Preserved Sheet Valhir Stormrbjóða

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Jul 18, 2022
Reaction score
Character Information

Full Name: Valhir Stormrbjóða

Race: Urlan (Once a Velheim Ailor)

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Eye Color: Amber

Core Concept

  • Valhir Stormrbjóða is one of many Urlan that find their roots tied to those of the Velheim. He is an obstinate wall of power and thunderous fury, who now journeys to Regalia looking for opportunity, riches, and most importantly, glory. He will grow his Soldi at all costs, becoming the mightiest that he can before the eyes of the Old Gods.

  • Str: 6(+2 cause urlan) 8
    • Unarmed Pack

    • Large Blades Pack

    • Axe Pack

    • Blunt Pack

    • Thin Blades Pack

    • Flexible Weapons Pack
  • Con: 6 (+2 cause urlan) 8
    • Resilience Pack (Free cause Urlan)

    • Bruteforce Pack (Free cause Urlan)

    • Light Shielding Pack

    • Heavy Shielding Pack

    • Multi Shielding Pack

    • Wood Craft Pack

    • Thread Craft Pack

    • Stone Craft Pack
  • Dex: 0

  • Wis: 1
    • Healing Alchemy Pack
  • Mag: 0

  • Cha: 1
    • North Linguist Pack

  • NA

  • Common

  • Skodje

  • Northern Linguist Pack.
Appearance Information

No longer the large man he was, Valhir is now an Urlan, even mightier of form standing at seven feet eight inches tall. From head to toe he keeps his rippling form of musculature covered in thick, shaggy, snow white fur, his amber eyes burning from behind his grand snout. His large horns are turned skyward, with bovine ears hanging beneath them. Ritualistic fetishes and symbols hang from his horns, honoring the Old Gods. When not hunting, he clads himself in thick furs from the waist down, keeping his feet in their typical form, saving the change into hooves for when the hunt is on in full.


Life Story

1 bullet point for childhood. Where was your Character born? To whom?

  • A runt of a Velheim boy, Valhir was the eldest brother of three boys, son of Ketta Stormrbjóða, his father, and Valyn Stormrbjóða, his mother.
1 bullet point for adolescence. What did they spend their early-mid teenage years doing?

  • Constantly vying for his place amongst his younger brothers, Valhir grew strong in the harsh north upon Jorrihildr. He soon grew well into the manly body that fitted his ambitious spirit.
1 bullet point for early adulthood. What path did they embark on?

  • Valhir was never satisfied with his progress, and so, in a grand move, he journeyed off to the Northern Expanse, vying to not come back till he had killed the largest beast he could find, or die trying. He hadnt even managed to get off the island itself with the boat he had prepared before he was struck by an Oorl Worm in his sleep. The experience was tormenting, and after having fully awoken from the pain, he realized he had become something more. What he initially thought was his demise he now realized to be, at least in his mind, a blessing from the Old Gods.
1 bullet point to explain why they came to Regalia.

  • With his new found might as an Urlan, Valhir journeyed for some time, honing his skills and his need for the wilds in the Northern Expanse. Eventually though, he returned to closer lands, making a life of raiding and pillaging. It wasnt until he met a poor monk that he was about to stomp out then and there that spoke of the wide expanses of Regalia. Opportunity, riches, glory! All this and more the monk told to Valhir, and he drank it in with a nod. Thus, Valhir spared the old man, making his way to the grand city of Regalia so that he could cut a mark deep into the place, for himself, and for his gods.
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