Archived Vampires Ideas

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Dec 13, 2013
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A few ideas for the Vampire plugin.

(1): A block made that weakens vampires when they're close to it.
(2): A compass that shows where vampires are.
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The primary weakness for Vampires would be Lapis Lazuli, as the same to anything with a connection to the Archdemon or any form of demonic possesion. Lapis also affects Mages, but not as greatly.
The primary weakness for Vampires would be Lapis Lazuli, as the same to anything with a connection to the Archdemon or any form of demonic possesion. Lapis also affects Mages, but not as greatly.
Lapis Lazuli doesn't hurt vampires when they go close to it, though
It could be implemented, but for RolePlay purposes it should be obeyed. I do agree to the statement of "It should harm them", though.
It could be implemented, but for RolePlay purposes it should be obeyed. I do agree to the statement of "It should harm them", though.

I just think it would be a good idea to have lapis lazuli or any other new block as a deterrent for vampires (so you could place it at bases to protect yourselves from them, etc)
Place that at the entrance of the Tavern, vampires try to get in, they burn to death. That being said, it could not be lapis as that is a crucial component in an altar of light, which is used for curing vampirism.
I also think there should be levels of the weakness block (like level 1, you're just nauseated - level 2, you're nauseated and weak, level 3 you're blind and weak - level 4 you're burning, blind, and all of the previously said)
Er...The compass idea seems unfair, especially for raids and such.
if you dont like vamps dont be one but why does everyone want to take things from them or put more to harm them...can i get a block that hurts everyone else??
Well the thing is vampirism is supposed to be a terrible dark disease in Aloria, something that no one in their right mind would want, so giving them more negative effects makes sense in a way. However, I don't particularly like either of the ideas in this suggestion. For the blocks, people would just put them everywhere in their base or home, and the compasses would really destroy any possibilities of vampires raiding or pvping. Also, how does that make much sense in rp? You have a magical compass that points to vampires instinctively?
Well the thing is vampirism is supposed to be a terrible dark disease in Aloria, something that no one in their right mind would want, so giving them more negative effects makes sense in a way. However, I don't particularly like either of the ideas in this suggestion. For the blocks, people would just put them everywhere in their base or home, and the compasses would really destroy any possibilities of vampires raiding or pvping. Also, how does that make much sense in rp? You have a magical compass that points to vampires instinctively?

Made generations ago and only recently discovered
Errr what? I don't think I understand what you're saying tyguy550
I do not see a need for any of this in the least. I mean, vampires are already jumping about the tavern and being annoyances. It's really not needed. Especially with the compass thing.. Most vampires are bloody obvious. Why would you need a compass for them, hm? Plus, it would make the Crimson Inquisition be able to like, meta-game where vampires are and are hiding. So overall this isn't needed.
I'm sorry but this is an extremely bad idea. As said above, the compass has no place in RP and would be highly abused. The lapis lazuli thing might be interesting but since vampires are already extremely vulnerable to wooden weapons, it feels forced and not actually flavorful enough. Also, vampires have a lot of weaknesses already (as it is a disease), but these weaknesses don't actually sound like they are related to the disease at all. If you want to weaken vamps because they are diseased then focus on disease aspects. If you want to weaken vamps since they are vulnerable to demonic possession, then focus on demonic weaknesses. You cant have it both ways. Quite frankly, vampires are no longer super-powered since they don't have bloodlust anymore (and night vision hardly makes them in need of more weaknesses), so they really don't need more weaknesses since they already burn in sunlight, cant eat food, and are hated by everyone.
if you dont like vamps dont be one but why does everyone want to take things from them or put more to harm them...can i get a block that hurts everyone else??

I do not see a need for any of this in the least. I mean, vampires are already jumping about the tavern and being annoyances. It's really not needed. Especially with the compass thing.. Most vampires are bloody obvious. Why would you need a compass for them, hm? Plus, it would make the Crimson Inquisition be able to like, meta-game where vampires are and are hiding. So overall this isn't needed.
Not going to lie though, that Altar idea is neat, but it is just showing people are too lazy to follow Lore and act weak around what they should be.

And, it could be thrown under the tavern floor, because then the Vampyres would not want to go in there as much with weakness and slowness and such...

Yeah, but where would be the RP for that? It seems too biased.

Here is an idea of mine that could end up being a gigantic disaster. What if pvp was enabled for Guards and Crimson in Regalia? That way they could kill the noob vampires who don't know how to RP but still be RPing themselves. I realize that this could end not good at all but it would be better the adding a block to RP just to weaken vampires.
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