Archived Vampire Bloodlust Soloution Version 2

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The Jmgx

Dec 3, 2013
Reaction score
Ok so one of the Vampires advantages have been taken away (Bloodlust).
So from my last post it's unlightly that bloodlust will be added back however I have a solution.

Why don't massivecraft add back vampire Superjump with a bone for the price of blood it wouldn't be to op since its more of a escape thing than attack. But I just think it would be amazing having that ability again.

Q: But jmgx you noob people might think there fly hacking :O.
A: They are quite easy to tell apart and could also have ap otion effect so you could see they werent

Q: But jmgx vamps are already strong
A: Nope there underpowered.
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I like how you have planned this out, but I think that vampires are suppose to be "Ill" and "Diseased" so by having overpowered abilities isn't the idea of being a vampire!

Hope you see my point :)
Wouldn't this allow them to basically have free enderpearls at all times?
Uh, no offense but this seems kinda biased and without much evidence, namely your third question there. Although, I do like your first idea, a super jump at the cost of some blood would be nice as long as it took enough so that its mostly used as an escape maneuver. After all, they are supposed to be scary creatures of the night, and having one leap onto a roof top to escape would support that theory.
Wouldn't this allow them to basically have free enderpearls at all times?

Nope because when the vamp uses the bone it takes away all of its food bar also it can't be directed like a pearl the jump shoots u straight up and u only have little control to angle it. The vamp can only use the bone 1 time and then they will have to get more blood
I disagree because I fail to see how this adds to the roleplay at all. Keep in mind I also disagree with those who disagree with every single vampire-ability post since they think more powerful vampires makes it like Twilight. But this post just gives vampires a super jump ability. How is that tied into the vampire lore? Bloodlust was tied into RP because the vampire was becoming animalistic and more powerful to gain more blood. If you had maybe suggested increased bare hand attack power, I would probably agree since it is more lore specific.
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