Archived Vampires Can't Last In Water

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Dec 7, 2012
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I will get hate from vampires for saying this, but it has never made sense to me. I think that vampires should still be harmed by the sun in water (not set on fire obviously because that's impossible), because the sun is still getting to them. It's not like sitting in that fountain makes up for the entire upper half of your body that is being exposed to direct sunlight. So I think there should be a middle ground. I think that, if a vampire is in water and exposed to sunlight, they should gain all the bad effects like blindness and such, everything short of catching on fire.

I don't believe any pro's should be added to vampires to balance this, as it isn't a big enough change to make a difference, in my opinion. I'm getting tired of seeing like 5 vampires splashing around in the spawn fountain like it's a kiddie pool every day.
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Would they be able to swim in deep oceans uneffected? Wait this is already in effect... vamps still get the bad effects of all except catching fire...
Would they be able to swim in deep oceans uneffected? Wait this is already in effect... vamps still get the bad effects of all except catching fire...
Oh, they do? my bad. Well, the other thing I was going to say was that they take damage in some other way, like the effects of a harming potion. The only reason I said no fire was because that would be weird/impossible with minecraft physics, but technically half of their body is on fire.
well, if you think about how a vampire is affected by the sun, it is measured as temperature. If a vampire were deep enough in the ocean, it would make sense that it loses its temperature, and stops gaining heat.
Agreed, but remember vampires will be nerfed soon.
If Vampires are nerfed Naga should be too. Also water IS like leaves, you gain heat but not as fast so if Vampires are splashing in water like kids they will still gain heat but slower.
I believe "heating" is only defined by the block above one's head. As such, being partially submerged in water has no effect. I believe one has to be at least 4 blocks deep in the water to be fully protected.
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