Archived Vampire Idea

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Ah, I remember there was something like this on another server, where you jump really high by holding the rose. But what if vampires just spam the butts out of it and pretty much fly away from any pvp/RP?
30 seconds would feel more reasonable to me.
It will just make PvP easier for vampires. And for RP, probably a bit tougher. Most new players tend to be vampires and are unaware of role play, I don't want to see flying and shrieking vampires all around. It's a nice idea for other servers, but for Massive, I'm not too sure.
How will it effect rp can u explain in more detail

As is, vampires already have a good amount of Meta-roleplayers and God-roleplayers, and is a popular known group to have such people.
With them being able to jump to high, it just really gives THEM an advantage to ruin roleplay, and goodness 8-12 blocks is too much. Normal death height is about 18 as of ~1.4, don't wanna have that high of a jump.
And most vampires already make a run-away when being chased by jumping into the canal, but now they'll be able to jump onto the roof. Again, it's a good idea but perhaps not for massive.
Eh. I just don't want jumping, shrieking vampires running around. It'd be good for pvp, but not so much for RP.

You really don't understand why? Most players that RP as a vampire will jump in canals to escape from people who are trying to type something to do something to them, such as -unsheathes sword and attempts to jab the vampire in the foot-. They already have powers such as jumping twice as high, and not being able to drown. It would just be stupid to add something more to the vampires, and they will use much of their powers. Even if it uses up blood, they would go around looking for someone to feed on, saying "Can someone pleaze give meh bleerd?". Many people are irritated by this, and if you are really going to consider making the jump height to 12 blocks, you should lower it down definitely. Vampires are bloodsucking people. They aren't some supernatural, jumping spiders that go around asking for blood.
Ok my last idea was a epic fail so I decided to voice one of those ideas.

The idea was the super jump thing so vampires are able to jump high at expense of blood by right clicking with a bone.

I think this is a simple but effective idea and could add to rp and pvp.

And to stop people spamming it have a 6 second cool down.

Also I think the jump height should be 8 or 12 blocks

Please agree to get this noticed

๖ۣۜI think you should stop recommending Vampyric jump height additions, because we are just gonna keep saying no because you are not organizing your idea well enough, or accurately enough...
You are just giving us pros, no cons. Vampires are way too op in both rp and PvP. I have yet to see one vampire not go itno the canal when being chased.
Vampires ruin roleplay enough already, what with running into the sun and spamming their smoke all over and shrieking and going up to people and asking "cn i haz blud". Adding this into the mix would be adding fuel to the fire. I do not support this.
Vampires ruin roleplay enough already, what with running into the sun and spamming their smoke all over and shrieking and going up to people and asking "cn i haz blud". Adding this into the mix would be adding fuel to the fire. I do not support this.
I roleplay properly I didn't realise people did that it's a shame that people would ruin other people roleplay like that
They are not op at pvp they don't have bloodlust

๖ۣۜYou do not see it? They have a regeneration rate no matter their hunger level, and if they gain blood off of bashing other players, they can basically regenerate forever.
Jump height would be 8 to 12

And this part did not make sense, you shot down your own idea then kept supporting the original one...?
Well, back to explanation.
Vampyres also can jump their normal 2 and a half meters. That is about a player and a half slab. With this, I have done this before, you can leap around the enemy and bash in their skull whilst they can barely focus as to where you are. I have done this before. Also, there is something in Vanilla MC called Criticals. Criticals can occur when you are in the air, and you bash an enemy, it will give off specific particles and can increase your damage by either a measly half heart to even a painful 3 hearts, only you have to be 'falling'. Vampyres can do that easy, as something is called 'Falling' for when you land, it should be about guaranteed to take fall damage, it does not take in the account of Feather falling or plugins that prevent fall damage.

I used to hop about so close to the enemy, but yet they could not hit me. This was because I was moving too fast within such a small area, that about half of the time, the only reason I took damage was because I got so close that I was literally inside their hitbox. This meant no matter where they would turn to hit, it would hit me.

Within the time it can take your enemy to see where you are can also be about the time you have drained a bit more than half their health.

Vampyres are not weak.
It is the player that is.
Anyone can make a Vampyre OP, for example McMuffin or Bsavs. All it takes is for them to fight with it until they can use strategies.

Also, I do not know about you, but I remember hearing a while ago that the Vampyre was originally removed Bloodlust because of the OP, but because more RPers would be Vampyres, as originally intended...
Jmgx stop trying to make a better place for you people! Go widely and ask other peeps what they want or get a good idea.
Frankly, I think it would be best if you held up on making suggestions for a while; at least until you properly think one through, organise it in a respectable manner, and consider the effects on the community at large, not just the group that the suggested change would directly influence.
Frankly, I think it would be best if you held up on making suggestions for a while; at least until you properly think one through, organise it in a respectable manner, and consider the effects on the community at large, not just the group that the suggested change would directly influence.
Whole point of a suggestion is to get feedback this is not constructive.
Whole point of a suggestion is to get feedback this is not constructive.

