looked like it was flying?
Flying through webs seems a little unrealistic to me, but it could be useful. The thing is, when have you ever seen a spider walk so fast across a web that it looked like it was flying?

Maybe not so fly, however I have seen some fast spiders but rather a faster walk, since the Minecraft spiders do travel 1.5 faster than steve.
I mentioned this before (but it was a comment so i guess no one cared) and it recieved an overall positive reaction. I support this idea, but like creative flight when going through webs but at a much slower pace. Not as slow as regular beings going through webs, but still slow. Maybe 2x faster then a normal being going through webs? except it would be creative flight..
Or if I were to add all the above replies to this, everyone else when walking through a spider web already has a really slow movement speed, vespid on the other hand could move at 2x that speed and also able to climb freely up or down.
I know little about it, but it would seem that Arachne will be a purely spider like race, in which case this would be fast better suited to them. I quite like the idea and it could encourage vespid only factions.
I would like to thank you all for your feedback and support. I only wish to see it become a real deal.
Maybe when in a web a vespid could have creative flying, like dakkar and maiar in lava or water? This could work nicely if a vespid faction had tunnels completely filled with webs.
It's a good idea, but have you ever played Maiar or Dakkar? As long as you are in water/lava there is no problem with creative flying, but when you come up to the surface it starts to lagg. It's really annoying if you want to get out of the water and sometimes you also take damage if you swim into a small room.

It would be better and less laggy if cobweb works like ladders or vines, but this could be hard to code. And besides this there is also a problem: if you walk forward and pass a ladder/vine you are pushed upwards, because the game thinks you want to climb up the ladder/vines. And this can become also an annoying feature.

As much as I like the idea of climbing up walls as Arachni, I see no way to make this happen without some negative side effects. >.<

The only really useful thing is to make cobweb passable. While other beings are slowed down by cobweb, Arachni won't be and can walk through it like ingame Spiders.
Similar to AurelienBela's idea:
I mentioned this before (but it was a comment so i guess no one cared) and it recieved an overall positive reaction. I support this idea, but like creative flight when going through webs but at a much slower pace. Not as slow as regular beings going through webs, but still slow. Maybe 2x faster then a normal being going through webs? except it would be creative flight..
It's a good idea, but have you ever played Maiar or Dakkar? As long as you are in water/lava there is no problem with creative flying, but when you come up to the surface it starts to lagg. It's really annoying if you want to get out of the water and sometimes you also take damage if you swim into a small room.

It would be better and less laggy if cobweb works like ladders or vines, but this could be hard to code. And besides this there is also a problem: if you walk forward and pass a ladder/vine you are pushed upwards, because the game thinks you want to climb up the ladder/vines. And this can become also an annoying feature.

As much as I like the idea of climbing up walls as Arachni, I see no way to make this happen without some negative side effects. >.<

The only really useful thing is to make cobweb passable. While other beings are slowed down by cobweb, Arachni won't be and can walk through it like ingame Spiders.
Similar to AurelienBela's idea:
Yes, I have been Maiar/Dakkar and it IS very annoying; would rather have it so when your in the water and you shift it speeds up you, but not creative flight. This way you can shoot OUT of the water. If you've ever used the bending plugin as a water bender, shifting in the water would make you swim VERy fast and you could shoot yourself out of the water. I know that the speed of this can be changed too...
I like this idea, but I do sort of prefer the flying part. That way, a web strewn across a canyon or pit could function as a bugs only bridge. Perhaps they could fly through it at a slower speed?
All of these are great! I'm glad to hear such a happy (for once) remark from more than one person!
Maybe have it a toggleable (yes, that's a word) option for walking through webs, climbing them, walking on top of them or just using normal minecraft physics.
I think this would work, possibly like this;

Stopped- Normal physics
Moving- Normal Walking Speed
Sprinting- Fast Speed
Hold Space- Climb
Hold Shift- Walk on top/Stay at same level
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