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Played Character Valentino Monterrosa / The Gray Knight

This character is actively played.


Still lost in the void
Dec 4, 2023
Reaction score

"The essence of our people lies in the strength of the mundane"
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Character's information
"Not in the weakness of the occult"═─
Full Name: Valentino Alejandro Monterrosa de León
Aliases: Valentino Monterrosa (Short), Saneph(Khama), Va (Family)

Race / Culture:
Remet Asha / Tierravera - Deshret

Age: 28

Gender / Pronouns:
Male (he/him)

Khama (public knowledge)


Lothar knight (Herebrand Chapter)

>Core Concept<

Valentino is the second heir of the Monterrosa Barony of lower Girobalda, a religious purist that thinks magic is the source of most anti-karmic actions and that its influence and presence in the world needs to be weakened for the Karmic Balance to be restored.

  • Eye Color: Golden
  • Fur: white with black and grey stripes
  • Height: 6'9 (206cm)
  • Body Shape: inverted triangle
  • Additional Features:
Valentino resembles a tall snow leopard, native to the Tibetan plateaus of our world with golden-like eyes, dressed in either his heavy armor or his noble clothes. He usually wears some golden and silver bracelets around his arms. His noble wear is usually composed with some red and black robes, combined with golden ornaments.

As a Khama faithful, Valentino is followed by living metal, often described to have a darker tone than iron, but lighter than coal. He carries it in ornamental acessories such as the bracelets or in his armor. The living metal has a mind like that of a child in behavior, often going around Valentino and/or others, curious of them, but it's also very obedient, staying still when ordered.


Valentino tends to show shyness to those who he has just met or who he thinks are friends. Even if not shown directly, he thinks there is actual good in people, even some occult, but they tend to show their evil side because it's easier; this sense of good drives his vision of justice, made up with religious believes, regalian and asha philosophy, and the Lothar's oath. He expresses himself with more stoicism than other fellow Asha.

>Alignment: True neutral

Combat style



Strength: 7

· Melee Point Buy
  • Weapon Throw Pack (Free)
  • Technique Parry Pack
  • Concussive Blow Pack
  • Pinning Throw Pack
  • Diving Tackle Pack
  • Tangle Strike Pack
  • Cheap Shot Pack

· Athetic Point Buy
  • Brawl Stampede Pack
  • Steady Body Pack (Asha Mechanic)
Constitution: 6

· Shielding Point Buy
  • Shield Block (Free)
  • Shield Cover
  • Shield Deflect
  • Shield Bunker
  • Shield Wall
  • Shield Slam
  • Shield Snare Pack

Dexterity: 1

· Roguery Point Buy
  • Disguise

Intelligence: 0

· Adapt Point Buy
  • Oceanic Pack (Asha mechanic)
  • Shapeshift Pack (Free)

  • Remet Lineage mechanics.
  • Khama's living metal mechanics.
  • Herebrand chapter mechanic.





Plot hooks
─═"May we not forget the past, since it drives us towards the future"═─

  • Valentino has made his life's mission to protect other Asha from injustice.
  • TBD
Valentino grew up in the southern provinces of Girobalda, where the current Monterrosa Estate is. Educated in calculus, politics and law, He became a great diplomat for his family, succesfully closing deals with many merchants, farmers and corporates from the southern parts of the Empire and thus expanding his family's connections and wealth as soon as 11 years old.

During his adolecense, Valentino grew ever more interested in the naval and military arts, even being trained by the current head of the family, the Baroness Nureen Monterrosa, in these topics and related. It was on one of this practices when Valentino and his men were ambushed by pirates who used magic to force the crew to hand the cargo over. This incident was the start of his purist believes.

When he was 18, Valentino began his training to become a Lothar knight, event promoted by his father who wished his child became an example for others. He accepted this believing it would give him a feeling of belonging to something greater. He became a knight at 26 and began to help the habitants of Girobalda and other nobles, instructig economic progress to the region and anti-occult policies around the area.

In 311 a.C., after the Herebrand campaing in Girobalda against the Unionist blasphemers, he decided it was time to make an appearance in Regalia, hoping to help the current Lothar policies in the capital...
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