Preserved Sheet Varden Menelloth

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Sep 4, 2013
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where the elf things are
Varden Menelloth

Basic Information
Full Name: Varden Hanno Menelloth.
Age: 78 years.

Born: 2nd April, 230AC.
Gender: Male.
Race: Bakrathar Kathar.
Preferred Weapon: Two-handed Warhammer.
Skill Information
Total Points: 50 Proficiency + 10 Talent + 10 Hobby
Boosts: Metallurgy Science, Fist Combat, Hunting Art

Core Group:
20 Metallurgy Science (5 Boost, 15 Proficiency)
15 Two-handed Blunt Combat
10 Fist Combat
Talent Group:
10 Strength Training (10 Talent)
Hobby Group:
10 Leatherworking Arts (10 Hobby)
Sorcery Group:
6 Spirit Sorcery
Overwhelming Force | Self Control
Construct of Tranquility | Beastly Connection
3 Elemental Sorcery
Elemental Orb (Metal) | Elemental Influence

Body Shape:
Shape: Strongman.
Body Stat: 45.

Calculation: 20 Bakrathar Boost + 20 Metallurgy Science + 15 Two-handed Blunt Combat + 10 Fist Combat + 10 Strength Training = 75, capped at 45.
Body Fat: Average.
Native Languages:
Wyld Altalar.
Learned Languages:
Special Traits:
Kathar Common Abilities:
[Racial Spell] Dread Rebirth; cooperating with 3 other Kathar, Varden may corrupt a Nelfin or Half-Nelfin into a relevant variant of Kathar.
[Racial Spell] Dread Binding; Varden may produce a Target Curse totem that can alter the appearance and personality of a non-Nelfin to be similar to that of his own for a duration of 7 days.
[Racial Spell] Dread Tampering; Varden may imbue an accessory or piece of jewellery with a particular emotion, imparting this emotion on whoever wears it for 5 days.
[Racial Spell] Dread Linking; Varden may Curse a target to feel the same physical sensations as him, and vice versa, lasting until the Curse is exorcised or he consciously breaks it.
[Racial Spell] Dread Pact; Varden may create a pact with other Kathar with clear parameters; if this pact is broken by any party, said party will be punished by the Void Gods (Lore Staff.)
Bakrathar Kathar Abilities:
[Racial Passive] Orcish Biology; Varden has a constant +20 Body Stat boost that does not break cap, as well as immunity to ingested poisons, toxins, or venoms.
[Racial Passive] Dread Warbeast; Varden is passively immune to abilities classified as Werebeast Spells, Greater Werebeast Spells, and Magic Spells from Exist-oriented Mages, as well as immune to any kind of Affliction.
Spirit Sorcery:
[Sorcery Spell] Overwhelming Force; Each fourth attack made by Varden is magically charged, knocking back the target by 5 blocks. If Fist Combat is used, this effect instead forces the target to the ground.
[Trigger Passive] Construct of Tranquility; Varden may produce a physical talisman or totem that provides immunity to a single Target Illusion, Target Curse, or Control Power. When subject to one of these, the talisman breaks, alerting Varden to the attempted use, leaving him unprotected for 24 hours until he can craft a new talisman.
[Toggle Passive] Self Control; Varden may alter his Body Shape, Fat, Sex, and Hair once per hour.
[Constant Passive] & [Sorcery Spell] Beastly Connection; Varden has chosen a Direwolf as his familiar, granting him sharpened canine teeth and the ability to summon a fragile domestic dog-sized Direwolf familiar.
Elemental Sorcery:
[Sorcery Spell] Elemental Orb; Varden may produce a fast-moving elemental projectile. If a number higher than 8 is rolled on a /roll 20, the target is struck and knocked back by 2 blocks.
[Toggle Passive] Elemental Influence; Varden may perform a number of small tasks, aided by particular elements.

