Archived Vampire Secrecy

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Jun 27, 2013
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Vampires are everywhere and the Crimsons aren't dealing with it.
What I propose is a change in system and rules. Vampires have been asking for blood in global and trade. They have even been selling it for a few silver. The new rules are:
1. You cannot advertise your vampirism unless you are rebelling against the Crimsons in large numbers.
2. You cannot ask or trade for blood in general/trade
3. You cannot ask or trade for vampirism in general/trade
4. No emo gay kid hoodies with creepers on the back of them.

They are ruining the roleplay, and why should we ignore them. It's like ignoring a termite infection in your house. Nobody wore hoodies in the medieval ages. There is a 3 strike system for the vampire in chat. Here is how you report the vampires
1. Go to vampire blacklist requests
2. Search for the name of the offender
3. If you find it, post screenshots of him offending it.
4. If you don't, make a new thread titled his name
5. Done

Once three violations have been violated and captured in picture, then the offender will be blacklisted from vampire for a long time or permanently.

Blacklist from vampire means you can't be a vampire during that time.
I won't be here for a few hours. Feel free to discuss this suggestion.
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It will be much more fun to hunt down Vampires in secrecy than killing blatantly obvious ones that are talking in the fountains wearing emo hoodie DJ vampire girl skins.

One of the reasons this server is so popular is because the vampire plugin is so good, all we need is for sparkling potions to be allowed in regalia
The crimsons were meant to counter that but now you are allowed to turn down crimson RP if you crimsons just feel a bit pointless now :c i miss the old blockades and harrassment. But asking everyone to jump kinda ruined it for the vampires who really were trying to hide.
One of the reasons this server is so popular is because the vampire plugin is so good, all we need is for sparkling potions to be allowed in regalia

What we need are realistic vampires. If a vampire announced themselves on the street they were staked or executed. Just look at the heads on the stakes. So they would need to stay secret to not be hunted down.
The crimsons were meant to counter that but now you are allowed to turn down crimson RP if you crimsons just feel a bit pointless now :c i miss the old blockades and harrassment. But asking everyone to jump kinda ruined it for the vampires who really were trying to hide.

I had another suggestion about vampire commands Tech, one of them was /v jump which toggled the jump boost.
I had another suggestion about vampire commands Tech, one of them was /v jump which toggled the jump boost.

that was another one of those ideas people have already come up with. I reccomend going through the forums and looking at older posts of suggestions. If you like one of the ideas you saw, comment on it so it can be recognized once more instead of it becoming a dying thread and then people think its a brand new idea because they didnt know it was already suggested. /v jump i believe was one of watchdog's ideas
that was another one of those ideas people have already come up with. I reccomend going through the forums and looking at older posts of suggestions. If you like one of the ideas you saw, comment on it so it can be recognized once more instead of it becoming a dying thread and then people think its a brand new idea because they didnt know it was already suggested. /v jump i believe was one of watchdog's ideas

I've already looked through all the suggestion threads. Go ahead and post a link to it.
I hate how you can just avoid Crimson RP now. It just ruins the point of the Crimsons. They're already useless enough, let alone adding that factor. So something has to be done to lower the numbers.
I think if they are wrecking Role Play and they do it after a warning a short jail sentence should be given and then when they return if they do it twice more a day ban. Then if they proceed to do it. BAN ZEM
If they're capable of bad role play as a vampire, they're capable of bad role play as any race.

Everyone is capable of bad roleplay. It matters what you actually do, not what you are capable of. If you don't roleplay correctly as a vampire then a human would be a better choice. The point is that an elf isn't going to ask for blood in chat or sell his elfyness.
I think anyone who publicly advertises it in the chats or horrible RP in Regalia should have the infection removed from them. A simple mod command would be fantastic. It would surely cause a few buts to be hurt but those buts really shouldn't be ruining the game for the rest of the players. The horrible vampire RP players normally don't last long on the sever anyway as with any MC sever the turn over rate is high. Sending the message you cant be a complete nub and flapping your wings around regalia should help the issue. This may be annoying for the mods at first but I think with some tuning and refining it could make a difference.

Running around regalia looking like this and begging for blood is utterly unacceptable. Secrecy and discrete behavior should be heavily enforced. If people cant learn to tone it down or play by the lore they should lose the ability to. Especially with the crimsons roaming the streets now.
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