Archived Vampire Control With Role Play

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Nicholai the Elder
Oct 15, 2012
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A consistent theme in vampire lore is that they can not enter a church, as it is holy ground. I would propose that vampires take damage when they are within 16 blocks of an altar of light (slowly so as not to kill them, but to encourage them to move through quickly, maybe like underwater with respiration). Strategic placement of altars of light could then be used to discourage vampires from hanging out in specific areas. It would also encourage defenders to fall back to the church when attacked by vampires instead of just hiding. This would also allow the creation of factions that were very vampire unfriendly (read - we have consecrated all the ground this faction has claimed).

In thinking about Regalia, and how close everything is, I would add that a dark alter should cancel this effect within a similar distance, so that having a dark alter would protect a vampire that is hiding, but it would also be possibly incriminating evidence if it were found.

Looked up respiration and would propose ~15 sec time with no damage, then 1 heart damage every 4 sec. This would discourage vampires camping out near an altar of light, but would still allow raids, with vamps needing to use their speed to leave the area every 15 sec. They, of course, could build an altar of darkness on the border for protection, or at their base to counter the use of altars of light as a siege tactic (although raids to break altars in wilderness would also be effective).
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Well, if you do a low enough rate of damage then getting to the alter wouldn't be a problem. However, I like the irradiation idea better, as these are Alters of LIGHT. Makes sense they would give off harmful radiation like the sun.
I will construct Altar's of light all beneath my faction, so it is vampire-proof :P
I would heavily support something like this. If anybody feels up to doing this, I think it might bring something wonderful to this server.

Just my opinion, of course.
I like the idea of this a lot but honestly an alter of light is nothing to make as far as material goes. This could get extremely overpowered way too easily.
I like the idea of this a lot but honestly an alter of light is nothing to make as far as material goes. This could get extremely overpowered way too easily.
Yes people would just put 8 alters around there base so teh center of the circles in on there bunker then they would be able to not be raided by vampires this could also be exploited to smoke people out in a siege
So ya it means that Now I cant get to my faction when it need me and when it's being raided.Vampire is a Very Equal race already they get own by stick with 1/2 hits.Be considered about the faction and he other vampire please.
Yes people would just put 8 alters around there base so teh center of the circles in on there bunker then they would be able to not be raided by vampires this could also be exploited to smoke people out in a siege
If it damaged slow enough vampires could still do raids but they couldn't stay for as long.[DOUBLEPOST=1362097250][/DOUBLEPOST]
I like the idea of this a lot but honestly an alter of light is nothing to make as far as material goes. This could get extremely overpowered way too easily.
Good ways to defend against vampires would provide a reason for people not to be a vampire.
I don't think damage, but something to make it suitably unpleasant. Something like blindless + slowness and maybe nausea.
I don't think damage, but something to make it suitably unpleasant. Something like blindless + slowness and maybe nausea.
Part of the reason for this idea is to control where vampires can hang out boasting about being vampires. Blindness, slowness and nausea don't affect one's ability to chat, so this wouldn't be effective. Also, there aren't potions to counter any of these except slowness, which takes away the role play of using healing or regeneration potions to make it through the investiture of the oligarchs, for instance.

As a side effect, it will require vampires to make faster, or better planned raids, which probably isn't a bad thing either.
AFK vampire, rich man builds altar to kill it.
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