Preserved Sheet ~= Vedette The Archer's Paradox =~

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Sigrid Sterke-enn
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score



"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough."

Full Name: Zanna'ssi Sagni
» Shifted Name: Vedette Fleur Beaulieu
» Nick Names: N/A
» Shifted Second Name: Kia T'efit-Ts'ehāyi Basara
» Nick Names: N/A

Age: 50
» Birthday: April 20th, 258 A.C.

Gender: Female.

Race: Slizzar.
» Ilussioned Cultures: Ithanian Ailor. Kaleir.

Sexuality: What ever is convenient.
» Status: Single.

Preferred Weapon: LongBow.



"It is better to be loved for what you not than to be hated for what you are."


Proficiency points: 50 + 5 + 10
» +20 Heavy Bow
» +20 Burgling Rogue
» +6 Stealth Rogue
» +5 Athletics
» +5 Musical Arts
» +5 Visual Arts
» +4 Bodycare

BodyStat: 30
» Physical Stat: 20 + 0.5 x 20 = 23
» Body build: Athletic
» Body fat: Low body fat

» Common - 10/10 Learned to exist properly
» Zasta - 6/10 Mother tongue. Rarely used
» Ithanian - 10/10 Learned from living within their culture
» K'alatibiri - 10/10


"The snake will always bite back"

⋟Face Claim:


⋟ Eye Color: Pastel Blue

⋟ Hair Color: Honey Blonde

⋟ Hair Style: Lightly curled into a low updo

⋟ Skin Tone: Milky white

⋟ Clothing: Anything pastel or dark pastel with floral patterns

⋟ Height: 5'2
⋟ Eye Color: Amber Orange

⋟ Hair Color: Black

⋟ Hair Style: Shaved/braided sides with a braided wolfs tail.

⋟ Skin Tone: Dark brown

⋟ Clothing: Anything Practical she can get her hands on.

⋟ Height: 5'8



"A good archer is known not by her arrows but by her aim."


Option two:

» Chaotic Neutral

Personality Type:
» Architect

» Unionist 2/10 - Raised within the religion the woman doesn't care for it but knows how to get away with it.


"Good. Illegal is always faster."


⋟ Younger years
- Zanna was born to two not so well off Slizzar family in Ithania disguised as measly bread makers. Not being able to be born in her family's home land as they could not afford to travel back without most likely not making it. Her home being almost never warm as they could not usually afford fire and food.​
- One day at the market with her mother she saw apples and quickly snatched one without anyone noticing.. This bringing on her love for stealing and providing for herself when her family couldn't.
- Finding a bow in storage she took to it rather quickly, enhancing her skills and continuing to help herself by hunting in the woods for small rabbits.

⋟ Teen years
- Her skills in archery had slowly become rather good, entering a highly known competition she won first place and was given some prize money.. But also was told she'd be working for a certain rich family. Or more so join a small school that would take her from her family.
- After a few years she had become an expert with the bow and how it worked inside and out. Being sent on her first outing she had to kill a farmer who hadn't been paying the house properly.. She didn't want to to do it so she told the farmer what was going to happen to give him a chance to escape. Of course the family she now worked for found out rather quickly, punishing her for such an act..
- Years later she had been turned into the proper killing machine, doing as she was told and when to do it.

⋟ Young adult
- After being properly trained to kill the family soon thought training her to be a proper lady was needed, putting her above the rest of the family's snipers and guards. She was trained how to handle the rich and the idiotic. Putting on a fake smile and a charming laugh to add to her girlish charm.
⋟ Adult
- After many years with the family one night she awoke to a startling noise, hearing the guards rushing around she collected herself and her bow. Adventuring out the woman kept in the shadows and went straight for the Leaders room.. She found them dead as well as finding most of the guards dead soon after along with her group of snipers. Escaping wasn't an easy task which she ended up being taken by the people attacking.
- Her illusion of a small ithanian woman came in handy when it came to the attackers, taking pity on the small girl they simply kept her just in case..Making her perform for them.

- After a few years of being a mere entertainer to the thugs who attacked her 'happy home' she finally had a chance to escape from a love struck man letting her go.
- After escaping the small Slizzar who had barely remembered her own culture needed to change into something unrecognizable.. Turning into a Kaleir and finding little money in music and drawing..
- Eventually the woman collected enough money. Sending herself to Regalia in hopes of.. Something.


"The criminal is the creative artist; the detective only the critic."

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Hello there, @ArtisticPlanet. I'm here to give you a good old peer review!

BodyStat: 30
» Physical Stat: 20 + 0.5 x 20 = 30

Your calculation's a little off here. You will only gain Physical Stat from your Heavy Bow Combat Skill, as well as your Athletics Training halved, which will total to 23.

» None

You might want to expand upon why your character doesn't follow a religion. Just a sentence or two justifying it will go a long way.

Hope this helps, friend!