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Played Character Vesahc

This character is actively played.


Nov 30, 2017
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Character Information

Full Name: Vesahc Fulorr Chelriirn
Heritage: Beguiled Cult Kathar
Age: 76
Gender: Male
Religion: Evolism
Occult: Void Magic
Character Occupation: Argentum Knight, Theurgist, Healer

Core Concept

A knight-warlock with a tendency to mix tranquility and level-headedness with ruthless principles and searing ambition. Vesahc counts among the less fanatic of his Chapter, here not only to sow discord as a sword of Rokhavaal, but cavort and connect with the fraying Spirit-kind, and achieve personal glories through the annals of time.

Appearance Information

Eye Color: Sallow gold, black sclera
Skin Color: Ashen grey
Hair: Crimson red
Height: 6'6
Body Type: Muscular
Additional Features:

Skill Information

Hobbies And Talents: Magical Talent, Medical Hobby, Athletic Hobby
Mechanics: Kathar Mechanics + Death Isldar Mechanic 2
Languages: Katharic, Droque, Sign, Common


Vesahc hails from the southern reaches of Rokhavaal, born straight into the gullet of strife and bedlam that constantly festers upon the Empire's borders. His talents for violence and arcane rites eventually drew the attention of the Silverwatch, under whose wing the Kathar could only grow further.

Vesahc is an Argentum Knight of the Ev

Combat Proficiencies

Attack Stat: Magic
Defense Stat: Faith

2 Strength
Technique Parry
Steady Body

0 Constitution

0 Intelligence

0 Wisdom

0 Dexterity

5 Faith
Shaman Stance (Free)
Shaman Pounce
Shaman Brutality
Shaman Ancestor
Shaman Darkness
Shaman Quake

7 Magic
Deathless Invocation (Death Isldar Mechanic 2)
Magic Bolster (Kathar)
Magic Isolate (Kathar)
Magic Revive
Magic Warp
Magic Resist
Magic Cleanse
Magic Revenge
Wardrobe Pack
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