Preserved Sheet Vaulkharan Iz'niel

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Suicidal Drowdar
Jul 31, 2018
Reaction score
South Florida

Basic Information
  • Full Name: Vaulkharan Iz'niel
  • Age: 65
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Drowdar
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual

Skill Information

Proficiency Points (50/50):

  • +50 Khoptar (+10 Drowdar, +10 School of Esa-Ajo, +30 from Points)
  • +20 Acrobatics (+20 from Points)
  • +10 Aberration Knowledge (+10 Drowdar)
  • +10 Void/Exist Knowledge (+10 School of Esa-Ajo)
  • +10 Tracking (+10 School of Esa-Ajo)
Culture Points (60/60):

  • +20 Literature (+20 from Points)
  • +20 Bodycare (+20 from Points)
  • +20 Instrumental Music (+20 from Points)

  • Drow Elven (Native)
  • Common (Fluent)
  • Modern Elven (Fluent)
  • Isldarin Elven (Fluent)

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Green
  • Hair Color: Milky White
  • Hair Style: Shoulder Length, braided tight against his head.
  • Skin Color: Dark gray, bordering purple.
  • Clothing: Efficient
  • Height: 5'10
  • Body Build: Ripped

Personality and Abilities

Perceived by Others:

Vaulkharan wore an expression that only could be described as cold and predatory. His eyes scanned each individual before him with a calculated show of paranoia, seeking signs of voidal or aberration based influence. His form is certainly described as rigged, showing a discipline likely ingrained in him from decades of battle and military service. His clothing and armor speak of practiced skill. The drow's eyes were sunken into his head, wrinkles decorating the edges in the style of crow's feet. Those who could not see the practiced and maintained grace of an age old warrior through his gear, gait, or features, would likely tell from the scars trailing down his arms, neck, and legs. Those who viewed him would make note of how well maintained he and his gear were, his hair braided. Beautiful and intricate tattoos swirl up his neck and cheeks, depicting well worked lines and design. The Drowdar certainly held a respect for the arts, likely literature as well based on a small book that hangs from his side!

Internally to Self:

The Drowdar felt a certain culture shock being new to Regalia, though unlike other, younger members of his species, he was sickened rather than enticed. With the sickness that plagued the lands of Regalia; demons, vampires, voidal mages, Vaulkharan felt a pull towards his duty to eradicate the cancers taking place and growing within the Regalian Empire. He held himself in high regard, considering himself one of the greatest warriors to come out of Drowvda having lived into his sixth decade without falling to the sickness that assaulted his world. Unlike some who looked upon the creatures he hated, Vaulkharan did not fall into a fit of uncontrolled rage, he rather fell into a state of controlled hate, channeling his efforts into the work that must be done. He had a certain love for his upbringing, specifically his Khoptar, that could not be ignored. It was well maintained, personalized even. Vaulkharan respected his dangerous and efficient upbringing, as it made him the killer he was today.

Friends & Family:

Vaulkharan had no family. His parents fell in the battle against the monsters who assailed their world decades in the past. He had met a woman to sire children, though he never followed up with them or the woman, considering it a weakness. Bonds beyond that of brotherhood weaken one's resolve. Those who Vaulkharan would come to respect as a comrade in arms he'd seek to initiate a blood pact to adopt them into his ilk as a blood-brother. His brothers in arms would be held to the highest regard, the elder Drowdar willing to put his life on the line and even die in the field to keep alive. While he did not consider the general populace anything beyond that, he would die for them as well, to protect their world. Those closest to him would recognize his respect offered them and his willingness to fight for them, hopefully strengthening the ties he sought to develop with them until his eventual demise.


Death is the greatest honor a warrior of his status could receive. Decades of battle against the corrupt and evil have left a dark stain on his mind. He hated those who would corrupt themselves with the void, pacts with Aberrations, and anything between. The Drowdar strove to carry himself with honor and integrity outside of battle, though when struggle came, honor perished, just as his foes did. Vaulkharan followed the laws of the land he took residence in, seeking to work beside the law rather than against it. He is honor bound to follow any promises he makes, no matter the consequences. Vaul enjoyed a drink from time to time, as well as pastries, though he did not partake too heavily in debauchery or other hedonistic actions, believing these such things to be a waste of time and effort.


