Preserved Sheet Vallerdë

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catgirl enthusiast
Nov 11, 2017
Reaction score

Art Credit: @StevenWeen

Döre felär dravë'lla
Sern'ë vo menavïr.

Ülle vare ülenna:
Meya tos per'änir.​
Basic Information
Name: Vallerdë
Aliases: Buck, Buckwheat​
Age: 79
Mental Age: ~40
Sex: Plant
Prefers they/them singular pronouns
Race: Yanar
Religion: None
Sexual Preference: Plant
Preferred Weapon: Aekrist Rage

Skill Information
Proficiency Points (60/60)
+3 Nature Care
+5 Squad Skill
+10 Command Skill
+42 Magical

+20 Athletics
+20 Heavy Weapons (Falx)
+10 Shield (Pelte)
+10 Throwing (Javelin)
Cultural Points Discarded.

Body Shape Stat: 40 Max (Theoretical Max: 50)
Body Shape Calculation: Irrelevant, Yanar
Body Shape: Athletic
Body Fat: Minimal

Common (Native Speaker, Fluent)
Plains Elven (Heritage Speaker, Fluent)​


Visual Information
Eye Color: Blood Orange
Hair Color: Non-Existent
Hair Style: Not Applicable
Skin Color: Barkish brown
Height: 6' 0"

Option B

Character Alignment:
Buck most closely falls under the branch of Lawful Neutral. A strong proponent of Yanar independence, he would do anything to propel their race into prestigious position. The needs of the many come ahead of the wants of the few, and they would do anything to cement the Yanar as a race on par with the other venerable non-Ailor races such as the Varran or Allar. While they strongly believe in the rule of law and order, they also believe themselves to be above it. Laws are better suited for beasts who know not of what they are doing.

[12.10.2019] Developments in Buckwheat's life has seen them swing wholly towards Chaotic Neutral. Demoralized and broken from their time in the City, they have put down their grand ambitions for Yanar independence in exchange for seeking humbler, more selfish comforts. Their ideological attitudes have gotten them nothing but suffering, so gone are the days of their proud willingness to stand against the wrong. The world is not for them, so thus they must stand for themselves, and themselves alone.

Character Personality Type:
The Commander - ENTJ. Buck above all covets the helm. With an ambitious mind constantly looking to the future, they see all the great struggles of life not as roadblocks but as challenges that shall help refine their mind to a sharp point. While calculating, they are not 'inhuman'. Though some would call them withdrawn and unapproachable, Buck has a tenderness for those under their command, and wishes nothing but the very best for them. In the end, Buck is still learning how to lead, and may often make mistakes due to overconfidence in their abilities.

[12.10.2019] The Virtuoso - ISTP. Jaded from their experiences in the City of Light, Buck has gone through some of the greater struggles Regalia has to offer, and has been found wanting. Trial after trial, betrayal after betrayal, all of it has left them embittered, a total mirror of who they were when they first entered the city. Harsh but well meaning words were replaced with soft but ultimately meaningless platitudes. Their personality now is perhaps less grating, but beneath the thin layer of kindness is pure disgust for the situation of the world. Disinterested with the going ons of the world around them, they are now content to simply be left alone, arising to the occasion only when the murmurings of Aekrist must be answered; the beast must be fed, after all.

Character's Religion:
(6/10, Vaguely Religious) Religion is a strange concept for a Yanar. As there is little organized doctrine about the Fated Ones but worship is still seen as a communal affair, Buck can be considered faithful but not devout. Religion, they feel, is a highly personal experience. They find organized religions such as the Unionist Church intriguing at best, believing that faith should come from within and not from written dogma. It is a free flowing belief that stands in contradiction to their otherwise order-minded behavior.

[12.10.2019] (1/10, Dead Spirit) A thousand ways to die, with a thousand different afterlives to follow them. They have seen nothing past the veil. Estel died long ago. The only thing left is life itself, and they have found the experience altogether terrible. Hence, what faith the Yanar did possess has been almost obliterated. Almost. Despite all this, they still possess the faintest spark of hope that they are completely and utterly wrong.

the weak are meat and it must eat.

「I cannot name my battles
For the visions are not clear,
Yet, I see the twisted faces
And I feel the rending spear.

Perhaps I stabbed our Savior
In His sacred helpless side.
Yet, I've called His name in blessing
When after times I died.

