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Played Character Variaan

This character is actively played.


Life's a bitch and then you die, enjoy it.
Jul 22, 2018
Reaction score




    • CHOSEN NAME | Variaan​
  • | The Apprentice (Teghem's)
  • | Frosty (Ebonlake's nickname for him) [Outdated]
  • | Var (Ebonlake's new nickname for him)
  • | Vari (Used by most people)
  • | Cepayahuitl (Used by Avril)
    • RACE | Bene Rexit Isldar
    • PARTICULARITY | Mortisphage Brood
    • PARTICULARITY | Fully Infected Mortisphage Shard Royal
    • AGE | 22
    • GENDER | Male
    • SEXUALITY | Bisexual
  • Relationship Status | Taken (Open)
    • OCCULT | Ordial Mage

  • || CORE CONCEPT ||​
      • | Overall Outlook | Variaan has a strong faith in his matron goddess Glacial, said faith has continuously been strengthened by his stay in the city and has become an integral part of his character.​
    • | IDENTITY |​
      • | Who was I? | Variaan was a young Isldar with little to no experience with the world, he however barely has any resemblance with the traditional view of Isldars, while not being overly cheery, he is definitely more lively than most of his kin and smiles without constraint, which he had always been reprimanded for.
      • | Who am I becoming ? | Variaan has a become a more stereotypical Isldar, smiling rarely and maintaining a neutral tone of voice and expression for those he meets. He is a skilled Ordial mage. Mercenary work is his bread and butter, he will almost never turn down a contract. He has been growing increasingly cold and clinical, with a tendency to overwork himself and disregard his limits.​
      • | Oddities & Mutations | His right arm is covered in black metallic dragon scales, ordial scriptures present upon it and coming from it, climbing onto his cheek. He has a visible bulky line of sharp and protruding black metallic dragon scales over his spine. Due to being a Geist Brood, his right eye is a sickly green color, with a sclera that is black.​
      • | Previous Look| Variaan looks rather young, with a certain amount of innocence to him, his musculature is visible but nothing out of the ordinary for his kin, at a first glance he seems friendly, a little naive even. He has icy white hair, green irises with blue specks, indicative of his culture with no blemishes on his skin. Originally 6'0 but was still growing both in physique and height.
      • | Clothing Style | Variaan now wears a loosely worn white shirt.​
      • | Current Look| Variaan has shed away the less mature version of himself, leaving behind a manly looking elf with a hard expression, he has a scar across his face reminiscent of a spar. His beard is patchy and rough but visible, icy white like the rest of his hair, his right eye's sclera is completely black.​
      • Done by Miiyrth, chalkxprince and MasqueOfMelody



| Points Left | 0 | Combat Style : Holy Lancer {7 Attack (Magic) /5 Def (Faith)}

    • | 7 Strength. |
  • » 6 Bruiser: Agony, Rampage, Flurry, Tackle, Parry, Feint
  • » 1 Melee: Weapon Throw (free), Diving Tackle
  • » Steady Body Pack (Isldar Freeform Freepack)
    • | 2 Constitution. |
  • » 1 Mounted: Mounted Lancer, Calvary Summon (Free)
  • » 1 Training: Breather
    • | 0 Intelligence. |
    • | 0 Wisdom. |
    • | 0 Dexterity. |
  • » Disguise Pack (Isldar Freepack)
    • | 0 Faith. |
    • | 5 Magic. |
  • » 5 Magic : Magic Bolster, Magic Snare, Magic Warp, Magic Summon, Magic Resist
  • | Native Language | Sulvaley
  • | Learned Languages| Common
    • | Fluent | Common, Sign Language
    • | Proficient | N/A
    • | Understands | Altalar, Ibeth

      • | Alignment | Ordial.​
      • | Occult | Shard Royal Mortisphage & Mage​
      • | Mechanics |
        • Bene Rexit Isldar Mechanics
      • Isldar are immune to harm from frost or cold sources (unless they are Magical), and do not suffer decreased visibility or choking hazard in a blizzard/snow-storm.
      • Isldar can see things from incredibly far away if they focus, able to spot an eagle landing a kilometer away or a coin being flipped across a town. Ask DM for Event use.
      • Death Isldar can perform the Death Song on a recently deceased person of any heritage or culture, forcibly turning them into an Undead (with OOC Consent).
      • Death Isldar can steal non-Player Spirits from other Characters, and force them to be servants. They can only be taken back if the Death Isldar is KO'd.
        • Shard Royal Mortiphage Mechanics
      • Shard Royal Mortisphages have cursed weapons with Shades in them. Any weapon they use for a period of time starts mutating with Ordial essence. Should anyone but them wield it, they become Shard Royal Mortisphages also. Additionally, they can summon and un-summon these weapons at will. Finally, they gain +2 Attack Stat (Breaking cap to 11) while attacking other Characters wielding Ranged Weapons.
      • Shard Royal Mortisphages if imprisoned, locked up, or chained down, can simply slip out of these chains or through blocked doors that contain them, and break free. This does not stop guards or prison wardens from attacking them should they try to break out. Additionally, while off-screen imprisoned by the Metropolitan, they can suave their way out of prison early so long as they are not in for High Law.
      • Shard Royal Mortisphages have extremely sharp eye sight and attention to detail. During Events when interacting with puzzles, mechanical objects, or otherwise objects where perception or observation of moving or static parts is important, Shard Royal Mortisphage players may request additional input from Event DM's in Private Message that their Character might observe.


    • | Trained Priest |
  • » Variaan is a trained priest of Raaval, a follower of the Glacial March, he can ordain marriages, lead choirs, read and write scripture, knows the religion's rites and rituals. Before fighting or when approaching hardship in any form he will pray to his matron goddess, he will also never take a life, only using a ceremonial knife blessed with the Glacial March to put murderers and dangerous people to rest.
    • | Experienced Mercenary |
  • » Variaan trained as a mercenary when he first arrived in Regalia under the tutelage of Teghem, whom he respects. Since then he has experienced much of what the life had to offer, ambushes, betrayal and other unsavoury parts of the profession. His scars, although hidden under his clothes, are proof that he has survived through thick and thin.
    • | Smoker | (Inactive)
    • | Wyvern Lancer |
  • » Variaan has returned to the city accompanied by his wyvern, whom he rides with expertise and skill. Now mainly using his family's heirloom, a spear, he could be considered a lancer with considerable skill, proficient in spear techniques, combat and tactics.
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Small retcon, due to Glacial Godborns being scrubbed clean off the face of the wiki, Variaan has always been a Geist brood.
Big Retcon, Variaan never was a Necrotechnician, his armor is biological and always has been, but still is and always has been VERY ordial.