So. Uh. This is overdue. Points for being fashionably late? I'm StereoTurtle / RadioTortoise. Most people call here call me Stereo, Radio, Turtle, or Tuttles (gee, thanks @TotallyNotRice ). I've been here a bit more than two years, woo. Uh, I'm from New York (not NYC), and I'm going to high school in September. I've roleplayed on the server, and I used to be a serious noob. y i k e s.
@Suzzie (what a nerd), who I've known IRL for like, 4 years? Maybe 5. Some ridiculously long time. She introduced me to the server, and I was noob for a bit. Then I took a brief break, and made an OK character. (@TotallyNotRice I swear if you bring it up I will destroy you <3). With the help of Suzzie, @Fillyjonk , and a few others, I've shaped up a lot. I roleplay a lot on this server, and it was the first (and only) place I've roleplayed. I think it's a great way to use my imagination and, uh, it's fuel for writing, drawing, and just, well, being creative. Suzzie gave me a lot of inspiration with my art, and I might start an art thread. So that's cool. I, uh, play tennis and baseball, and, uh. Video games. That's pretty obvious, I guess. I like reading, too. I've been using RPG maker to try and make cool stuff, and I have Steam. So, uh, add me if you want, it's just StereoTurtle.
Uhm. I guess I'll do questions. Don't really think I'll be asked any, but whatever.
@Suzzie (what a nerd), who I've known IRL for like, 4 years? Maybe 5. Some ridiculously long time. She introduced me to the server, and I was noob for a bit. Then I took a brief break, and made an OK character. (@TotallyNotRice I swear if you bring it up I will destroy you <3). With the help of Suzzie, @Fillyjonk , and a few others, I've shaped up a lot. I roleplay a lot on this server, and it was the first (and only) place I've roleplayed. I think it's a great way to use my imagination and, uh, it's fuel for writing, drawing, and just, well, being creative. Suzzie gave me a lot of inspiration with my art, and I might start an art thread. So that's cool. I, uh, play tennis and baseball, and, uh. Video games. That's pretty obvious, I guess. I like reading, too. I've been using RPG maker to try and make cool stuff, and I have Steam. So, uh, add me if you want, it's just StereoTurtle.
Uhm. I guess I'll do questions. Don't really think I'll be asked any, but whatever.
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