On the contrary, I think it's very constructive: You're spamming the forum, on a weekly basis, with poorly constructed and contemplated ideas. Rating every post that doesn't label your idea as good as "Disagree" is a douche move; what's more, you're not even replying to the points people are making or validating any of your statements. Once again, I would recommend you stop making suggestions for reasons I have already outlined. That is my constructive feedback. This idea is a poor one.
On the contrary, I think it's very constructive: You're spamming the forum, on a weekly basis, with poorly constructed and contemplated ideas. Rating every post that doesn't label your idea as good as "Disagree" is a douche move; what's more, you're not even replying to the points people are making or validating any of your statements. Once again, I would recommend you stop making suggestions for reasons I have already outlined. That is my constructive feedback. This idea is a poor one.
My mcmmo one was good poll shows people agree with me plus some of suggestions are me voicing other peoples ideas.
I rate it disagree because I disagree no harm intended.
My mcmmo one was good poll shows people agree with me plus some of suggestions are me voicing other peoples ideas.
I rate it disagree because I disagree no harm intended.

It has little to do with the rating itself; it's more the fact that you aren't then expanding on why you disagree. You're literally just using "Disagree" on every post that contradicts your half-arsed idea. Again, you only genuinely replied to one of my raised points. I'm going to assume that you're quite young: Please, stop posting ideas. Think them through. Make them look presentable; Improve your grammar, it helps.
Ahm... Just about everything I have said was aimed to be constructive or to give advice on this idea. Vampires aren't meant to be jumping, leaping, horrifying blood-suckers. Only just horrifying blood-suckers, alright? You lot can jump more than two blocks high already and I honestly think that's fair enough.
The Jmgx

As a side note, I have noticed you disliked my opinion on the thread. In a respectful manner, I tell you, and everyone else who does this that you cannot expect praise for your ideas by everyone. Having said this, I would like to add that as owner of a suggestion thread, you dont disagree to everything thats not what you propose, otherwise it would be called a demand, not a suggestion. I ask for all suggestion thread owners to respect what others think, and dont go on a "Rate everything that isnt what I want 'disagree' spree". It takes away the meaning of this "Feature Idea or discussion" thread, and honestly, it is quite offensive.
It has little to do with the rating itself; it's more the fact that you aren't then expanding on why you disagree. You're literally just using "Disagree" on every post that contradicts your half-arsed idea. Again, you only genuinely replied to one of my raised points. I'm going to assume that you're quite young: Please, stop posting ideas. Think them through. Make them look presentable; Improve your grammar, it helps.
Alright... And please, next time you start a suggestion thread, think about both sides, not just one side. In this case, that side was vampires. Anyhow, good luck.
Yeah well the problem with this thread is, like many have said vampire will just fly away. I was a vampire and I was good at it and enjoyed it but I was also very involved faction-wise and found that every single time I went to fight someone always managed to know I was a vampire and would one hit me with a stake, this combined with losing tons of gear and not being able to go back but for a limited time for revenge due to the sun I got sick of it. Not to mention by being a vampire even if your a good roleplayer you face the huge prejudice of how all vampires are bad role-players and I roleplayed with several strangers who said I was very good at the role play. Not to mention the fact that this new item would just be for people to puss out on pvp due to that if you actually read the lore you'd see role-play wise vampires have no strength or speed or jump advantages in role-play, and the jump boost and passive mobs is a perk OOC so people will play as a vampire. Not to mention that while my argument is against this that somehow people always seem to "figure out" your a vampire even without red eyes which is highly due to and associated with Massive Crafts more laid back Guideline to roleplay and not actual rules (or none that are clearly enforced that is) therefor increasing the meta and powergaming population on both non-vampires and vampires. Jmgx, I mean no offense by this but you sound like your an inexperienced roleplayer because of your actions (Ex: Not reading the vampire lore) and while you seem like a good whole-hearted guy who just wants a good vampire roleplay for massivecraft due to these classic dracula-type of vampire roleplay conditions I suggest 1 of 2 options I present. A. Try to find a easier rp experience (as roleplaying as a vampire on this server can be very stressful) or B. If you insist just go find another server with less strict rules, I say this not out of hate towards you as I love the suggestion, (that is with a few amendments) but I say this to you so you dont have a shitty first roleplay experience surrounded by pro roleplayers such as I did on Lord Of The Craft. My regards, dragonmaster0219
I've read it now and yes I'm a news to role playing my friends think I'm to old to roleplay (13) so I just light roleplay

๖ۣۜYour friends have no real thoughts of what goes on in RP, then (Crimsons and the nobles, for example)... Just ignore them and move on into the strict RP, the one in which is actually quite entertaining (if I do say so myself), and try not to spill too much Light-RP qualities into the Strict-RP.

I like to think the other worlds, ex. Faction home can be used for Light-RP and Strict-RP, and Regalia can be used as Strict-RP. It also works brilliantly as it does not disturb others if you Light-RP in your base only.
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