Archived Vampire Bloodthirst

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Jul 25, 2012
Reaction score
*Mine is acquired via bloodthirst. Trolled's bonuses are from vampire progression through the Heirarchy.

First notes on the suggestion:
I'm first going to say: this is not a vampire noob suggestion complaining about bloodlust and wanting it back. This is an add-on to TrolledPan1337's suggestion: Vampire Heirarchy. There will, however, be a part that can have this implemented without the Heirarchy.

1 hunger is half a hunger bar/drumstick and 1 health is half a heart.
Also, some of the percentages may change (after I look up what it actually is).
And I will give a roleplay reason for each thing I say.

Getting Started:
As a vampire loses its hunger (which will very. See 'Blood Thirst'), it will gain several effects similar to bloodlust. It goes something like this:

When a vampire loses five hunger to be at 15, he or she will get speed I, for +20% movement speed.

When he or she loses another five hunger, so now he or she is at ten hunger, he or she will get jump boost for a total jump height of 2.5 blocks.

After losing another five hunger, this vampire will get the last effect, Strength I, for +130% attack damage.

Finally, when all his or her hunger is lost, the vampire will be in full combat. It is now treated like a monster. It can attack anyone and anyone can attack it. This is known as Blood Rampage mode. The vampire's thirst is now so high, it is a rampaging monster that kills everyone it can. It is a tue monster and will not stop at anything to drink blood.

All effects are kept if you reach blood rampage mode. Normally, they will drop off as you drink blood. You must refill your hunger bar to lose all effects from blood rampage mode. Blood Rampage mode keeps you in Blood Pacifist until you fill your hunger, then you must wait five minutes for it to be re-enabled (see 'Feeding'). The Bloodrage is not active ever in the sunlight. A vampire is too weakened by the sunlight to even reach a target.

Blood Thirst:
The default vampire, will lose one hunger per Minecraft day (20 minutes default and 24 (?) in Massivecraft). This will take 6.66 or 8 hours to reach zero. Default vampires can hide their effects with a command, but the command is overridden during blood rampage mode.

For the Heirarchy suggestion:
Fledglings will lose four hunger per Minecraft day. This will take 50 minutes or one hour to reach zero.
The reason for this is that they are new vampires. They have no control over what they do. All they know is they need blood.

Vampires are the same as default vampires. Vampires have learned to control their thirst. They now have control over whether they start to rampage, however, they lose control when their thirst is too high.

Nightwalkers will lose two hunger per Minecraft day. This will take 3.33 hours or 4 hours to reach zero. They now have greater abilities, so they must drink more blood.

Master vampires lose four hunger per day. This will take 50 minutes or one hour to reach zero. Again, their new abilities increase their need for blood.

The command to feed would be /v feed #(1-20). This will disable Blood Pacifist for you and your victim. It will add the amount of hunger you stole to you, but only does half the damage to their hunger and a quarter to their health. The simple reason for this is so you don't starve the person you feed from giving you an unfair advantage. Blood Pacifist will re-enable after five minutes, but you and your victim must not attack anyone. However, anyone can attack a vampire with blood Pacifist disabled (mentioned below). It is basically the same as normal Pacifist in that you can't teleport or access your backpack. The difference is in activation. If a vampire has Blood Pacifist disabled, anyone can attack it, but their Blood Pacifist is also disabled (for five minutes, as well). When you die, if you die, your Blood Pacifist is re-enabled. (Note: Normal Pacifist is still used in this combat, so if you regain Pacifist but die because Blood Pacifist hasn't been re-enabled, you still won't lose your stuff if you're Premium.

I thought about making a 50% chance of infection when feeding, but there is a simple reason why I wouldn't that've that.
1. There is a high chanced infecting a noob who will god-RP.
Even though it fits roleplay, I don't want too many vampires. It should be scarce, like Cayorion wanted.

Admin Tools:
And an Admin command for the Vampire Heirarchy,
/v stage (stage name) - sets a vampire to a certain stage in the heirarchy.
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Vampires, I think, should be left to mature players only... People who would KNOW how to play the role with the abilities already implemented.
There are far more important matters that need to be dealt with right now. Rebalancing the vampire features are very low, if not months away on the to do lists. Vampire's primary function is roleplay, and roleplay is not hampered by the absense of bloodlust.
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