Life Story

Childhood and Youth:

There was no celebration or joy upon the birth of Vaulkharan. There were no ill omens, the boy simply represented the hard, cold life of what it meant to be Drowdar. Birthed for the purpose to train, fight, and die for the nation of Drowvda against the accursed creatures which tainted and assaulted his northern home. By the age of five he was being tutored in how to slay the aberration scourge who his people held at bay. Vaulkharan's mother, a powerful warrior herself, brought the Drowdar up with a more dextrous style of combat, along with his usual training by his father, the young Vaulkhar quickly came into his own as a soldier unto his people.

Early-Mid Life:

By the age of ten, the young boy that was Vaulkharan was thrust into the school of Esa-Ajo due to his innate proficiencies with the Khoptar as well as the in depth and rather brutal training his parents put him through up until that point. Within the school, he was heavily influenced even further to hate Aberrations, but he also grew to hate anything of the Void from the staunch anti-void sentiment ingrained into the curriculum of Esa-Ajo. As his skills grew alongside him, Vaulkharan set himself apart from the typical trainee, showing skill on the battlefield near unparalleled in single combat, though beyond that he showed a willingness to sacrifice himself for the betterment of others. The young Drowdar within his teens, during his introduction to the real warfront, often threw himself at insurmountable odds for his fellow students and warriors, to walk away nearly unscathed. During his training, he managed to collect dozens of scars along the entirety of his body, decorating him with tales of experience, woe, and bloodshed.

Vaulkharan's escapades during his training caught the attention of an outsider to Drowdar, a veteran soldier of the north, an Isldar instructor. While they were not common place among the north, they were not impossible to sight. Having served seven decades against the corrupt threats of the north, this particular Isldar was tasked with training troublemakers and prodigies alike, as both groups tended to have a certain mindset that this particular individual found enjoyment working around. The Isldar took Vaulkharan under his wing, training his body further in acrobatic and dextrous maneuvers, Khoptar combat, but also strangely enough in other, more cultural practices. Through this Isldar, Vaulkharan managed to learn Isldarin elven, about foreign literatures, and even the basics of certain instruments. As his instruction under his mentor came to an end, Vaulkharan was brought to the battlefield by the man who became somewhat of a father figure to him.

Mid-Late Life:

Death and bloodshed; the north was and still is a surplus of both. Vaulkharan, now in his early thirties, practically lived upon the warfront. He and his Isldarin instructor rarely spent time away from the front, tours spanning weeks to months without end were constantly taken by the duo and any other who followed them. Where once they were unnamed soldiers, they soon grew infamous to the denizens of the North, friend or foe, alike. Where these two walked, death was sure to follow, as they refused anywhere but the fiercest, most life threatening of battles. However, one could only live such a life for so long before disaster struck. Vaul's Isldarin companion grew old, as Vaulkharan grew stronger and while the Drowdar fought with vigor, his ally was soon unable to keep up. Struck down by a particularly nasty Giant Drow Spider, the Isldarin was lost to the Drowdar soldier. Rage took hold of Vaulkharan and in an impressive display, he managed to beat back the beast and slay the beast before leaving the battlefield, his form broken and battered.

Decades past and still Vaulkharan lived, a legend amongst the warfront. He soon began to lose his passion for the battle, considering himself beyond the threat of what the North offered. Before he could set out for yet another tour upon the battlefield, a call for aid was sent to his kin from the soldiers of Fendein-Vo, specifically the Regalian Chapter of Rahgot. A few brief days passed before the veteran soldier was on a boat heading south, beginning the journey to what will hopefully be, his final tour of duty against the corrupted scourge. . .

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Claimed for aspirant review.
Life Story:
Other than Drow and the prisoners/volunteers that get sent to Drowda, there are no others. As such, there would be no vampires. Adjust this part of the Life Story to one of the various tainted beasts killing your character's mentor.​

Make this edit in a different colour and tag me once done!

Yes, hello! Sorry to bother you, but I made some edits to my application. When the process was explained to me, I was told there was a point value of maximum of 40 rather than 50, but my character was designed to be a massive of the Khoptar after years of battlefield experience and training, so I bumped it up to a +50, and lowered the Acrobatics to a +10 to compensate.

The edits are in orange!

Sorry to be a nuisance, still trying to figure out how everything works, thanks for your time. I dunno if I have to make any other sort of notification, so if I do please let me know so I don't make any mistakes in the future.


I did quick maths and realized I'm an idiot and didn't even use my total point value from the beginning. So I upped my Acrobatics to +20 and left Khoptar at +50.
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