Preserved Sheet Velutinea Polmilla, Scholarly Cryptid

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skilled in ways beyond your feeble understanding
Mar 30, 2019
Reaction score
6969 Cool St. Weedsport, NY
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Velutinea Polmilla
  • Age: 36
  • Gender: Moths
  • Race: El-Maraya
  • Sexuality: Moths
  • Preferred Weapon: Moths
Skill Information
Total Points: 41 + 10 Hobby + 10 Talent
  • Core Points
    • Sorcery Points - 12pts
    • Arcanology - 6pts
    • Medical Science - 10pts
    • Linguistics Science - 3pts
  • Talent Points
    • Vocal Singing - 5pts
    • Stealth Training - 10pts (Talent)
  • Hobby Points
    • Drawing Art - 5pts
    • Writing Art - 10pts (Hobby)
Body Shape
  • Physical Stat: 0
  • Bodyshape: Slim
  • Bodyfat: Average

  • Shalota - Parentage
  • Common - Free
  • Daendroque - Learned via Linguistics
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • Werebeast Infection
    • Wisdom of the Raprann
      • Long Aging
      • Long Draining
      • Raprann Strength
    • Sharpsight of the Hawk
      • Glass Gaze
    • Poise of the Heron
      • Compassionate Magi
    • Grace of the Moth
      • Dustful Damage
      • Moth to Flame
  • Sorcery
    • Abilities
      • Elemental Orb
      • Elemental Slide
      • Healing Grace
      • Bathe in Light
    • Aesthetics
      • Elemental Influence
      • Primal Design
      • Light's Sustenance
      • Orb in Darkness
  • Arcanology
    • Ward Knowledge
    • Essence Knowledge
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Dark Pastel Yellow
  • Hair Color: Pastel Purple
  • Hair Style: Grown out to the shoulders, neatly trimmed on all sides.
  • Skin Color: Pastel Green
  • Clothing: Comfortwear typically, anything that allows them to keep warm.
  • Height: 5'8
Werebeast Shifts
  • Halfbeast
    • Several patches of feathers litter their forearms and hands. Additionally, their nose curves downward into a slight beak shape.
  • Beastmode
    • Their horns take the shape of fuzzy antennae, with mothlike wings folding over themselves to form a makeshift hooded cloak. Hands and body hidden within are coated in feathers, the beak of a corvid peeking outward accompanied by two burning silver and blue eyes.
Option Two: The Core List
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Chaotic Neutral - Velutinea believes in their personal freedom first and foremost, never staying in one place for long. While some may call them impulsive, they see themselves as more of a free spirit.
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • ISFP-A / ISFP-T The Adventurer - Velutinea is a scholar by profession, their passion for discovering all there is in life providing ample opportunities to learn. They have plenty of time to see all there is to see, and the Maraya intends to take in everything they can.
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Tohn Sona 2/10 - Velutinea doesn't know much of their own Maraya heritage, but passing tidbits of the Great Purpose is a vague interest of theirs. Perhaps if they look further into it they will become attached.
Life Story
Hatched somewhere within Basqlierra, Velutinea Polmilla's first memories were that of lines upon lines of dusty bookshelves. Adopted by a local scholar, the young El Marya quickly found themselves immersed in both reading and writing. Storybooks moved onto textbooks, and it was not long before the El-Maraya grew from a hatchling to a young adult of sorts.

Prolonged time spent within a library will do many things. An introverted nature for one, but most importantly a desire to see the world. Velutinea had learned plenty from reading but had never had an opportunity to get out and do some proper field research. It is because of this that they would one day depart from the library they once called home, and go out to see the world for themselves.

Things never do take the brightest turns at the beginning of a journey, and of course, that is the same here as well. An attack from something, they were never exactly sure what it was, but the hazy feeling and next few days of nausea and illness were certainly nothing pleasant. After the low came the high, however, and what a high it was. Strange new abilities, everything they would need to stay out in the field for as long as they could ever want. The newly indoctrinated Raprann set off with a newfound hunger, both for knowledge and, less pleasant things.

It was on these travels that eventually Valutinea would find themselves in Regalia. Attracted by hearsay of strange events and individuals, the self-proclaimed scholar could not contain their curiosity for much longer. Unaware of what may occur in the upcoming future, they intend to see all the sights they can.
Here is my review:
  • Overall, nothing wrong. I would suggest fleshing out the life story a bit; it's a little bare for someone who has been alive for three decades. Any major events, ways to spend time, why did they go to Regalia?
Anyways, since that is optional, I'll mark this as approved.