Archived Vampire Improvments

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qt pie
Jun 9, 2013
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trash can
I came up with some ideas to make vampire's be a more desirable race. I say this because about 80% of the players who are vamps are noobs. So, without further a due:

Vampire's get an improvement from wearing gold armor:
Vampire's would only get the boost from wearing a full set of gold armor. If one piece broke or was taken off the boost would disappear. It wouldn't be a big boost, something like speed, or strength.

Upyr Application:
Just like applying to become a noble, you could apply to become an Upyr. You would need the support of at least one RP staff, an approved Vampire character, and some other things. Once approved you would get something in game to signify that you are Upyr. Like when doing the /v i command there would be an Upyr section, and you would get whatever boosts Upyr's get ((I don't know much about them)).

These ideas could make both PvP'ers and Rp'ers want to become vampires. If implemented it could also make non-premiums want to become vampires for the armor benefits, and it could potentially raise the price of gold. The fact of being Upyr could appeal to RP'ers and we could have a small Upyr community here on Massivecraft, much like the Noble Family community.

So, are these ideas good, bad, could they use improvements? Tell me and I will try to respond to all the comments put here!
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I don't know about the Upyr suggestion but I think the first one is a cool idea! x
I dont agree with part one or part two [partially]. Vampires are mainly for ROLEPLAY not PvP. It may be, but its not centered around PvP. That is what causes the "noobs" to all be vampires. They're concentrating on the bonuses and "cool" benefits; night vision, double jump, monster alliance, and feeding off of animals+no fall damage [among shrieking]. I actually think we should make it so that vampirism is harder to come by instead of paying for it [screaming in general or Regalia "PAYING 30 SILVER TO BECOME VAMPIRE!!!!!!]. Vampires are supposed to be rare and /should/ be concealing themselves from society or trying to hide their vampirism. NOT showing it off. They SHOULD be using it for role-play.
all vampire features are normally ignored so I'm pretty sure none of this will be implemented. alos the gold armour thing wouldn't work because that doesn't go with the lore, and the Upyr thing wouldn't work because to my knowledge there is only one Upyre in RP.(I could be mistaken because if your an approved Upyre you would know how to hide being a vamp)
Just saying, but wouldn't more desirable vampirism just attract more noobs??
You know, instead of buffing the vampires, if you REALLY wanted the only people who played vampires to be the good rpers, you should remove all benefits of being a vampire while retaining all the normal disadvantages. Heh, lets see how those noob vampires react to that....
Well this is ok but agan not really lore as u know hiu im vamp (and ive managed to decieve bout everone else)so iguess im decent and i really only rp (imtalking bout ujared and a long list) but serously if u keep truce d jump and no starve or fall dmg then it would be more newbs ruining "my" (all vamps dat r good) skillz of rpings asnvamp as of today i saw a anderman fellow screetching very stupid (thisison kindlesorry)
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