Archived Vampire Abilities (suggestion)

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Nov 2, 2013
Reaction score
I was thinking, since there is MCMMO. Maybe vampires should have a bit more power by training, like if you stand long in the sun it would take you longer to start getting nausea, weakness etc.
Bloodlust should get SLIGHTLY (not much, that would be OP) better when using it (if it ever gets enabled again -_-) and so on... Just if you will do this don't make it OP, there will be too much complaints on vampires again.
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I don't think it's so much the ability through training that makes vampires stronger or more resilient to the sun. The point of vampirism is that it's a disease, so the symptoms are standard and by the book.
Bloodlust was originally disabled because it caused server lag, and to know if someone was hacking while using it was nearly impossible.
Im not sure if it will even be added in, but if this idea and bloodlust being added in was the case, the server would be about 3/4 vampires again.
Also a good point was by Feyona_, I'd imagine training wouldnt actually have more effect upon being burned to death by the sun or not to add to it.
You can't train a vampire to be more resilient to the sun. And I could MAYBE see bloodlust being added back if it didn't cause so much lag and make it look like a bloodlusting vampire was a hacker. That, and if it was less OP. But I just worry about the vampire population getting way too high again. They're bad enough now.
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