Archived Vampirism Infection Rate And Messages

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Shadow of Hisoka
Dec 19, 2013
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Hello there.

After testing all the races, I went in my way to test vampirism. I thought the messages were really good, and explained really well the pain the person went through while becoming a vampire.

After getting to know it, I became an undead so I could build a little during the day, and built an altar of darkness to become one again, as I will need to do some darkrooming.

The thing is, the messages are the same, even though I went through the entire process before, which means I should know what is happening if I got infected again. It also goes at the same infection rate. My suggestion is:

->Add new messages to people who were already infected before, like:

"You feel the lust for blood coming back."

"The unbearable pain comes, although it doesn't feel as bad as before."

"Your fangs are back, and so is your thirst for blood."

^Something like those.

-> Make it so that the infection rate increases after being infected before, as the body has lost it's resistance to the sanguine curse.

This will affect those who RP as vampires, as well those who don't. The curse will be more feared if the person was already infected with it once, as the infection rate is higher, which means there's less time to find the cure for the cursed.

I'm not a programmer, so I don't know how hard it is to make this happen, but I think the idea itself is good .-.
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I like this but... "After becoming an Orc, Dwarf, and human all over again, you feel yourself turning back into a vampire. But, let's just not talk about the Orc and Dwarf you once were... shh! >:C"
You know? If you get cured and stay human then yeah, but if you change to an entirely different race, then back to a human it wouldn't make sense to pretend you totally didn't just become a bloody Maiar! >-<
Well, I treat changing races something out of Role Play, as I can't say my elf magically turned into an orc.

Vampires work the same way. I met some people who are vampires, but don't Role Play as one. They just use the perks. I'm one of those, and am proposing this with the intention to speed the process of becoming a vampire as well.

Also, as far as I know, only humans can become vampires, so if I went around saying I was a blood thirsty vampiric maiar, it would be funny, but not compliant to Lore .-.
I really like this idea. On a similar note, possibly having just two or three messages for each, and one is randomly picked each time? (Different pool of options once you've been infected, of course). I think that variation/randomness in outputs almost always makes a program (because that's what this is, lets face it) much more enjoyable to the user, and much more immersive; how often in real life do you hear the exact same words repeated like that?
Been paying attention in science lessons, have we?

This would make sense. Ofcourse, we can't actually receive the exact same disease most of the time, but make an exception for the Sanguine curse, shall we?

Basically, when the body has fought of a disease it will usually have enough antibodies to resist the disease or fight it off quickly if one becomes infected once more. But the Sanguine curse would probably almost.. kill the antibodies, and after curing and re-vamping oneself, the antibodies would weaken even more, I'd think. And surely the antibodies would have been used desperately the first time to fight off such a disease, maybe stopping the body from creating more antibodies to resist against the disease once more.

Or maybe I've not a clue what I'm on about. Either way, it's not a real disease, and revolves around fantasy, so I'll stop rambling on about diseases and antibodies, efojweofijo.
I love the forums. You can get the exact same subject, and have people looking at it from an entirely different angle share their opinion. So, from the exact same thing, I've talked about programming, Eledana has spoken about science, and everyone else has been talking about... like... RP and OOC and stuff.
But yeah. Different viewpoints. Different ideas. New ideas. Woo!
Nice to see more replies.

Eledana Usually, the body produces antibodies the first time it gets infected by a disease, and it will grow more resistant if it gets infected a second time by the same thing.

What I thought about is the cure for the sanguine curse.

If I'm correct, you must have some ingredients to make holy water in a Light Altar, and then be cured.
If someone infected makes use of the same medicine over and over again, the medicine won't be as effective on the body in the later uses, like what happens to people IRL when they create a resistance to medicine after using it excessively.

There's both sides.

It can probably be made like this:

-> If the player trades his race to cure vampirism, he won't be affected be the lower resistance on the curse.

-> If the player uses holy water in a Light Altar to be cured, he will start creating a resistance to it, making his body weaker to the sanguine curse.

-> (*)After many uses of holy water, it will loose it's effect completely on the cursed person, with the only way to salvation being death.

I still didn't learn much about medicine resistance in college, but as soon as I do, I'll come back with more arguments :P

*This is something completely different of my first idea, but I think it makes more sense if we are talking about resistance to medicine .-.
Eledana Usually, the body produces antibodies the first time it gets infected by a disease, and it will grow more resistant if it gets infected a second time by the same thing.

I believe it is rare to become infected by the same disease again, infact.. impossible. Though because this is a directly transmitted disease, yes, that makes sense.

I think when antibodies have fought it once, they can easily fight it again, already made and prepared and all..
Or something.
I think when antibodies have fought it once, they can easily fight it again, already made and prepared and all..
Or something.
Yep, but here's the thing.

Vampirism isn't cured if left alone. It isn't the body that creates the antibodies, but rather the holy water. If the person uses the same antidote over and over again, there will be a time when it doesn't work anymore.
I believe the Sanguine curse is magical in nature so it may affect the body differently than physical bacterial/viral illnesses.
Yes, we were just debating about if it were more of an actual disease.

Being a curse, it has the influence of magic and stuff, so I would prefer to stick to my first idea of the body loosing the resistance to it each time the person gets infected, which might be explained by the many drastic changes in the connection to the veil of the infected being.
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