Preserved Sheet Vee ♢ The Bereaved Bluebird

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resident astral asshole
Sep 27, 2014
Reaction score
wherever the wind takes me
i have no allegiances

E l l a' t ë
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d ' a l l ' e a
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вaѕιc ιnғorмaтιon ♢ (reqυιred)

Full Name: Val'ena'eijja L'ajjo'sel'la Mel'llase Sella'jona'lle
♢ She goes by many aliases, including Vara, Vee, Hana, Aoi, Reika, and occasionally Bluebird.
Age: Ninety-eight, born on the fourth of August.
Gender: Female ().
Race: Altalar.
Main Ambition: Beauty + Immortality.
♢ Common Elven - 10/10
♢ Imperial Elven - 3/10
♢ Ancient Seraph 5/10
♢ Tatsugo - 6/10
♢ Common - 8/10

Special Permission: Void Silven + Magic.

ѕĸιll ιnғorмaтιon ♢ (opтιonal)

School: Soul Magic + Celestial Magic, with her learnt spells being:
♢ Barrier Light - Kaitis
♢ Link Shatter - Mahvet
♢ Soul Bridge - Ruhzona
♢ Soul Harvest - Haratek
♢ Soul Cleanse - Tezmilek
♢ Ellon Form - Hayvann
♢ Ellon Projection - Isilik
♢ Ellon Communion - Cemaata

Note: Vee's Ellon Form is a Mountain Bluebird.
Level: Mentor.
Source: Various tutors within the Yang-Tzu Isles.

vιѕυal ιnғorмaтιon ♢ (reqυιred)

Eye Colour: Gold (right eye), cloudy grey (left eye).
Hair Colour: Black.
Hair Style: Up in an elaborate bun.
Skin Colour: Incredibly pale.
Clothing: Long flowing robes in both Ch'ien-Ji and Altalar fashion.
Height: 6'1
Body Build: Skinny
Weapon of Choice: Magic + Alchemical concoctions.


perѕonalιтy and aвιlιтιeѕ ♢ (reqυιred)

Outward Perception | Bittersweet Maiden - While appearing fairly mild-mannered and kind around strangers, Vee is generally viewed as a bitter pessimist. Even as her name and persona changes, her despondent attitude rarely changes. Despite having plenty of stories to share, Vee isn't particularly outgoing or overly eccentric, preferring to remain calm and collected in her conversations, allowing others to take the spotlight if need be. Vee tends to avoid the spotlight in any given social situation, and can even be perceived as introverted to some who haven't had the opportunity to speak to her one-on-one.

Personal Perception | Lust for Beauty - Vee's self image is almost entirely festering self-hatred for her appearance, dressing herself in elaborate cloth and covering her face with a mask in order to hide her scars from the world. She constantly longs for a time where she was once beautiful, where she "had it all". Vee masquerades as a number of different characters, under all different names in order to run away from her own identity, something that has flickered so much throughout the years that it is nothing but a fog at this point. She would do anything to return to her life from when she was a naive thirty-something year old, even if she was self-absorbed and ignorant.

Trusted Perception | Nothing but a Ghost - Due to her uncertainty when it comes to her self-image and purpose in life, Vee keeps all of her relationships skin-deep, refusing to let anyone see underneath her mask, both literally and metaphorically. It has been years since the Nelfin woman has shared her real name, and real face with someone, and she intends to keep it that way until she eventually dies. However, this does not mean she isolates herself, but rather uses people for affection until she eventually drops them. She can be rather kind to lovers, and friends, but it is under incredibly unique circumstances that she will even consider opening up to them, especially if they are not directly benefitting her.

Moral Perception | Immoral Idealist - Due to the length of time she's been alive, Vee has dropped almost any moral restrictions that she had in her past in order to stay alive. She is often very self-serving, and only does things that will benefit her in some way, shape or form. Despite being outwardly kind, her loyalty can easily be bought and sold to the highest bidder as long as she is benefitting from the situation. While involved in criminal activity, however, Vee's main motive is self-preservation, and will opt out of situations that might further endanger her.


Arcane Aptitude - Being skilled in the schoolings of both Soul Magic and Celestial Magic, Vee has honed her skills and knowledge of the arcane over the span of more than fifty years. She is able to use her magic both offensively and defensively, being used mainly as a failsafe in case her life is threatened. She currently knows eight spells, being at Mentor level, and intends to continue her magic use until her inevitable death, hoping to reach Archmage by that time.

