Preserved Sheet Valerie Decimar

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The Trilogy
Apr 22, 2013
Reaction score

Art drawn by @LadyTeddington
Ⅰ ⌈Basic Information (Required)⌋
  • Full Name: Va'al Daevaar.
    • Imperialized Name: Valerie Decimar.
    • Nicknames: Val, Vally, Val Pal, Ashskin.
  • Age: 18.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Race: Kathar Shenath.
  • Sexuality: Bisexual.
Ⅱ ⌈Skill Information (Required)⌋
  • Total Proficiency Points: 18.
    • Total Cap: 50.
      • Idle Points: 0.
  • Proficiency Points:
    • +10 Dagger (+10 racial)
    • +10 Void/Exist Knowledge (+10 racial)
    • +8 Acrobatics (+8 points)
    • +5 Unarmed Fighting (+5 points)
    • +5 Mace (+5 points)
  • Culture Points:
    • +3 Bodycare (+3 points)
    • +3 Drawing (+3 points)
    • +3 Husbandry (+3 points)
    • +2 Horticulture (+2 points)
      • Idle Points: 7.
  • Languages:
    • Common. (Fluent)
    • Modern Elvish. (Fluent)
  • Magic Spells: DEFUNCT
    • Hayvann - Ellon Form: Her Ellon is from the wild soul category. The Silven is able to shift into her Ellon, Nighthowler. The animal's fur is pitch black, similar to Valerie's hair. It flaunts blade-like talons for its feet, the nimble body of a forest monkey, and the powerful head of a panther. Its eyes are plagued with the Silven heritage. If one were to gaze into its eyes, they would notice the Ellon's eyes are glowing. The predator-like Ellon also has black wings on its back that expands out wide, though it is unable to fly upwards, but it can glide through the air while actively descending. Nighthowler's size matches up to a small child. The Ellon specializes in agility, swiftness, climbing, and striking quick with its talons, claws, and teeth.
    • Aeleiv - Mending Light: Valerie learned this spell on February 15th, 306 AC. Her mentor was Rowan Haaven. The Silven uses this spell whenever she needs to heal severe wounds. She prefers to stick with available alchemy and traditional medicine.
  • Position: Valerie had not come to Regalia. She was born in the Archipelago. The Silven has spent her entire life in the middle of the Holy City and never stepped a foot outside into the wilderness. Most days were spent in the mud, tunnels, and slums. The fresher days were knee-deep in petty crimes. Valerie has managed to pull herself out of gutter, thanks to the drastic, life-changing events. It was a wake up call for the Silven.
  • Upbringing: The Silven had an unkind start to life. Born to wallow in the mud and succumb to the darkest corners of Regalia. Valerie grew up in complete poverty and destitution. Her family barely managed to scrounge up enough food. It forced them to turn to petty crimes, such as pickpocketing, running scams, and robbery. Her mother stayed throughout all her life, but her biological father's whereabouts are unknown. Valerie's cousins and older family remain in the Dread Empire. Currently, her mother reside in the slums.
  • Lesser Goals: Adopt a hound, explore different weaponry, and move her mother out of the slums.
Ⅲ ⌈Visual Information (Required)⌋
  • Eye Color: Golden irises with red limbus rings.
  • Hair Color: Black.
  • Hair Style: Shoulder length, with the hair parted between her face.
  • Skin Color: Ashy.
  • Clothing: Imperialized, or dark simple clothing.
  • Height: 5'7.
  • Body Build: Lanky.
Ⅳ ⌈Personality and Abilities (Required)⌋
  • First Glance: Valerie is usually the one who initiate conversations. She comes off bold and abrasive towards strangers, but also with a dash of mischief and fun. Strangers are like open, interesting books for her to read through and explore. She is extremely extroverted and easily opens up to other strangers, if they do the same for her. The Silven enjoys putting in her input and ideas through any conversations, even if they didn't include her. Strangers may be overwhelmed by her emotionally and physically invading presence. If insulted, Valerie has tendencies to give into her own short-temper and will start to passive-aggressively attack them in any way she can find. If the strangers tries to befriend her, they will find that it is delightfully easy to get along with Valerie.
    • However, the Silven will avoid certain types of people; Snarky/sarcastic folks, depressed/self-hating individuals, and anti-socials.
      • For snarky/sarcastic strangers, she doesn't believe they're worth talking to. Nothing rewarding will ever come from someone who would blatantly imply threats, insult strangers, and make half-ass attempts to respond.
      • For depressed, and self hating strangers, Valerie believes that nothing positive ever comes from them, and that they only depress others with their negative outlook on life and themselves. She believes that the depressed/self-hating individuals don't even bother on solving their problems and just wallow in it. Valerie also believes that self-hating individuals are somehow narcissistic and attention-seeking, because they always talk about themselves, shit about themselves, and always make everything about themselves.
      • For antisocial strangers, Valerie doesn't bother on speaking with them. She finds them not worth speaking to because it's better to leave them in their own bubble, rather than go through much effort trying to pry them out of their corners.
  • Reflection: Valerie admits that she feels mostly proud about herself, especially about her efforts. She managed to find good work, loyal friends, and a decent house. The Silven does not freely confess that she has problems. Instead, Valerie internalizes problems and troubling emotions, thus locking them away. Unfortunately, she also has tendencies to suddenly distance herself away from others, both with and without reason. She refuses to speak about her problems, and believes that it is a sign of both weakness and dependency.Valerie holds minimal anxieties to herself. Out of all the problems that fester in the Silven's head, this would be the biggest one; The thought of walking alone, with no one by her side, terrifies the Silven. Valerie also struggles to believe what her true emotions are. For an example: Valerie had killed one of Valentius' murderers, and had longed for this day. However, instead of feeling complete satisfaction for achieving vengeance, she felt complete remorse and heavy guilt that plagued her mind and soul. The unexpected and intense emotions leave Valerie with confusion and frustration. She wishes to punish the criminals, but has decided to do so without murder.
  • Close Hearts: Valerie's abrasive and unintentionally blunt demeanor softens into heavy adoration and affection for her true friends. She clearly shows care towards her companions and family. The Silven tries to keep herself accompanied during lonely days. Valerie drags her companions with her on adventures, but fails to consider their feelings. The Silven also fails to notice the concern that friends provide, dismissing it either as cowardly or "killjoy". The biggest vice that Valerie carries is "abandonment". Valerie has damaged her friends by befriending, then abandoning them during their times of vulnerability and need. It is almost like reading a book. If a book is uninteresting or complete, Valerie will set the book aside and never touch it again. She does more harm than good, by dropping her friends whenever she grows tired or bored of them. The same applies to lovers. The Silven enjoys going around and having different lovers, because she has tendencies to grow bored of them too. Valerie would rather surround herself with people who are either interesting, exciting, mischievous, or strange. She searches for people of mystery, who she offers respect to.
  • Morality: Valerie has no set rules of morality that she abides to. She does whatever she wants, whenever she wants. The Silven is capable of acts of compassion, care, and extreme empathy. At the same time, she is capable of committing extreme cruelty and apathy against those who do wrong against her and her family. Her morals have tendencies to flip, like a coin, in certain situations that would suit her needs the best. Valerie's morals can be summed up with one word. Arbitrary.
  • Reading and Writing: Valerie's reading and writing skills are similar to a toddler's. She was recently taught how to read and write, at least at a bare minimum standards. The Silven struggles to properly spell words and cannot read fast. Valerie is incredibly insecure and embarrassed about her illiteracy. She attempts to hide this from everyone.

