Preserved Sheet Venaren Gekoth

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May 11, 2019
Reaction score


"Live life as you want to or it is better not to live at all"

Basic Information
  • Name: Venaren Gekoth
  • Age: 57
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ma'ella Sihndar | Lording of Ovolh
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Bow and Arrow or Sorcery
Skill Information

Total Points: 50
  • +10 Vocal Singing (Talent)
  • +5 String Instruments
  • +7 Culinary Arts (Hobby)
  • +10 Dancing Arts (5 from Sihndar)
  • +4 Medical Knowledge
  • +10 Lightbow Combat Skill
  • +5 Sword Combat Skill
  • +12 Order Sorcery
  • +3 Mixology Arts (Hobby)
  • +3 Arcanology (Affliction)
  • tenor.gif


Body Shape

  • (10 Lightbow +5 Blades +8/2 Dancing)=19 Physical Stat

  • Athletic Body Shape

  • Low Body Fat
  • Common
  • Sihndar Dialect (Native)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
Lightness Sorcery
  • Healing Grace
Order Sorcery
  • Deny entry to Chaos
  • Prevent Chaos
  • Enforce Normality
  • Restore to Perfection
Sihndar Racial Abilities
  • Embrace of the Spider Queen
  • Dryder Form
  • Embrace of Tainting
  • Lording of Ovolh

Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Grey

  • Hair Color: Stark White

  • Hair Style: With long sideburns that reach to the bottom of his ears and a large mop of hair on his head which is well maintained and often decorated with whatever small pieces of jewelry are available to him at the time.

  • Skin Color: Plum

  • Clothing: Favoring the Xavloay outfit while performing replacing the Lavoy top with a more modest breathable dark shirt when not performing.

  • Height: 6 foot

Character Alignment:
  • Lawful Neutral
Venaren is totally devoted to the great calling of the Sihndar and his role as an Ovolh. He holds this and his loyalty to his Sihn-Fallar higher than any other responsibility to the law or code of any foreign nation since he has lived much of his life in Drowda. While he often tends towards what he feels is right in the moment, his loyalty to the orders delivered to him through the College of Sins, the Xafer of his hold, and most importantly his Sihn-Fallar trump any moral leanings of the moment. The importance of loyalty to the authorities of Drowda in Sihndar society trumps all else and he is no exception to this belief.

Character Personality Type:
  • The Campaigner (ENFP-T)
Always one to put on a show to bring light to the faces of those around him Venaren has spent his life bringing laughter to even the most stone-faced of Ellatrii. His quick humor and love for conversation is apparent to any who interacts with him. He holds his connections with his fellow Sihndar and even his non-Sihndar conversation partners very highly and survives off of interaction.

Choose your Character's Religion:
  • Spider Queen (6/10)
While he is no theologian, Venaren has been taught the principles of Evsrenllir-Mullontavan and is strongly devoted to doing his part to purge the world of the demons and extra-dimensional plagues brought to it by the arrogance of the Altalar. He is not inclined to question his faith or the Drowdan authorities which work based off of its ideals. If another faith could work in synergy to it he could possibly take it up though he largely views most other faiths as foreign oddities in spite of how adaptable and accommodating he may seem in everyday conversation.

Life Story

Venaren was born in Drowda within a hold of the Tribe of Ma'ella. From a young age the Sihndar was fascinated with the dances of his people which often made use of the Khoptar and enjoying listening to the distinctive resounding sheens of the Nights of the Whistling Blades in his hold. This lead to him entering training with blades very eagerly though he would be quick to learn it was not the thing of grace and poise he had idealized it as and rather involved great amounts of aches, pains, and messes. Though he certainly never voiced his complaints out loud, such a thing would be seen as very cowardly and improper considering the Sihndar cultures complete idealization of blades combat and martial prowess, he managed to slip away from training after the barest minimum of training in Khoptar and blade use allowed in the hold. He had instead convinced his parents to allow him to take on training in archery. He took to ranged combat far better than he had melee and excelled under an elder Markht in his keep's tutelage. He during this time found himself infatuated with the singing and playing of local entertainers in the cook houses of the hold. He would throughout the next years receive sporadic lessons in singing or plucking tunes on the string instruments used by the Ovolh. During his examinations at age 15, he was quickly determined to by an Ovolh. He took very well to lessons in singing, dancing, and playing string instruments and was eventually due to an overpopulation of Ovolh in his keep assigned to a keep farther north than the middle lakes of Drowda he was used to. Travelling to the Ellatrix hold Venaren found himself in a unique situation. Since Ovolh were rare in these farther north keeps Venaren ended up being responsible for running an entire cook house and makeshift tavern alone with cooking, bartending, and entertainment for large numbers of Markht, Aanth, and the occasional Ranth taking a brief stay in the keep to recuperate after a particularly violent or challenging assignment or to receive orders from the keep's Xaster in person all falling on him. While working in this keep the Elatrii would teach Venaren a variety of order sorcery spells so he could better help the great calling and most useful to him they would teach him the lightness sorcery spell healing grace. This spell would come in very useful as he often made use of it to heal those in the keep who had been injured by battle or particularly ruthless training. Venaren embraced his role as a pseudo-medic at the keep learning even some mundane medical skills such as how to stabilize broken bones and care for the sick seeing it as simply an extension of his role as an Ovolh helping to ensure the keep's warriors were well cared for, in good spirits, and able to fight come the next day. During his time in the keep Venaren met a fellow Ma'ella, Lirlak Gekoth. A Ranth who had ended up serving under the orders of the local Xaster, checking up on the many from the hold who had been sent throughout Ellador and Corontium and hunting those who had abandoned the Xaster and College's orders. Due to the often violent nature of these missions Lirlak was often called back to Drowda to report on their outcomes and recover. This caused Lirlak and Venaren to meet many times at the cookhouse with Venaren often being tasked with healing and making a room for Lirlak during his time at the keep. Throughout many conversations and meetings the two would become fast friends with Venaren taking great interest in stories of the world outside Drowda even incorporating them in his songs. Eventually during one of Lirlak's longer stays at the keep several decades after their meeting Lirlak and Venaren would choose to become blood brothers with Venaren adopting Lirlak's surname. The two would each others only family in the far north as a result of their isolation from their native lands in mid-Drowda becoming indistinguishable from actual siblings in all but appearance. In 308 A.C., much to the joy of Venaren, Lirlak was given a far more prolonged and less straightforward mission in the city of Regalia by the Xaster. As a result of the nature of this mission and mild pestering by Venaren Lirlak ended up choosing Venaren as a member of his retinue to bring to Regalia and though the locals were mildly annoyed at the thought of losing the Ovolh and his talents they were ultimately seen off. Venaren finished the long voyage from Drowda to the capital of the Regalian Empire intent on using his talents to further the Great Calling of Drowda.
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