Preserved Sheet Valindra Liavyre

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If she breathes...
Sep 6, 2016
Reaction score
The Theocracy of Ríë Rivaëlla



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Theme TBD
Voice Claim
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basic info.webp

Full Name: Valindra Liavyre

Gender: Female
Race: Moon Vault Isldar
Sexuality: Straight
Preferred Weapon: A plain dagger.




skill info.webp

Total Points: 60
+12 Sorcery
+20 Linguistics
+16 Fast blades
+4 Stealth rogue skill
+8 Dragon ritualism skill
+5 Theatre arts (Hobby Points)
+5 Musical Arts (Hobby Points)

Body Shape

+16 Physical Stat (From quick blades)
Low body fat


Common (Standard)
Sulvaley Elven (Native Tongue)
Wyrmtongue (Frost Voice)
Mavana (Ritualistic Knowledge)
Modern Altalar (Linguistic Knowledge)
Daendroque (Linguistic Knowledge)
Elven Lanugage Pack (Linguistic Knowledge)
Human Pack (Linguistic Knowledge)

Special Traits/Spells/Mutations

Isldar Abilities:
Frost Voice
Frost Song
Frost Ward
Frost Summons
Frost Harrowing
Crescent Arrow
Crescent Light

Spirit Sorcery
1. Faces of Life
2. Beastly Connection (Anglian Missier)
3. Overwhelming force

Dragon Ritualism Skills


Visual info.webp
Eye Color: Icy Blue
Hair Color: Raven Black dyed from an Etheral White
Hair Style: Tied up in a bun for convenience
Skin Color: Pale Ivory
Clothing: Various flowing dresses or elegant tunics
Height: 5'10


Option Two: The Core List

Character Alignment
True Neutral. Valindra, fights a constant battle with her morality. Swaying from good to evil, lawful to chaotic, the nelfin is always unsure of herself and her actions. She is capable of both acts of great good, and great evil, often meaning she is a liability to those who associate with her. Like most Isldar of her kind, she's been known to act upon emotion, albeit more subtly that the majority of Moon Vault Isldar.

Personality Type
INJT- The Architect. Valindra is a forward thinker with a plan and backup plan for most every situation, giving her a level of confidence, bordering on plain arrogance. The woman is constantly scanning and analysing every aspect of life when it is thrown their way, though it is hard for others to keep up with her, though Valindra fails to understand why.


Dragon Worship (Frisit | 9/10)




Born to Alvaera and Rothilion Liavyre on a crisp winter's morn in the primary Isldar hold in the frozen north of Ellador; her parents both served in the Pillar of War, the Isldarin Military as mid-ranking soldiers.

The young Valindra grew up surrounded by warriors, mostly, being the only female child of her parents. Unlike her siblings, her form was more on the lithe side, and Valindra much preferred exploring and learning over fighting and thus was frequently yet lovingly picked on by her brothers.

Valindra was a quiet and obedient child, often adhering to her parents' wishes, and remaining close with her extended family, who shared a house with her and her direct family.

Valindra spent countless hours learning of Isldarin religion and the ins and outs of such; she aspired to be a priestess one day and to spread the word of Frisit wherever she possibly could amongst her kin.

Valindra was always plagued by wanderlust. She sets out from the hold and uses her meagre savings to pay for several ships; though does stowaway on one or two.

She lands in Daen, though lives in fear that she'd be picked on for her unusual appearance. Eventually, she meets a Spirit Sorceror and her mentor, a kindly old Isldar by the name of Lucion. She adds three new spells to her collection, using one such spell, faces of life, to give herself a more altalar appearance. She becomes known as a Fin'ullen Altalar within Daendroc, and expands heavily upon her linguistic knowledge from her mentor.

One evening, Valindra is attacked in a mugging, having found herself a steady job at the age of seventy as a linguist. She's left heavily wounded but survives. Following her recovery, she spents time gathering money to pay a fee for a tutor in the School of Mariposa. She eventually graduates, with time and patience, the racism of the teachers taking a toll on her patience.

Valindra, using her knowledge of linguistics, helps with many expeditions to ancient altalar ruins, being paid a decent sum for her expertise.

Valindra learns of the second death of frisit and her heart is shattered, though another vision informs her of frisit's revival. She learns of Regalia, and ventures there, bidding a fond farewell to her tutor and magic mentor. There she learns of the Imperial dragon, which fills her with curiosity. She sets sail for regalia with her decent earnings, and touches down on Regalian soil, though her funds had run dry at this point.

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@Moribundity Your app looks mostly good, there are just a few things that need to be fixed:
  • Your body stat is incorrect for your proficiency points.
Please mark your changes out in Blue, and tag me once you are done.
@Follower Changed the Sorcery from Arcane to Spirit. Requesting re-review. Also redid proficiencies. Now she's got a +30 to linguistics, +20 to quick blades and a +4 to sneaking.
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Requesting re-review due to the following changes made:

  • Lowered her language stat and removed the mythical language pack.
  • Switched out sulvaley elven for middle altalar to give her more of a localised language set.
  • Added Lightgiver ritualism skill.
  • (edit) Oh and added in the new combat roll system (I hope I did it right!)
Was uphappy with how lackluster the app was. So I added in some character development in her backstory, and gave her vampirism in such as well. I prettied up the app, redid aspects of the backstory and her morality. Should be the final edit for a while. Sorry about this.

Also added in the hobby proficieny points in music, added in a lore reference in the form of which combat style Valindra was trained in.
@Moribundity It's alright, just noticed it. It looks mostly in order, just a small issue.
  • Currently you have Linguistics at 25, and Fast blades at 21. You may only increase the cap above 20 for one chosen proficiency that isn't an Art, please correct this and retag me once you have done so.
If your past reviewer is no longer staff then you must change the application's tag to needs reviewer to indicate that you need a new reviewer or you will find yourself potentially waiting an unnecessary period of time. That being said, I will be claiming this for review. @Moribundity