Preserved Sheet Anathiel

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neighborhood milf lover
Dec 2, 2015
Reaction score
egirl applebees



"They may defeat you, burn you, insult you, injure you, and abandon you. But they will not, shall not, and cannot destroy you. For you, like Rome, were built on ashes. And you, like a Phoenix, know how to resurrect."


Basic Information
  • Given Name:Aerendyl Larenanthar
  • Alias/Others: Anathiel, Ana, Aeren
  • Age: 79
    • Born: July 23rd, 229 AC
    • Sign: Leo
  • Gender: Female | Androgynous Features
  • Race: Altalar | Fin'ullen Sub-Race
  • Sexuality: Bisexual with a heavy preference for women.
  • Preferred Weapon:
    • Claws
    • Fists
    • Beastmode Shift
Inventory Information

  • Sack of Regals.
    • [An old leather pouch holds a supple amount of 30 Regals.]
  • Ornate Flask.
    • [Usually filled with water.
  • Pocket Watch.
    • [A gift from an old friend, only carried on them to meetings and social gatherings.]
  • Multitude of earrings.
    • [Most of the earrings are plain gold, however depending on the outfit, a few jewels dangle from them. All of them were gifts from past friends and family.]
  • Worn Leather Book
    • [Coated in dust from neglect, this book is occasionally on Anathiel's person and unable to be stolen.]
  • Isskarno | "Snake of Pride"
    • [A bracelet gifted to her from Eloha, the bracelet serves as a symbol of a vigilant guardian and hero trying to undo the world of its wrongs.]

Proficiency Points

45 Points + 5 Age + 10 Talent 10 Hobby Points [ 70 ]

9 | Fist Combat [9 Points Invested.]
8 | Spear Combat [8 Points Invested.]
12 | Linguistics [5 Age +7 Points Invested.]
09 | Arcanology Knowledge [9 Points Invested.]
06 | Ench. Werebeast [6 Points Invested]


10 | Burgling Rogue [10 Talent Points Invested.]


10 | Pathfinding Art [10 Hobby Points Invested]
06 | Painting Art [ 6 Points Invested.]


Special Perm
[ Link ]

Werebeast Mutations

Loyalty of the Uthurenn
Lovingness of the Dog
Howl of the Hyena
Violence of the Sabrewolf


Normal Shift
Beastmode Shift [+10 Physical Stat]
Midnight Black wolf with the occasional white marking on the stomach, back of the legs, and forehead.


Ulley's Prayer | Chosen Blessing [DISABLED]
All Fin'ullen Abilities.

Arcanology Packs

Artifact Knowledge
Ward Knowledge
Archblood Knowledge


Stat: 20
Body Shape: Athletic
Body Fat: Moderate


Common - Free
Modern Altalar - Racial
Middle Altalar - Linguistics
Skodje - Linguistics
Allorn Pack - Linguistics

Twi Dialect
Ancient Altalar
Mythic Pack
Dragon Script
Meriac Alphabet
Seraph Dialect


Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Baby-Blue
    • Currently a mutated silver.
  • Hair Color: Midnight Black
  • Hairstyle: Almost always pulled back into braids or up into long pony-tails and adorned with clips.
  • Skin Color: Fair
  • Clothing: Varies with no set trend other than flexibility.
  • Height: 6'4 ½ or 194.31 cm
  • Extras:
    • Exist Carry | Naturally petrichor with a soft underlay of pine, incapable of foul odors.
    • Exist Occular | Gaze is naturally silver.
    • Exist Tears | Tears come off as a silvery liquid.
    • Exist Crown | A pair of nonfunctional black wings emerge from their back.
    • A twin set of claw marks is engraved on her face. One had previously connected at a slant, going from her hairline down to her chin whilst the other followed the same pattern, but straight down.
    • A messy Unionist brand has been pressed onto the palm of her left hand for past doings.
    • White geometric tattoos are spread amongst Anathiel's form, extending up the arms, across the chest, and ends at her back. Upon closer inspection, the shapes hold stories in Middle Altalar of their life.


The Core List

  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Personality Type: The Defender
  • Religion N/A


Life Story

Early Years of the Shatterborn

Aerendyl was born to a somewhat large family within the outskirts of an unnamed town in Daendroc. Here, they began their first years of life with the constant chaos around them. Despite the chaos, they thrived in the atmosphere.

As years came and quickly left, so did Aerendyl's mentors and educators. Around the age of ten, they had their first non-diplomatic encounter. Stepping too close to the woodlands behind the family manor, the Lessara soon found themselves in quite the predicament. Forcibly dragged within the dark and moistened tree line, they found a plethora of eyes staring down at their form. Said eyes were not normal. In fact, none of the beings were normal. A sudden realization set in after a moment - these were beastmen, Werebeast as they would later be called.

Such an experience led into the rest of her life, presenting the gift of the Shatter Curse when she turned of age. She was now a pup within the Primus pack.


Adjustment to the shatter curse sounds easier than it truly was. The first shift was bound to kill them, or so Aerendyl thought. As their bones rearranged and the first tuffs of white fur made their inevitable appearance, Aerendyl became an easy target for the hunters. Yet, white fur was not a rare appearance. In fact, it was common enough for The Primus to have a whole procedure to "change" the color. In reality, it was merely coating the fur in mud.

Aerendyl participated in their first hunt, rendering it successful. Consuming their first soul, the manic hunger was soothed. Until it returned, of course.

The Beta of the pack continued their education, mixing the book work of brief lessons with how a pack operates and the importance of each role. Soon after, they were assigned to the hunting group.