  • Sweets: Valerie is a complete sucker for sweets. She takes delight from all forms of sweet treats.
  • Crowds: She can fit right into the middle of the crowd and get herself well acquainted with most people. Valerie has a liking for social areas.
  • Juice: Similar to sweets, Valerie enjoys this tasty beverage. Her favorite is apple juice.
  • Bones: Valerie enjoys using her Kathar abilities to mend bone into Howling Javelins, daggers, or forms of art.
  • Warmth: The Silven likes to bask in the warmth of the sun, cuddle up near the fireplace, or bury herself within the warm comforts of her blankets.
  • Dogs: They are lovely, loyal hounds. What would a cat ever do for its owner?
  • Rats: They're like hounds, but small. Valerie believes that rats carry an infamous, unfortunate burden. Sometimes she will willingly harbor a pet rat for herself.
  • Slow Walkers: Valerie's ire grows when her pace is impeded by slow walkers.
  • Reading: Valerie grows frustrated by her own inability to read properly. She avoids her insecurity by not reading or writing often.
  • Raisins: The taste and sweetness is off for the Silven.
  • Siggs: The smell is awful.
  • Alcohol/Opium: Valerie tends to stay away from alcoholic beverages, and opium. She is fearful of succumbing to addiction and losing control of herself.
Ⅴ ⌈Life Story (Required)⌋
Valerie's mother defected from the Dread Empire. Her mother was raised in the Clan of Hazära (Misery Clan). Their professes of the cycle of destruction was what caused her to defect in the first place. She traveled the world to seek out worldly pleasures. Eventually she became pregnant with Valerie. During the time of conception, an Arken had been nearby. It twisted Valerie's fate forever, plaguing her with the golden, infamous eyes.

