Preserved Sheet Vellaran

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Oct 13, 2021
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Vellaran
    • Nicknames: Vella
  • Race: Bralona
    • Bralla
  • Age: [REDACTED]
  • Gender: None (It/They), takes a female form.
  • Eye Color: Slightly glowing pink
Core Concept
  • A researcher of all types of things, Vella wants to get information on everything that they can by experiencing the many wonders of Regalia. They don't have a concept of ethics yet, doing terrible things for the sake of research.
  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 3
    • Crafting: 2
      • Metal
      • Wood
    • Training: 1
      • Ironheart
  • Wisdom: 7
    • Technician: 6 [Chemtech]
      • Mechwalker Pack
      • Stimboost Pack [Steroid, Endurance and Speed Stim]
      • Dampener Pack [Magic Dampener]
      • Recall Pack [Redstone Radio]
      • Mending Pack [Healing Hands]
      • Protech Pack [Knight Summon]
    • Scholarly: 1
      • Mineral
  • Dexterity: 2
    • Roguery: 2
      • Escapist Pack [Escape Artist]
      • Parkour Pack
  • Magic: 0
    • Vella prefers science over magic.
  • Charisma: 2
    • Empire Linguist
    • Leadership Pack [Battle Command]
  • No additional Abilities
  • Common patent, Mindslave patent, Medical patent, Hacking patent, Appliance patent, Servo-golem patent, Addiotic patent, Biotic patent, Chassis patent, Berserk patent, Lifegiver patent, Momentum patent.

Common 10/10 (Free)
Dragon Speech 10/10 (Bralona)
Empire Linguist 4/10 (Point Buy)​

Appearance Information
  • No mutations, though Vella often has horns on the top of their head facing backwards made from their shapeshifting.
  • Light pink slime that gets darker in the hair, Vella is usually 5'11'' but quite thin, with glowing darker pink eyes. They take the form of an Ailor, and are slightly translucent. They are hardly ever seen without a smile on their face.
  • Shapeshifting forms: Whatever they feel like.
Life Story
  • Vella was made by the Rose Pink Dragons like all the other Bralona. They joined a community of other Bralla where they stayed for while.
  • Vella grew up learning whatever they could about the world, quickly picking up Alchemy and doing tests with the environment around them, as well as practicing engineering. They were a researcher and did not do much combat.
  • Vella continued like this before their community was attacked by a group of Bronn, who sealed them in a box and trapped them underwater for four hundred and eighty years, before escaping by slowly destroying the box from the inside. They lost contact with the group they had stayed with after escaping from the Bronn, before learning of the Bralla-Bronn high command.
  • They joined the high command with other Bralona, heading to Regalia for new test subjects and new experience and knowledge.
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Diamond for Subroutine: Joyeuse.
Two sets of Alexeios's internal organs. (Preserved)
Wilvamair's lower left arm. (Preserved)
Wilvamair's eye (Preserved)
Solomon's eye (Preserved)
Voss's eye (Preserved)
Vartan's eye (Preserved)
Various alchemical equipment, including:
Medical supplies
Vella's Ogrebait Solution
Paralysis poisons
Chemtech Chassis, including arm. Arm detects pressure from the alchemical circulatory system to control Vella's other inventions.
Bonesung dagger with a handle of a femur, and voidal runes. Twisted and fashioned into a spiral shape, it is enchanted with fire.
Set of manacles.
Intense claustrophobia.
Fear of dying.
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Personality type - INTP - Logician
Rukza "Scrap-Heap" 10%
"You think you scare me?"
Alexeios "Corpse" 15%
Atolla "Friend" 78%
"Yes.. I would like that."
Pellica "Betrayer" 30%
"You are no longer one of us."
Morrigan "Betrayer" 40%
"These are.. Sufficient."
Lisette "Subject Two" 40%
"Interesting behavior.."
Hurin "Subject One" 64%
"Go do it, then."
Fallun "Co-Worker" 64%
"I took it to prevent rust."
Isobel Lykke "Friend" 70%
"It is more efficient."
People who do not resist experiments.
Rudeness (When done by others)
Logical - Vella tries to think through any situation before acting.
Determined - Vella will, when it sets it's mind on a task, work towards completing the task at any cost.
Hot-Tempered - Vella is prone to fits of rage when especially annoyed.
Proud - Vella takes too much pride in it's accomplishments.
Immoral - Vella does not have a strong sense of morality.
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Breaking Magic Pack
Weapon Summon - Joyeuse modifier
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@WingedJade big old update. Vella's no longer combatant and all the points have been reshuffled as a result of taking Technician.