Desperation and Separation

All good things must come to an end eventually, such is the circle of life. However, Aerendyl's typical routine was roughly interrupted as the pack was soon chased out of the forest. Making their escape, they managed to flee to a fisherman's boat and convince them to take them to the main harbor. From the harbor, Aerendyl became a stow-away and moved onwards to the next location.

Through hardships of keeping quiet through hunger, dehydration, and seasickness, the next location was eventually reached. Now out of place in the cold, harsh climate of the northern regions, Aerendyl met the Cormac family who took them in for the entirety of their stay. They were taught Skodje and some of the cultural ongoings of the Velhiem Ailor. In return, Aerendyl taught the Cormac children self-defense, acting as a bodyguard for the primary child, Julius.

Actively working as a bodyguard, Aerendyl found themselves roped into various wars. Forced to embrace a mundane front through weeks of hardships, they experienced the first feeding frenzy of their lifetime. Uncontrolled, Aerendyl proceeded to rampage through the war camps which soon led to an early dismissal.

Regalian Savior

Eventually, Aerendyl arrived at the threshold of the Regalian City. Here, they found a home and a bite to eat and reconsider their course of life. Perhaps it was time to make a home for themselves, no? After a life of being a nomad, it would only be fitting. Especially for their age.

The Crowns Isle Wardens was their break into normal society. With a normal job now, Aerendyl participated in the defense of the city and the arrests of the unjust all the way up until the first Violet Order Reform under William Howlester. Additionally, they became a house guard for House Rosendahl and labeled the champion of the house guard for a time.

Joining up with the Violet Order, here they remained until their eventual marriage with a partner who, oddly enough, seemed to accept their affliction with open arms. The marriage lasted quite some time, producing 5 children and a loving household which was something that was taken from Aerendyl at a young age.

Returning to a Manor in the woods which the family saved for, they resided up until the untimely death of their partner.

Tooth and Claw

The passing of their partner opens a new chapter in this story, one of ambition and mourning. Aerendyl, lost, soon found others just like her within the docks for Crookback. Meeting Moji, her second Alpha, she joined the quickly named Crookback Pack. Claiming territory and asserting themselves as a known group, they soon set up a base and proceeded to operate.

Moji soon exited the scene and introduced Lorelei Luxford, who soon became the second Allat of the Crookback Pack and, by default, her third alpha. Conflicted, Aerendyl made a vow to keep their loyalty to whoever was in charge - within reasonable bounds. Here the back flourished and expanded, introducing more and more beasts of like-minded people and two other Packs. Thriving within the community, it seemed to be all at peace. Groups working together to combat the void and even domestic issues.

The Clicker Crisis soon revealed itself, issuing another issue to work and fight for. After months of hard work and lending a hand where they could, the rift soon receded. Or, rather, exploded and left a giant crater in the middle of the Isle.

Lorelei Luxford soon left here, leaving herself and Leuthien in charge of the Crookback Pack. After a bit of discussion, the pack was renamed and the ambitions were twisted to fit the progressive mindset.

Leuthien soon, like the others before her, disappeared into the shadows in search of a new life with her fiance. The pack was handed onto Aerendyl's shoulders, leaving them with the gift and burden of leadership.

Left without a book finished, the journey still continues. Where would it lead Aerendyl next?

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Edit Log:

  • App rehaul.
    • Redid all points.
    • Rewrote Backstory.
    • Added in Inventory information.
  • Fixed required edits.
  • App approved.
  • Added another item to Inventory Information. [Leather Book]
  • Fixed weird bullet point errors for the #10th time.
  • Added new on-goings to the end of life story.
  • Fixed the bullet point issues AGAIN.
  • Spoilered inventory info.
  • Changed Statescraft to Burgling.
Last edited:
@Ailethi I'll be picking up this review. Please make the following edits and tag me once complete:
  • Age would be 79 with that birthdate
  • Lesarra can choose one boost from either Linguistic Science, Perception Training, or Writing Art, gaining 5 extra points after 5 are invested
  • You have 4 unspent proficiency points, if you want to leave these unspent just mention that
Requested edits made + a few others.

  • Added in the Lessara Bonus & balanced the points to be even. 2 languages added, Seraph & Dragon Script.
  • The rest of the 3 points went into Ritualism, Meld & Myth-Telling.
  • Fixed some weird formatting errors w/ the bullet points.
  • Fixed the App tags since they were out-dated.
  • Age was also updated to 79. Apparently I can't do math??
Requested edits made + a few others.

  • Added in the Lessara Bonus & balanced the points to be even. 2 languages added, Seraph & Dragon Script.
  • The rest of the 3 points went into Ritualism, Meld & Myth-Telling.
  • Fixed some weird formatting errors w/ the bullet points.
  • Fixed the App tags since they were out-dated.
  • Age was also updated to 79. Apparently I can't do math??
@Azas Realized that I wasn't going to use Statescraft at all. Changed it to Burgling. Nothing changed via point investment, still a full 10.
Removed a Ritualist Set, as it was never going to be used. [Meld & Mythtelling]
Changed Dagger Combat to Spear Combat.
Changed Sub-Race from Lessara to Fin'ullen, as Lessara did not fit her mentality.
Updated points to fit the ritualism removal & lack of Lessara Boost.
Did not add Fin'ullen boost as there is no points invested in those categories.
Added Beast-Mode description.
Tried & failed to fix the bullet point issue, I have no idea what's happening with that.

Additionally, can I get some of the older replies cleared up?


Y'know how I said last update? Hhaha..
Special Perm. Doc linked
Points shuffled around for the -6 from the perm itself. I took away from combative points.