Archived Vampire/magic Idea

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Sep 6, 2015
Reaction score
The Alliance of Axiom and Bloodstone
When I was reading on the wiki it talked about vampire bloodlines, and I thought of an idea that would make it possible to have vampire and magic at once
Well kinda
So it means if you have a vampire bloodline you cant use magic, but when your cured you can use magic just as normal.
This is probably already suggested/in the game already but I just thought it would make sense.

Lore Wise it could be something like:
The Vampire Blood in your veins breaks your bond with the void, rendering you magic-less
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I see no benefit in this, in fact the Chyga Bloodline uses magic, mainly hex quite often. And due to vampirism being a form of possession, I don't see why you won't be able to connect to the void. If anything it would only benefit a person's magical talent.
I see no benefit in this, in fact the Chyga Bloodline uses magic, mainly hex quite often. And due to vampirism being a form of possession, I don't see why you won't be able to connect to the void. If anything it would only benefit a person's magical talent.
yea but isn't vampire bloodlines a special permission?
and can't you only have one special permission at a time?
I mean that's what I understand, and the wiki said if you want two special permissions you have to make a second character, so I thought with this you could just switch by curing/contracting the dark disease.
Please inform me if i'm wrong
yea but isn't vampire bloodlines a special permission?
and can't you only have one special permission at a time?
I mean that's what I understand, and the wiki said if you want two special permissions you have to make a second character, so I thought with this you could just switch by curing/contracting the dark disease.
Please inform me if i'm wrong
Only certain, rare vampire bloodlines require special permission. Likewise, only certain hidden magic require special permission to use as well.
Only certain, rare vampire bloodlines require special permission. Likewise, only certain hidden magic require special permission to use as well.
oh oops sorry about that...
thanks for informing me!