Visual Information
Eye Color: Lime green, with dark grey sclerae.
Hair Color: Jet black.
Hair Style: Shaved in lines around the sides, with a loose ponytail draped over the back.
Skin Color: Dark, ashen grey.
Clothing: Orcish-adjacent styles baring arms and chest in colours of white, yellow, and brown.
Height: 6'9", or 206cm.

Personality and Abilities
The Core List:
Moral Alignment:
Lawful Evil | Varden's grasp on order is as follows; strength leads first. This is the only true rule he respects, following the words of those who demonstrate greater power, either through physical or magical means, or taking that role for himself if the situation demands it, without complaint to the conduct of such a leader.
Personality Type:
The Virtuoso; ISTP-A | A smith and tanner, Varden's life consists largely of creation and attempts to innovate his work- at least, when he isn't wearing his work into battle. He finds most of the peace in his days between hammer-strikes, funnelling the Orken Thrift innate to his person into steel and straps. Despite this, he maintains the propensity for immense cruelty, believing his skill in metalwork, either through creating the breastplate or through caving it in, to owe him reverence and fear.
Religious Affiliation:
Religion: Katharism.
Piety: 9/10 | Varden reveres the Void Prefect of Power above all, holding the Sceptre Lord's creation of the fourteen sceptres held by the Dread warlords today to be the standard to which he should strive to bring his work during his lifetime, that he might one day rival the Prefect himself, or in the very least, acquire some great boon or artefact from it to increase his own power.

Life Story
Birth & Childhood (0-12)
Varden Menelloth is born in early April of 230AC to two Bakrathar Kathar parents, one of four children of the pairing. Owing to the standard of Bakrathar childhood, Varden learns early on the value of strength and independence and, by the age of 7, is the only one of his siblings left.

Varden proves himself as a vicious, violent child almost as soon as he is able to stand on his own two feet; growing up among the Slaughter Games of Warlord Kur'ozz the Inferno, exposure to violence and aggression desensitises him and his obsession with creating begins early, with makeshift spears of branches and knives scattered around his home.

Teenage Years & Adolescence (12-25)

Varden is practically abandoned by his parents at the age of 14; proven to be a capable fighter and viable offspring, his parents separate and leave him to fend for himself, which he does quite enthusiastically. Apprenticing under a surprisingly hospitable Bakrathar smith, he picks up metal work early on, particularly in armouring.

In the meantime, Varden picks up the warhammer, using his innate Bakrathar strength to train in its use and, in time, become a formidable armour-sundering warrior for the Slaughter Games, crushing heads in Henates Duels almost as often as he himself has his own crushed.

Early Adulthood (25-50)

Varden's adulthood begins with a war; joining another Kaahl in their conflict, he finally sees first blood, crunching his way through enemy Kathar at the side of like-minded Vaalek-following Shenathar and Bakrathar and seizing victory for his side- as fleeting as victory between Kaahls can be.

Regardless, he develops an appetite for this manner of fighting, believing his destruction of lives and particularly armour to profess a certain twisted superiority of his own products- surely a breastplate of his own would never cave in like the ones he so flagrantly destroys on the field. His blacksmithing work continues, developing aesthetically into heavy, dark armour and weapons.

Later Adulthood (50-Present Day)

Varden's life continues as such, creating exquisitely brutal suits of armour and weaponry between armed conflicts with Kathar, Avanthar, or Altalar, collecting souvenirs from his destructive travels until the advent of the Dread War. Galvanised into action alongside the rest of the Dread Empire and encouraged by the presence of the Dread Dragon Rikkira, Varden dives head first into war with the Altalar principalities, gathering gilded crests and armour from across the front to add to his collection and incorporate into his works- until the war ends, and the Dread Empire loses. Enraged and frustrated by defeat, Varden remains outside the Dread holdings with a handful of other Bakrathar and Shenathar, reaving their way through lands and slowly withering, either through disillusionment or death.

Varden himself splits off in late 309AC; seeing no more use in raiding Altalar towns, he looks east, naming the Regalian capital as his next target. After all, why shouldn't he? If they could break the terrifying Dread Empire, then there must be something truly powerful within its walls for him to lay witness to.