Archived Vampire(sanguine) Clans/guilds/orginizations

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Turner of Tides
Sep 16, 2016
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
The Hierarchy
There are many vampires in regalia they hide and cower from civilization and have no interactions with others. They are not able to enjoy there full regalia experience as a vampire there is no full point to being a vampire so everyone pushes it away. A great solution is for a experience for the player to play who they want and not feel secluded or alone. Vampire clans may help unite vampires to work together and have fun it also gives more of a purpose to the holy division of the Violet Order(Queens Guard). They can also have a little Government of there own clans are separate but the government decides there decisions as vampires. This can be a cross between the Violet Order & Noble Family's But for vampires and a bit more edited. Vampires can have the most ideal civilization among there own and have the immersive fun RP twist they were never given. Instead of being an individual Outcast in regalia the vampires can now be a unison Outcast group in a sense and get punished for being turned back or betraying a clan or doing bad things among there own. I'm open to more suggestions from others and Ill tack them on to this if I like them also hope the server looks over this it would be an amazing system!
(This is of course intended for vampires to still be away from society but together so clans would most likely take place in the sewers)
Army Vampires.jpg
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Well, vampirism is illegal, so yes. Vampires need to cower in the sewers. If you are suggesting an above ground vampire group, um that may be a bit hard to pull off. For many reasons-
  • The guards might shut them down, though with the absence of Violets it may be a bit easier (just don't ignore the NPC guards-they're everywhere IC if not portrayed by actual players.)
  • Most burn in sunlight, except for Te'suik, I think.
  • Still wouldn't be allowed in public places.
  • The laws against vampirism aren't changing.
  • Many other reasons.
If you mean a sewer organization of sanguines.. There are tons of sewer gangs.

And I don't agree at all that chars that are forced into being sewer dwellers get less rp. As a sewer rper myself, with quite a bit of experience playing and playing with/against sanguines, I can easily state that sewer-only chars are honestly really fun. I don't think making your char a sanguine limits roleplay much other than the obvious- I mean. You won't be able to do noble rp with red eyes, though certain bloodlines can easily be above ground anyways, aka Te'suik, Dra'lonais, and Chyga due to the natural eye colours, and the partial resistance to sunlight when compared to other sanguines. My upcoming Te'suik char will live on the surface, and have lots of interaction with others.

Also, when you say that there is no point in being a vampire and that vampires have to cower away from all rp, you are pretty wrong tbh. It generates danger within the sewers, creates character development for both your char and their friends, and it can create giant sewer fights that most other chars can't make so easily. If anything, making your char a sanguine serves to generate rp.

Bottom line, if you feel that making a sanguine char will limit your rp, then maybe just don't make a sanguine char?
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I mean, right now Vampires have it pretty good with the whole every Violet is dead or in exile. If you want to get some vampires in the city and as a threat, now is the golden opportunity.
Well not intending on the murder But for the vampires to have fun in a new and different way and being together you know. Vampires are so Pushed away they at least deserve to group together and RP.
Obviously they will need to RP for some blood but only the greedy sanguine murder Could even be Outcast as a stay vampire for killing.
Vampires aren't as beastly as you think and they hunt done people to ease there hunger.(At least that's how I play.)
Its not to get into the city but to be in the sewers together is just satisfying enough. :D
Vampires are so Pushed away they at least deserve to group together and RP.
I disagree. I've seen loads of influential sanguine chars. Most of the time in sewer gangs sanguines are actually sought out. It's not like it's impossible to get rp with them. And I mean - @ScaledSupremacy and I are gonna probably end up getting our Te'suik to start a sewer club for sanguines or something. Maybe. I mean. It's on his char app so I'm sorta coming up with this on the spot because Te'suik are freakin' cool???? Anyways there are lots of ways to get sanguines into roleplay. They're by no means pushed away.
I know but what I mean is like and order of sanguine type thing like there is for the holy division of the old violet order I mean I also suggest possibly Gangs having the same thing maybe Im just over complicating things I'm just Ganna listen to you all and jump in when its needed
I know that Jeez im so bad at wording things :C I know though
I'm tired i'm going to head off keep typing your critiques they make me more Wise lol.
I know that Jeez im so bad at wording things :C I know though
Oh. Well I mean. To be quite frank if you want a vampire clan, go and make one. For example, I felt that Saivalthar were highly underplayed and unappreciated so I went out and made a gang of only Saivalthar, and it's been a pretty big success, along with getting at least like one or two people to get a Saiv made so they could join. Can't see why you couldn't do the same.
Btw the purpose of Vampirism is to have those castouts and to make the threat of the streets and sewers imminent. However for certain types like te'suik where it is a part of their lore to be rich and influent and intergrating common ppl as their anatomy also allows them. Vampires are purposely made to be for the most part outsiders as the mental effects of the desiese literally makes it more difficult to work in organized groups. This thread is kinda skipping the purpose of what it means to be a vampire and the way it is meant to feel realistic in society like that on massive. No system or chapter or thing should be implemented because that's not how vampires are supposed to be. With few exceptions :)
I will mark this thread as "Dated" due to the more recent vampire rewrite which addresses some of the concepts brought up here.
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