Valyria - Alliance War Discussion Thread


I'm tempermental, deal with it.
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
United States, East Coast
This was suggested by others in the actual war thread, and is for the discussion of pre-planned events that can take place, among other things, during the current war.

Stuff to talk about:
  • Making a warzone for the actual combat to take place in. Where would it go, what would be inside it (forts, traps, nothing?), and should it be done at all?
  • Will Valyria be allowing the creation of war-forts and seige fortifications around their base (within the 16 chunks) or will they be destroying these on sight? These fortifications would be for role-play purposes.
  • Will there be an event maybe where both sides agree to meet and have the war recorded by a neutral watcher (allied to all fighting factions) so that it can be made into an epic war video to promote Massivecraft?
  • Who will be writing up the Role-Play/Lore version of this war? If multiple people you should discuss with each other to create a consistent storyline.
If you have any other ideas, please do tell! Here are my opinions on the matter:

Yes, there should be a warzone, and it should be in between Valyria, Asgard, and Amnis. It should have some towers (and a few ruined ones), some seige equipment (catapults, trebuckets, that stuff) and some areas with traps in them (lava pits like the ones at Remus).

Yes, there should be an event where both sides fight each other and it is recorded. That would be an awesome addition to the lore and role play aspect of the server, and if both sides support that side of the server they will allow this and help make it happen.

I could help write up the lore behind this, but I don't actually know all the details yet. Those who do know the details of what happened (who started it, how it started, major events over the course of the war) please step forward and post the raw facts (no opinions allowed!) of what happened.

Now we have some rules on this thread to prevent it getting out of hand:

  1. Be polite! I'm not an admin, but I will delete this thread if you don't watch your mouths and mind your manners!
  2. Do not flame people. If you have an opinion that differs from theirs, state your opinion without arguing over theirs. This thread will have people from both sides posting in it, you will by default disagree with someone. Just do so respectfully.
  3. Respect both sides of the conflict. If Valyria doesn't want to allow fortifications to be built around their base, then they don't have to allow it and they can destroy them (it is their territory, by 16chunk rule). If you disagree, try to get them to agree, don't just yell at them.
  4. I'm going to state this again: RESPECT. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, even if it differs from your own. Be respectful about everything you say and do. I WILL delete this thread if I feel it has gotten out of hand.
Thank you for reading and posting :)
  • 1. it would be fun to have each side construct a fort (near eachother of course) and build seige weapons and what not then have wars take place in the warzone :D
  • 2. I would say this is completely up to valyria but I think we are allowed to set up temporary camps as long as we tear them down at the end of the fighting
  • This would be fun, but make it so there are two base camps where each team has a portal for endless fighting... also i would say alamut should record this as they are allied to valyrian and 9thlegion, and truced to most war participants other than kayolin
  • To write up lore i would say a team of people, consisting of members in both alliances to keep biased opinions from forming
I don't fully agree with having a war zone, just let the war flow and let them have a choice of where and when they attack instead of just the same place everytime.
I agree with made. Atacks should be planned at different spots and towns. like a real war, having gards out at night, making sure they dont slip in unnoticed to murder everyone. Cannons built to fire at specific strategic spaces. Cities burned, camps set up nearby with portals. Men training untill called to battle with the heathens.
me and my members have spoken about this. we were gonna finish construction our other more important stuff, before we decide about the warzone, but most of us think that it would be a good idea. I mean besides the fact if there was a permanent warp nearby it would be bad for us to get raided alot. but besides that we think its a good idea. we're still gonna look more into it though, before we make a final decision. and im not the leader aswell so i dont have say for the final decision but my vote goes to yes it would be a cool idea. And the idea of adding Valyria into the lore would be cool aswell considering the server likes to raid us :P . good day
There will be no warp at all, I can assure you. Warzones don't have to have a warp.

And a warzone wouldn't limit us in any's just more relistic. Friendly fire is enabled in warzone which makes it harder in big battles (skull-splitter and such) and more RP-ish.

