Very Late, Just Like How I Show Up To Everything.


Space Cowboy
Aug 23, 2014
Reaction score
Nuclear Winter Wonderland
So. Uh. This is overdue. Points for being fashionably late? I'm StereoTurtle / RadioTortoise. Most people call here call me Stereo, Radio, Turtle, or Tuttles (gee, thanks @TotallyNotRice ). I've been here a bit more than two years, woo. Uh, I'm from New York (not NYC), and I'm going to high school in September. I've roleplayed on the server, and I used to be a serious noob. y i k e s.

@Suzzie (what a nerd), who I've known IRL for like, 4 years? Maybe 5. Some ridiculously long time. She introduced me to the server, and I was noob for a bit. Then I took a brief break, and made an OK character. (@TotallyNotRice I swear if you bring it up I will destroy you <3). With the help of Suzzie, @Fillyjonk , and a few others, I've shaped up a lot. I roleplay a lot on this server, and it was the first (and only) place I've roleplayed. I think it's a great way to use my imagination and, uh, it's fuel for writing, drawing, and just, well, being creative. Suzzie gave me a lot of inspiration with my art, and I might start an art thread. So that's cool. I, uh, play tennis and baseball, and, uh. Video games. That's pretty obvious, I guess. I like reading, too. I've been using RPG maker to try and make cool stuff, and I have Steam. So, uh, add me if you want, it's just StereoTurtle.

Uhm. I guess I'll do questions. Don't really think I'll be asked any, but whatever.
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*knuckle crack*

ok time to mercilessly dissect this and criticize
you're welcome lad
I'm going to high school in September
fxckin' fetus
Then I took a brief break, and made an OK character. (@TotallyNotRice I swear if you bring it up I will destroy you <3).
i'm bringing him up

remember how his name was actually from a book elijah walker

i have a question why didn't you make your middle names barry allen you had the perfect chance
get out
get out
i'm bringing him up

remember how his name was actually from a book elijah walker
get out again.
Also, uh, no idea about that last part. y i k e s
i have a question why didn't you make your middle names barry allen you had the perfect chance
What. Do you wanna fight about it?

One piece of advice.

Gotten too cool for your old friend Dr Fong, I see.

I have a question. How can I keep you motivated and doing good work for FongCoĀ©? What do we need to change to keep you interested? We miss your energy.
Don't worry about high school. The seniors at my school said they have horse tranquilizer to make it a little more bearable. Plus, I have two and a half shoulders for you to cry on if need be.