In the dimness of the shadows
Where we hairy heathens warred,
I can taste in thought the lifeblood;
We used teeth before the sword.」
-George S. Patton

Buck was born to a family of Yanar around the year 221 AC, a far different being from the one he came to be known as in Regalia. His name was not even originally Buckwheat, but Vallerdë, the Altalan name for the same crop. It was a frequent staple where he was born, for while the lands were near some of the most lucrative slave plantations in the world, they were but inland rocky cliffs and rolling hills under the blazing jungly sun. Buck's colony was pacifistic, as were nearly all Yanar at the time - they had the stronger Altalar to protect them still, and they needed not fear the wrath of the wider world. But from a young age, he was gripped with feelings of racial inferiority. All around him strong men rode, and fought, and died, and he was forced to watch and languish, tending to berries and bushes and vineyards for all his days. That would not do, for him. That would not do. So he drilled and practiced with the stave, and became a watchman with the patrols of the Principality, and from early on in his life gained experience fighting both Avanthar raids from Hyarroc and the occasional feral parties of Orcs which made it unusually far south and east. This built the foundation of who he was, alongside a strange finding - he first came into Aekrist, Thorn of Valagoth, while exploring the sunken ruins of an Allorn temple beneath the camp of departed steppe horsemen.

The staff was not able to entirely change him on his own, but was able to twist his perception of what he did. War was no longer a solemn duty - it was a game. Tragedy was comedy. Killing was fun. And stealing away from the Altalarin patrols one night, Buck took it to be his most pre-eminent goal to visit every single conflict he could find in the world around him and stamp his mark upon it. From then on the crazed martial artist became a specter of fear to many Avanthar tribes, and for a time it seemed that the terror of his presence would single handedly drive them from several towns on the front. But seeing that he had defeated them, he capriciously changed sides to begin fighting the Altalar instead. This would be a defining pattern of his life - to strive always to bring the underdog to victory, and to switch sides when the underdog became the over. For decades he stole about Daen, participating in skirmishes and combats from the Elven Moors (against the Kathar) to the great Orken steppes (protecting the Cielothar). But the 280s AC brought whispers to his ear. Murmurs of a great conflict in the South-East, not too far from home. So of course he had to go.

It was his first experience with Regalians, his first greeting - getting to kill them, that was. Buck barely knew what a Slizzar was, and he did not care. All he knew was that after several years on Hadaria, strange men with cannons and regimental rank and file began to pour onto the jungly islands he had come to like. So he offered them battle until the going was bad enough and he had to say goodbye to his newfound Allar friends. This trend continued, with Buck stealing across Daen again to participate in the Ranger Crisis once its first mutterings reached Precaelle. There he fought on the sides of the Orcs and Ailor, curious from his previous conflict what sort of martial ability they would have with him on their side. Against his ancient enemy, the Avanthar, his Wildering magics had a dreadful effect - and he pushed them aside, claiming victory once again. Buck was faced with a choice on whether to pursue the Songaskian lands or Thellassia for his next conflict: but Thellassia was far, far nearer to home, and so it was Thellassia to which he journeyed to once again aid the Regalians, whom he had by then come to like. He saw the civilians die and the walls come crashing down - and it was there that at last, the staff finally strove for mastery over him, and in a way, won. He had embraced war - not the bleeding and dying, not that. But the conflict of war. The spirit of war. The harrowing terror which keeps men awake at night. He had felt it, and become it. 305 saw him changing sides one final time to stand in spirited defense of his Precaellan homeland, being spared capture or execution by the Mist .. and at that point deciding that he wanted to see that Holy City himself, the heart of the burgeoning empire whose giant footsteps he had walked in for all too many years.

He arrived in Regalia, and was found wanting.

Driven to hopeless despondence in the aftermath of its lost weapon and hand, the beginning months of 308 AC saw the Yanar withdraw itself from the world. Now it returns, garbed in bones and blood, with but a single goal in mind:

To reclaim its Birthright.

Author: @OkaDoka
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@apath updated sheet, pretty much everything got edited so i didnt highlight anything
Due to a small backlog, I'll be quickly re-reviewing this application @Duwuterte

Fortunately, your proficiency points all seem to be in order. Given that you stated everything had been changed more or less, I've scrawled through it carefully. The life story reads like a dream, so I look forward to seeing Buck waltzing around - perhaps having some better luck with relationships.

shuffled points around since permissions no longer apply to this character, please rereview all items marked in red