I feel tents and a small camp near the citadel would make a lovely RP/fight enviromment.
This would be a huge project and we do have a lot on our plate. We have a lot to build as far as functionality goes, allies to fight for, people to raid, lore to write, raiders to kill, weddings to crash, and babies to steal. We have a lot of ideas but the more people wanna make this happen the more likely it will be. If your untreated in helping let us know.[DOUBLEPOST=1359040366][/DOUBLEPOST]LOL not untreated. I meant to say untreated. Stupid phone makes this a bit hard.
lol, Grixer... you phone must really hate you :P

Anyway,back on topic, Grixer, you sorta speak for your faction on the forums I think (seems that way at least)so do you know if Valyria approves of the Warzone and will permit the creation of small forts/camps around your base?
We do support a war zone, yet have not finished the concept. For now the war will continue as normal. In the next week or so the warzone may be opened. Honestly we are a bit short handed on builders as only officers have build perms.
It is not out of the question letting 9th build a seige camp considering their building skill. We don't want a terrible looking warzone.

Anyone interested in helping should contact me in game. This is a server wide war so I don't see why more people shouldn't get involved.

What could help us?

Lore being written - good lore that could inspire the build
Seige equipment design - screenshots
Trap and obstacle design
A representative selected by the 9thlegion give their input

There is no such thing as a bad idea so if you have any post them here.
Grixer, just so you know, I'm not in 9th but am a good builder :P There are people outside of 9thLegion who are amazing builders, OctoberGwen makes better houses then the ones at Reglia (easily better, IMHO) and bubbleman is pretty skilled too. I think they should just have to post a screenshot(or 2) here and get like 5 'likes' or 'agrees' to be approved.

May I ask why only officers have build perms? Seems a little counterproductive.
We decide
Grixer, just so you know, I'm not in 9th but am a good builder :P There are people outside of 9thLegion who are amazing builders, OctoberGwen makes better houses then the ones at Reglia (easily better, IMHO) and bubbleman is pretty skilled too. I think they should just have to post a screenshot(or 2) here and get like 5 'likes' or 'agrees' to be approved.

May I ask why only officers have build perms? Seems a little counterproductive.

We decided that only officer can edit terrain for several reasons. Old Valyria was chaos. It was a nice looking base but had little to no planning. It was what it was. People just built whatever,wherever as long as it looked ok.

The new city has different rules to give more control of the building. We want the finished city to look absolutely amazing. Almost everything we build is designed on our private creative server. If members of our faction want to contribute they can build there. Furthermore it is higher priority that our new members focus on leveling combat skills instead of wasting time building. Members are given access to their assigned houses that are built for them and for now the system has been flawless.

Take Algaron for example. It is a jawdropping city of which one person, saintsdemon, built 90% of it by himself.
And a warzone wouldn't limit us in any's just more relistic. Friendly fire is enabled in warzone which makes it harder in big battles (skull-splitter and such) and more RP-ish.
Team killers, team killers everywhere.................... Plus those people who will just go in with 1000 axe skill skull-splitting everyone and be rouges in whats supposed to be semi-organized.
Waminer, nobody is going to be a team-killer in a server like this. A faction is a tightly wound group of soldiers, and a team-killer would be instantly kicked from the faction and lose all of his stuff that was in the faction. and if somebody is not allies with anybody and wants to be a rogue he can do that whether its a warzone or not.
Team killers, team killers everywhere.................... Plus those people who will just go in with 1000 axe skill skull-splitting everyone and be rouges in whats supposed to be semi-organized.

I see friendly fire as awesome. While the war persists it will make dominating the opposing forces much more challenging. PVP will become way more tactical in the warzone. This raises the skillcap and is a great way to see who actually has the higher skill in battle or who is just skull-splitting in a crowd.
I would love to assist in this with some building and i could write up little 1rst person rp stories. Amnis also agrees that it would be ok for a warzone to be extremely close to it, i will also make em open up their land to all who are allied to it or in truce with it.
As part of its Political Reform, Argonia has truced the Kingdom of Valyria and has stepped out of the war.
This is due to recent political reforms such as purging the list of Allies and trucing old enemies.

No agreements/payments or surrenderments were made in the signing of the treaty.
Argonia may try to do similar things with its other enemies as the government is focusing on the training of its warriors and most importantly, the construction of its main city.
I urge all subfactions who read this to truce Valyria also.

-The Argonian Empire