Vase's Art Corner


Shadow of Hisoka
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
Hi there. I've been kind of slacking off too much with drawing(no inspiration, not in the mood, etc.), so I'm making this to give myself a little boost. c:

Anyways, here's the first thingy I did to break the ice. No need to say I had lots of fun making it. :3

Chibi N'omiel
Wasn't sure if someone had made this, but I did it anyway. xD
This is adorable, thank you XD
I have been a horrible human being, lazying around and doing worthless stuff. :3

So, have the sketches I'm working on for some cool chars. I'm too lazy to read the lore again to get into the new race names, so Human, Cat People, Strong Insect Thingy and Orc.

GregoryChar.jpg TigranChar.jpg ScorpionChar.jpg FemOrcChar.jpg
Where can one put in an order for such cute things?
Thanks for all the comments and ratings. They actually mean a lot to me. ^-^
Where can one put in an order for such cute things?
For now, nowhere. Mainly because I'm a non trustworthy person, who can dissapear without warnings and reply 3 days later, but I also want to improve my skills a bit more, so I can have a better and faster workflow. c:

Anyways, have my kitty.