Archived Vampire Commands

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Jun 27, 2013
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Here is a list of vampire commands and features that would aid in masquerading as normal humans.
/v jump (Toggles the jump boosts on and off)
/v reveal (Instead of showing human as your race in /show it will say Vampire. Toggles on and off.)
/v bloodrage (Spends 10 blood per 30 seconds and gives Strength and Speed buffs, costs double in the sun)
/v heal (Toggles healing on or off. This is so you don't lose blood when you don't want to)
Drinking water bottles disables the smoke effect of the sun for a few minutes. (Or just reduces the temperature, you can decide in the posts)
/v feed (Force feeding but you can only take up to 10 hunger before they kick you off. If your blood pool is below 25% you can drain up to 20 hunger with your increased strength.)

Also, just for kicks lets add in a blood pool.
/v bloodpool (Show's your blood pool at x/100. For every 2 weeks spent as a vampire offline or online you add 25 to your max blood pool to the max of 500. Special vampires like Luthien can have bigger blood pools since he is role-playing an Upyr.)
Let's explain how this works, ok?
A vampire with a blood pool that is 25% or more filled will get hot twice as fast in the sun.
A vampire with a blood pool that is 50% or more filled will get hot 1 1/2 times as fast in the sun.
A vampire with a blood pool that is 75% or more filled will get hot at the normal rate.
A vampire with a blood pool that is 90% or more filled will get hot at 1/2 the normal rate.
A vampire with less than 10% blood filled will catch fire in the sun instantly, unless the sun has just started to rise or set. They can also be attacked by anyone in Regalia, because they look like scary monsters.
A vampire with less than 0% of their blood pool will explode like a creeper in the sun. This doesn't do damage in non-pvp areas.

Note: The blood pool is not your hunger. Your hunger is set to max and basically doesn't exist anymore. Your blood pool takes the place of it.
Let's talk about the commands and how the blood pool affects them.
Your jump boost is 3 1/2 (or 3) blocks when your blood pool falls below 25%
You are automatically revealed as a vampire when your blood pool falls below 20%
Blood rage is free at 0%!
A vampire with a blood pool below 20% is twice as susceptible to holy water and wooden objects.
At 10% blood pool you lose your mind and start speaking gibberish if you try to talk.
At 0% you cannot talk in local, if you try to it will come out as things like -salivates- or -growls-
Also, your blood pool can fall below 0% and when it does you take 1 heart of damage every 15 seconds because your body and aura starts rotting.

Blood Loss:
You lose 20 blood every 5 minutes
Exposure to the sun makes you lose 50 blood instead of 40 for the next 5 minutes.
With /v heal you will heal 1 heart for every 10 blood at night, and at day it is 20 blood per heart.
Holy water drains half of your current blood in your system, as well as poisoning you for 10 seconds, but the poison can't kill you unless you are hit with more than one holy water vial.

Blood Gain:
Humans give 25 blood for every hunger.
All other races give 75% what humans give
Animals satiate only 25% what humans do.
Undead cannot be fed off of.
Agni cannot be fed off of. Any attempts result in the vampire catching fire.
Maiar CAN be fed off of. Feeding off Maiar will reduce temperature increase from the sun by 50% and stop the smoke effects for 240 seconds. But no satiation is gained.
Vampires can exchange blood with the command /v giveblood amountofblood. They don't exchange hunger they exchange it from their blood pools.

Explanation on the mechanics:
The less blood you have the more that animal inside of you starts to surface.
So your cognitive abilities max out at 80% blood pool and are at the level of a wolf when you fall below 10% blood. Smarter, wiser, and generally more intelligent characters with strong wills can combat this.

If I missed anything, be sure to tell me.
Thank you very much for reading this suggestion.
Note this is separate from my Vampire Hierarchy, because people thought the Hierarchy would be too advanced to program. I hope this isn't.
Tell me of any inconsistencies too.

Again this is not an add-on for the Vampire Hierarchy suggestion I posted.
It is separate!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Just gonna state, Luthein first off is a girl, second, I find this quite a wonderful idea. It makes the older Vampires more powerful, as they actually know how to use those commands and sheeut.
Just gonna state, Luthein first off is a girl, second, I find this quite a wonderful idea. It makes the older Vampires more powerful, as they actually know how to use those commands and sheeut.

Are you stalking me?
i really like it but it sounds really hard to do
Not really, just combine what we already have such as the distance scrambler in local with the 0% bloodpool.
Besides bloodpool is just a number with a timer attached that reduces it by a number every few numbers.
Someone has already suggested things very similar to this, I suggest looking at all the old posts before submitting them, though they are still very good ideas XD just most of these have already been suggested and either turned down, or said it was probably going to happen.
Someone has already suggested things very similar to this, I suggest looking at all the old posts before submitting them, though they are still very good ideas XD just most of these have already been suggested and either turned down, or said it was probably going to happen.

Are you sure it wasn't me?
How do they become stronger in the sun? Most of the effects in the sun slow you down and make you weaker. The difference between my bloodrage and yours would be that mine is inactive in the sun. The vampire is too weak.
I don't see them in the old threads. They were probably deleted.

They were i forgot they were posted in the late Race Suggestion section of the forums T.T this sucks because i cant remember all the ideas I had you wouldve loved them ;_;
Bloodrage is OP. People would Zerg rush at you unarmed constantly.
This is pretty neat. I'd like to see something like this implemented.
It certainly could. Your words would have more weight if you joined the roleplay staff. Just roleplay more gain their trust then apply in the forums.
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