Valerie was born in the slums of Regalia. Life was unkind, bitter, and harsh for the Silven. Even as a child, Valerie suffered intense, dangerous scrutiny, bullying, and twisted sadistic games brought down upon her. Her family was food insecure, which left Valerie hungry during the nights. She grew up hated, and unwanted by virtually everyone, except her mother who treasured her for being a Faï'llir and her first daughter. Valerie developed a deep bond with her mother and couldn't bear the thought of separating from her. It took some time for the Silven to gradually gain independency.

While growing up as a teenager, the Silven took on the "dog-eat-dog" mindset. The friends she managed to achieve were terrible influences. Together, they went on a spree of stealing, mugging, fighting, and disorderly behaviors. Her mother soon was an absent figure in her life, which Valerie grew to resent. She believed her mother had abandoned her, when in reality her mother was trying to somehow gather money for their sake. Valerie was still bitter, but held deep affection for her mother, even if she wouldn't admit it.

At the age 14, Valerie crosses paths with a mysterious, alluring Qadir. The man was completely eccentric and eagerly invited the Silven for teachings. His bizarre attitude had attracted Valerie to his studies. The idea of learning magic felt overwhelmingly powerful. She agreed to his teachings. The Qadir wanted to spread his soul magic teachings to his pupils, but also had an ulterior motive for Valerie. He wanted to shut off the possibility of Valerie learning void-based magic. The Qadir Mentor achieved this by teaching her soul magic, which was an exist-based magic.

Currently, Valerie has managed to get herself out of the slums and found jobs. While she explored further into the city, she met many people who influenced her. Valerie softened up and developed deep bonds. Rowan and Valentius are the two who had influenced her the most.

Valentius and her had a rocky start. The Drowdar had literally threw her down the stairs and threatened her if she ever acted out. However, he secretly took on the role of a father for the Silven. Many arguments and fights passed. Valerie grew a reluctant bond for the Drowdar and never realized her appreciation for him until he was murdered by the Kathars. Valentius had also left a letter for Valerie; The letter detailed his fatherly affection for Valerie, and that he officially adopts her. Heartbroken and outraged, Valerie had sworn to surpass the slum-dwellers in every way, shape, and form. She wishes to deliver punishment onto the conspirators and murderers.

At the moment, Valerie holds several jobs. She works at the Alchemia and functions as a house guard for the Everhardts. She has decided to quit magic, believing that she should pursue after methods that are considered more tangible.
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Hi @Wumpatron, I decided to re-do her app. I'm tagging you because you were her last reviewer. Sorry if this is an inconvenience!
Looks good! You might get told to expand her life story more, but that'll depend on the reviewer. Also you left (Required) on the sections, but that's just a personal thing of mine, not necessarily something needing to change. Good job, Nari!
Looks good! You might get told to expand her life story more, but that'll depend on the reviewer. Also you left (Required) on the sections, but that's just a personal thing of mine, not necessarily something needing to change. Good job, Nari!

Thanks! I feel extremely inspired so I'll write up more about her life story in a separate spoiler or somewhere else.
*Sniffs* There is a lack of Vengeance...
  • There is a contradiction between your main ambition and your Second Personality and Abilities Paragraph. She wants to finish off those who killed Valentius yet it appears she has difficulties coming to terms with the aspects of murder. So that leaves the question, how can she finish them off if she has difficulties with murder? If you can clarify that point in either of those two sections that would be appreciated.
  • Include Valentius in the Life Story. If he is important to your character to the point of wanting to avenge him, then he should be mentioned within this section. Explore their relationship and why she feels a necessity to avenge the death of the man. That should help add more depth to your character and justify this main ambition of revenge without falling into uwu you killed him so I killed you sort of narrative.
Complete the above changes and tag myself once completed @Narrju
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  • There is a contradiction between your main ambition and your Second Personality and Abilities Paragraph. She wants to finish off those who killed Valentius yet it appears she has difficulties coming to terms with the aspects of murder. So that leaves the question, how can she finish them off if she has difficulties with murder? If you can clarify that point in either of those two sections that would be appreciated.
  • Include Valentius in the Life Story. If he is important to your character to the point of wanting to avenge him, then he should be mentioned within this section. Explore their relationship and why she feels a necessity to avenge the death of the man. That should help add more depth to your character and justify this main ambition of revenge without falling into uwu you killed him so I killed you sort of narrative.
Complete the above changes and tag myself once completed @Narrju

Changes made in blue.
Changed her height and switched around proficiency points.
Adjusted the application to the small changes.
Reverted her height back. Turns out I didn't like having her taller.
Removed magic abilities by considering them defunct. I don't want to use magic for this character. Since I didn't want to void any magical interactions she's had, I've decided to "keep" them, but will not use it any longer.
