Preserved Sheet Veo Sen

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Mar 14, 2016
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Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Veo Qo Sen
  • Age: 27
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Cielothar
  • Main Ambition: Peace , content
  • Special Permission: the trustee permission for magic
Basic Information (Expansion)

  • Lives in the vampire district in her house of 8 years.
  • Has an older brother by two years named Rouin.
Skill Information (Optional)

  • School: Celestial Magic
  • Level: Caster
  • Source : Taught by older brother who was taught by father before father passed away.
Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Green
  • Hair Color: black
  • Hair Style: long
  • Skin Color: pale white from being vampric
  • Clothing: dress and often a cloak
  • Height: 5'10
  • Body Build: Lanky
  • Weapon of Choice: Celestial Magic or a bow
Visual Information (Expansion)

Personality and Abilities (Required)

  • Veo is perceived often as quiet and kind if being spoken to.Yet also if seen exploring ,as Veo often does, can be seen as greatly suspicious. But Veo is rarely seen trespassing due to her ability to be quiet and graceful. She often is passionate about peace and will try to calm down all conflicts sometimes annoying those who wish to fight. But nonetheless she tries to avoid conflict.
  • At most times Veo will either feel at peace or anxious depending on how many people are around. She sees herself as cautious yet careless. She wants there to be peace yet isn't opposed to mischief. She tries her hardest to be respectful although due to her sense of equality to all she often ranks people as the same and can sometime miss certain manner cues that are required when surrounding people ranked above her. She struggles to start conversations with family and stranger as she would hate to be perceived as a bother to anyone. So she only attempts conversations when she knows exactly where they mgith go and attempts to plan them out in her mind.
  • Will often act over protective of the people and animals she if close to. She is perceived at eccentric, excitable, ambitious, and passionate. she wants to help anyone she comes across who is hurt or need help but sometimes cannot help them causing her to feel and unrelieving sense of guilt even though it was never her place to do anything in the first place. She is great at calming people down even when they may seem distressed . She often follows the rules unless it comes down to exploring where anywhere is allowed as long as she's not caught and if she is she will act obvious and or as harmless as possible which msot of the times she is.
  • Veo is kind hearted and unwilling to do harm to any unless absolutely necessary. Is a just and un-corrupt soul who searches for peace and adventure. She sees violence as completely useless and would much rather debate and normally avoid conflict. She loves nature and sometimes wishes that there never were any other races than the small woodlen creatures as with them there is no great wars to be had or loud cities taking over.
  • Climbing: Veo loves to explore and has gained great abilities to assist her. She often used to climb trees as a child. She now lives in Regalia and explores everywhere which often results in scaling some sort of structure.
  • Agility: Is very fast as she loved to run around the forest with her brother as a child. She also gained agility when she was a vampire as when it was turning dawn she had to run for shelter.
  • Animal Caretaking. Cielothar's are naturals when it comes to animals. Throughout her life she has taken care of numerous animals . She also assisted one of her friends who used to own a farm and learned many veterinary like skills.
  • Well developed Great Peace and Mending light ; She uses these most often. Veo acts as a healer for both animals and humans mostly in the time after a violent act has occurred. She will be the first on scene after a fight to help stitch up anyone who need help.
Weaknesses (OPTIONAL)
  • non-violent: When faced with conflict she will struggle to defend herself as she hates to harm others. This will normally result in her fleeing rather than fighting.
  • socially anxious: Has trouble starting conversation with people. She hates to bother anyone and doesn't have well developed small talk skills.
Personality and Abilities (Expansion)

  • Will get lost in own worlds .
  • Shuffles around nervously whenever speaking to people.
  • Veo loves reading as it allows her to escape the vile aspects of this world. She can easily get lost in any book whether it be fantasy or informational.
  • Being around animals just naturally calm Veo down and brings her mind to calm state.
  • Night time: Being outside in the night air is great clearer for her mind and also can bring out an adventurous and curious part of her.
  • to practice her magic: She often spends hours of her day just practicing magic until she is to spent to even say another incantation.
  • Any type of violence will put Veo into a state of distress. It will cause her anxiety to spike and she will often flee the scene unless she wants to awiat an opportunity t help calm down the situation or help the people who are hurt afterwards.
  • loud enviroments cloud Veo's mind and make her anxious as she is unable to focus on so many things going on at once. She much instead prefers the peaceful quietness of nature for even when nature seems to be loud it is not.
  • Alcohol or anything that brings along an intoxicated state of mind as it often brings out the worst of people and can put people into danger or result in violence. It also cloud the mind and keep rational thoughts away.

Life Story (Required)
Veo was born in Regalia to her mother and father who died shortly after her birth. She was educated in standard intelligence and celestial magic by her brother Rouin. They lived together up until Veo was 19 where upon Rouin moved away from Regalia. She continued to learn celestial magic from books and continued to advance in her other studies as well. At this time she was ambushed by a vampire and infected. She ended up not having the desire to be cured until 8 years later where she performed the ritual of cleansing. She had decided to be cured because it would allow to go out in the daytime and have more freedom. She now lives in the Vampire District by herself and has a few acquaintances who she engages with at random unmarkable times.
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Can you explain to me what I can do to get an accepted application for magic?
Not staff so take this with a grain of salt, but:

Yeah, if you think you're ready, you can apply for Trustee - even if you're not super confident, it can still be a good way of getting an idea of what you have to work on.

Sources, and links I'd recommend reading over: