Archived Vampires In Regalia....

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Jul 16, 2012
Reaction score
Viva La Republic!

So whilst I was walking in Regalia, I came across the spawn fountain. In it were about 4 vampires, casually chilling in it like it was normal. I've yet to see any action be taken to Vampires in Regalia, and I'd like to propose a system to thin them down.

I've heard something about the "Holy Knights" of Regalia, something about being defenders of the city. I'd think these knights should be able to attack vampires in Regalia, and vice versa. This way, we can get some literal wars going on in the streets. I can't pretend to know if it's possible with coding (I assume Cowboys would know :3) but something needs to be done about this, or the strict, to the point of immoral church of Regalia will be a joke.

Again, I do not know much about these supposed "Holy Knights" (they were mentioned on a sign at Spawn) but this could add a wonderful RP story to Regalia, whilst stopping vampires from hanging out in the open. Which, if no action is taken, will soon become the norm.
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I think smoking, shrieking or bloodlusting should allow vampires to be attacked, but not to attack. It's not exactly fair, but it'd certainly encourage vampires to keep a lid on all the obvious behaviour.
I would love some brawls in Regalia anyways.
Something like /brawl playername ; /brawl accept playername

About the vampires, they should definately forced in some way to not be that obvious.
This isnt Twilight, in the medieval times, vampires are supposed to be hunt and not hugged.
I walked right by Wollframm and my charecter is openly a vamp :P
Maybe these knights should check the forums fro rp. See if the person is openly vamp like Rozz is.
I walked right by Wollframm and my charecter is openly a vamp :P
Maybe these knights should check the forums fro rp. See if the person is openly vamp like Rozz is.
that is meta gaming.
but on this topic, I like the idea and agree with illo.
Well is there a place where all the Vampire can hang out expect for the small little GraveYard? Or make an Town/City for vampire then I would agree Vampire to stop coming or get killed in regalia.
Vampires can live in the undercity, which can be accsessed via the sewers in Regalia: My main complaint is Vampires walking the streets unbothered. Anyone higher up have an idea if something will be done to address this?
We should build a big fence. Put all the vampires in there, in a few years they'll die out.
I also think that they should be more hidden. I know of a few vampires myself, they don't bother me, but they should be more careful with their openness. Regalia loaths the buggers, so they shouldn't be able to walk into the freaking church unmolested.
I think we could get a nice burn effect going if they enter the church. It would make a fair amount of sense lore wise with all the Cross, holy water, and bible burning myths around them.
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