Archived Vampire Vanquishers

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Duke of Roserres
Jan 2, 2015
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
(I hope this is the forum)

Hello Massive Community!
Since the very recent re-adding of the Vampire Plugin i have noticed about 80% of people that have played since that time have become vampires. I know for one four of my friends have come on and 3 (That I know of) have become vampires. It just comes to show that a lot of people have become vampires (or want to become.) I have seen two other people say Down With The Vampire Disease (Or something along those lines) and I've noticed we need to rebel against this! I don't want you to get rid of the vampire plugin (It's so amazing.) It would be amazing if you could implement an active team of players that had good gear who's main priority was to hunt down vampires. The team could be called Vampire Vanquishers (Or something else, it was a name i thought of off the top of my head.)

Thank you for reading
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what about...
the Crimson inqisition?
yea, sounds nice.
sounds good
perfect and made that up completly mysel-
*suddenly remembers teh crimson inqisition*
#CrimsonWasLove #CrimsonWasLife
(But in tbh, Vampire Vanquishers sounds really overrated. I just say they bring back the Crimson Guard.)
Crimson Guard .... the last on was, erm, messy (not talking about the one tom lead on, I have no knowledge of those times)? And I can tell, I led this on for some time back in those days :P

If this should be re-enabled then with the proper amount of time to prepare it. But this is all up to the Lore-people :)
Though I agree that the vampire filth should be purged from our streets, I think we should first deal with the bigger threat at hand. After all we are at war. Personally I will sleep better at night after the Qadir forces are crushed and the Rim Islands are taken back. After that is accomplished I fully support a force that would cleanse our most holy city of bloodsucking heathens.
Though I agree that the vampire filth should be purged from our streets, I think we should first deal with the bigger threat at hand. After all we are at war. Personally I will sleep better at night after the Qadir forces are crushed and the Rim Islands are taken back. After that is accomplished I fully support a force that would cleanse our most holy city of bloodsucking heathens.
Kill two birds with one stone. I vouch we throw the Vampyres at them via clown cannon.
So what I get from this is that lots of blood will be spilled and many will fall...
And new colours will be added to uniforms...

Did I miss anything?
I hear Magnanimus is the worst vampire faction. Like they are all infected and try to corrupt others with their vampire ways.
Kill two birds with one stone. I vouch we throw the Vampyres at them via clown cannon.
Though your idea is a fine one, House Fong has already taken steps to battle the Qadir menace. If they do not work then I'll pass your idea along.
Though I agree that the vampire filth should be purged from our streets, I think we should first deal with the bigger threat at hand. After all we are at war. Personally I will sleep better at night after the Qadir forces are crushed and the Rim Islands are taken back. After that is accomplished I fully support a force that would cleanse our most holy city of bloodsucking heathens.

While the Qadir threat is indeed quite bad, and holds many minds I would say the Vampire's may be worse.. My reasoning is this: Which is worse? The threat outside your walls, which doesn't plan to simply leave? Or the threat that is within your walls, which continues to harm innocents every night? I would say a threat from within is worse, could possibly weaken you to an attack from the outside.. The Qadir also don't possess enhanced abilities; enhanced abilities that can overcome an unprepared person.
While the Qadir threat is indeed quite bad, and holds many minds I would say the Vampire's may be worse.. My reasoning is this: Which is worse? The threat outside your walls, which doesn't plan to simply leave? Or the threat that is within your walls, which continues to harm innocents every night? I would say a threat from within is worse, could possibly weaken you to an attack from the outside.. The Qadir also don't possess enhanced abilities; enhanced abilities that can overcome an unprepared person.
Hmm.. You point is a very good one. I would like to point out however, that we may have both within our walls if swift action is not taken. Then where we be?
I don't even know. I just hit things, and make sure they die appropriately when I hit them. Talk to qgmk. Mkay? Hey that rhymes! ...I need sleep.
@TwiLord or anyone else, feel free to approach me about questions/concerns you may have.

Also @spectec has worked for many many long hours, staying up late at night working on appropriating PVP and Vampires on Massive, among other things.
He does need some sleep xD. If you get a chance, give him a thanks for the work he has done for the server.
Hmm.. You point is a very good one. I would like to point out however, that we may have both within our walls if swift action is not taken. Then where we be?
Both may indeed be within the walls, but whatever threat is within the walls must be dealt with first. However with the recent activites of vampyres, and the increasing numbers; That is much more problematic than a few Qadir spiess, or assassins... Vampyres are much more of a threat to the /innocents/ than any Qadir spy or assassin would be.
Though I agree that the vampire filth should be purged from our streets, I think we should first deal with the bigger threat at hand. After all we are at war. Personally I will sleep better at night after the Qadir forces are crushed and the Rim Islands are taken back. After that is accomplished I fully support a force that would cleanse our most holy city of bloodsucking heathens.
Am I excluded from this genocide? Is innocent, I swear. ;~;
Has anyone else noticed that if Regalia just killed everyone then there would be no more problems?...
But wouldn't surrendering to the guards include me in the genocide rather than exclude?

Maybe we could drink tea instead? Yes, tea is a very passive activity.
We all make our choices in life..
I agree that we should 360-No Scope rek these Qadir, but at the same time vampires. 3Many5Me

I wasn't on massive for the Crimson Inquisition, but I'd honestly love it if they came beack with more.... order? The stories I hear abo them were that they god-rp'd a lot. Or something. So, if they came back they should be with a strict application. Not a special permission since they'd be just for vampires and not guards, but something good.