Preserved Sheet Vanectusrelicum

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You betcha
Oct 21, 2017
Reaction score

♫ Theme ♫

  • Vanity's core concept is that of a multidimensional character who embodies the duality of human nature. Their inherent greed and thirst for knowledge are driven by a deep-rooted desire to understand and experience the world around them fully. This desire is fueled by their ability to shapeshift by altering their own reflection, taking on the traits of others.
    At the same time, Vanity is curious and empathetic, driven to explore the depths of human emotions and uncover the truths behind every person they encounter. Their fractal thoughts reflect the complexity and unpredictability of the human psyche, and their ability to dive into the darkness of despair and emerge with a deeper understanding of themselves and others.
    Overall, Vanity's core concept is that of a multifaceted character who embodies both the light and dark aspects of human nature. Their journey is one of self-discovery, as they navigate the blurred lines between morality and power, empathy and greed, and ultimately come to understand how they can live their life fully, so that they may be regarded with worthiness.


Inulvaan (0) Description [Enchant Shift]
☙A requiem to Vanity of Many, and a remembrance of Piety's life experiences under the tutelage of Drulailmon. "Oath, purpose, responsibility, they all flourish on the battlefield."

Vanectusrelicum, whilst in this disguise/form, is covered in armor and draperies of tenants and scripture. This is the form of an Ordvaan warrior loyal to the Faith.❧

Lavei Fyror (1) Description [Encant Shift]

☙The form of the Harpy is as mysterious and elegant as it is eerie and wretched. Their physical appearance is as feathered and elongated at the neck as a typical Harpy. In this battleform, Vanity can move across the battlefield with great speed and agility, dealing devasting blows with their talons, and hovering low to the ground to get around opponents.❧

Spirit of Regrets (2) Description [Encant Shift]
☙The form of the Spirit is one of gloominess, self-reproach, and shame. Regret as they are nicknamed, is the ghost which haunts Vanity, resembling their past mistakes and sins, which they aspire to amend through penitence and living life fully. Adorned in ghastly blue fabrics and chains which signify their past shame, they are privy to creating distance against opponents in battle.❧

Oculathorax (3) Description [Enchant Shift]
Wisely said, one should raise their words, and not their voice, it is rain that grows flowers, not thunder. - Rumi

Yet the Oculathorax as a shift was unlocked when Vanity's pent up rage reached a singularity. This form is Vanity's rage personified and given form. Lashing out against targets with ugly tendrils and enraged eyes, the Oculathorax fights in the way we use hateful words.❧

Mumble (4) Description [Enchant Shift]
☙Where there is weakness, there is great strength. Mumble is a body of compassion and empathy. They take this form to assist backlines as a supportive healer of sorts, pouring their heart and considering the stature of their allies, rather than focusing on the opponent ahead. In this battleform, Vanity reflects on the situation around them, and the ones who call for their aid.❧

Rock Golem (5) Description [Enchant Shift]
☙Through Tull'ryn's teachers on earth magic, Vanectus has discovered a way to turn themselves into a rock golem, rather than conjure one.❧


➊ Common (Free)
➊ Nātl (Parent)
➊ Altalar (Parent)​


➊ Absorbant to Theurgy: Vanity is incredibly weak to curses, hexes, and demons given their absorbent and reflective nature. They are constantly in need of exorcisms due to reckless behaviors and experiments with magic.
➋ A Dark Past: Vanectus used to be a soul mage with decrepit views. Often fueling this young gnawing hunger into torturering or forcefully converting the enemies of their faith, they have more recently been on a path towards redemption. Much older, and much wiser, they are quick to appraise, and loathe to find fault in others, yet still burdened by the shame of their past.
➌ Library of Forgotten Pleasures: Having founded the Library of Forgotten Pleasures, Vanity works as the founder of the Library, working alongside Wisteria to constantly improve the establishment for both a bank of information for Floral Court, and an amenity for the local faithful in Aseia's name.
➍ Inulvaan Custodian: An Inulvaan Custodian comes with many responsibilities, including those of guidance, answering, prosecution, and aid.
➎ Shape Shifter: Vanectus takes on the shape of many different creatures and monsters, making them an interesting opponent to fight, who periodically changes entire combat styles in the span of minutes.​