Survival Instinct - Ever since moving to the Yang-Tzu, Vee has had a knack for self-preservation, being almost unnecessarily cautious and skeptical in new surroundings in order to ensure her own safety. While she won't go out of her way to avoid dangerous situations, she is always alert and on guard.


One-eyed - Due to the loss of vision in her left eye, Vee has trouble with depth perception, and as such, is prone to dropping or completely missing objects. She also has limited peripheral vision, trouble seeing in dim lighting, and occasional cloudiness in her good eye. While she's gotten used to her condition over the years, and her right eye has adapted, it still remains a notable restriction in her day to day life.


lιғe ѕтory ♢ (reqυιred)

(0 - 2) Vee was born on the fourth of August, 207 AC to an Arken father and an Altalar mother, who was unfaithful to her husband of the time.
(2 - 5) Grew up in a very wealthy Altalar household, receiving preferential treatment as a golden-eyed child, being spoiled rotten with presents.
(5 - 15) Began picking up a basic education, which included the harp in order to appear more ladylike in her grooming as an aristocrat.
(15 - 20) Vee's hand in marriage was given to a wealthy Altalar nobleman, 20 years her elder, of which she married at the age of nineteen.
(20 - 25) Her marriage remained rather loveless, though Vee didn't mind all too much as she was treated well and given an allowance to spend. She had her first child, a daughter, at the age of twenty-five.
(25 - 30) Her second child and first son was born at the age of twenty-seven, of which her husband was overjoyed about, despite Vee's preference for her daughter. The Altalar woman soon grew tired of motherhood, and left most of the parenting to wet nurses and tutors.
(30- 40) Vee's interest in alchemy was piqued around the age of thirty-one. It was merely a mild interest at first, but it eventually grew into an obsession. She contacted a famed alchemist from the Yang-Tzu, paying for his trip to Ríë in order to tutor her.
(40 - 50) In attempting to replicate one of her tutor's most intricate conoctions, Vee accidentally caused a small explosion which resulted in the burning of the left half of her face, her neck, and her left hand. Her left eye went blind soon after. In fear of what her husband and children would think of her, Vee simply donned a mask and fled. First to Anglia, wherein she met an eccentric warlock who taught her about the ways of Soul Magic, learning both Ellon Form and Ellon Projection before moving to the Yang-Tzu isles.
(50 - 70) Forced to perform odd jobs in order to pay rent in a small apartment within the Yang-Tzu, Vee soon grew accustomed to a poorer lifestyle, spending what money she could on tomes on any sort of magic she could find, which just so happened to be Soul Magic and Light Magic. Around the time that she began honing her skills in the arcane arts were the time when she began to become more familiar with the criminal underbelly of the Ch'ien-Ji people.
(70 - 80) Having worked for, and against multiple gangs within the Yang-Tzu, Vee had accumulated for herself a fair amount of wealth, of which she spend on a trip back to her homeland: Daendroc.
(80 - 98) Spent some time working within Hallonq with the infamous gangs until hearing about the recent migration of ravens to the Holy City of Regalia, which piqued the Nelfin's interest. The bluebird followed suit, arriving in Regalia in the autumn of 305 AC.
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relaтιonѕнιpѕ ♢ (opтιonal)

Azu'ell'ena Sella'jona'lle: ( )
♦ Sallva'edo'renon Sella'jona'lle: (
♦ Obero'elo Sella'jona'lle: (

♦ Saud Nazari: ( ♥ )
♦ Shiori Draylas: ( )
♦ Asterion Felmirr: (
♦ Ichabod Ar'threa: (

edιт log ♢ (opтιonal)
♦ 9/12/17: Changed Blinding Flash to Link Shatter.
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  • To be set at Mentor you need eight spells, you currently only have seven which results in you being a High-Mage. Either add another spell or change the rank.
  • Add one more sentence to the third paragraph.
  • It states Mentor again in the arcane aptitude talent, which should be High-Mage unless you add another spell.
  • Add one more sentence to the survival-instinct talent.

Make the above edits in a different colour and tag me afterwards!
@Lore Staff going ahead and rejecting this app because this character won't be played anymore, and I'd like to use my Trustee permission on an upcoming character. Thanks!