➊ Aseia
"Aseia is the law that binds our mutant cores and protects us from tidal waves of ancient magic. For without Aseia, we surrender without concern or indifference to the laws of reality designed to hurt and destroy the fragile mortal mind."​

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My Review

Core List
  • Faith: Please include the scale of devoutness.
Aside from that! Looks great. Tag me when this change is made @PapidaCarrot
@Messtro I renamed the character to Piety because I thought it was cooler, that's all that has been changed!
@PapidaCarrot my review:
  • So Fendarfelle is a fairly unknown continent to begin with, but it is known that Ithanians were the first to explore it after the Cataclysm eradicated any Altalar that were there before.
  • Given they would be colonial settlements of a not as inclusive Regalian Empire, it's difficult to justify a colony of Yanar able to exist in the area, especially since they didn't do too well when the Daendroque lumber companies started to chop away at their groves, starting the Ranger Crisis.
  • Based on the life story, it almost seems like the character was fighting in Drowda with the Sihndar Banner Holds. It might be worth looking to place the character into that part of the world, especially since there is plenty of demonic creatures to fight against there, preserving the character's thematic identity.
  • Alternatively, place them in southern Daen fighting the Dread Empire colonies that existed before the rebirth of the Allorn Empire.
That's all I could find. While the story sounds neat, it just wouldn't fit well on Fendarfelle, which isn't actually a Void-torn hellscape with plenty of fighting. At best you have some mutated creatures, but it's still mostly just wilderness as far as the eye can see. the perfect area for Ithanian Colonies to set up shop along the coast, but not a Yanar Grove.

when you've rectified this issue, tag me for re-approval.
@FireFan96 Thanks for the heads up. I completely overlooked this. Thank you for giving me easy alternatives to use. I decided on Southern Daen for now, as relocating the story to Drowda might require me to do some more careful research.

I tried to keep the fight in the life story insignificant and small. Less of war, and more of a rivalry between two very small insignificant groups. I hope the way it's written now is alright.

Also, Yanar get two spells for free, but I decided to not spend all my 14 points at this time. I may reserve these for later after I play the character more.
@FireFan96 Good afternoon,

The application was overhauled again. Proficiency points, life story, and core concept. The original life story was more of a mockup to get a feel of the character, hence the drastic change.
@FireFan96 Some aspects to the character were changed, including their core concept, and several magic proficiency points. Going a different direction with Cahal infliction!
@FireFan96 Removed all mentions of colossi or old Estel faith for new Estel Faith. Didn't have to change anything in terms of writing as the character was already a perfect match for Innalis the god of Dark Suns and Whispers.

Changed 2 proficiencies:
Wisdom was updated to the new Wisdom packs
Removed Wind Magic and replaced it with heavy shielding
Taking this application for review. Expect a reply shortly.
Light Shielding no longer exists. Exchange it or scrap it and tag me when done.
@WingedJade The following changes have been made:
  • Entire life story was rewritten and overhauled.
  • Changed the character into a Cahal Brood.
  • The character is now a Cahal again, so commutables are updated.
  • Added a religion section in a spoiler.
  • Added a new theme.
@WingedJade Updated application to account for curses being allowed for greater mages now.
  • Removed all other commutable buys in favor of curses and spell packs.
  • Added altered self-description per altered self-ability rules,
  • Added a new cape to match this change in the appearance section (also to copy Allorn trivia lore)
  • Added new specials for commutable affliction curse packs.

Changes made in dark BLUE
Hello! One thing of note:
While commutable point buy allows you to gain Curses point buy as a Greater Mage, I don't believe it allows you to exceed the cap of Spell Point buy possible. Please exchange the two spell point buy packs for a different commutable pack.

Make these changes and then tag me in a reply!
Hello! One thing of note:

While commutable point buy allows you to gain Curses point buy as a Greater Mage, I don't believe it allows you to exceed the cap of Spell Point buy possible. Please exchange the two spell point buy packs for a different commutable pack.

Make these changes and then tag me in a reply!
Thanks for the clarification! Changed the two spell point buys to curses.

Also added some new character artwork of the Cahal form!
As per DM discussion, feel free to add up to 6 more curses specials (for a total of 12) if you feel the desire to. ;)
