Preserved Sheet Valentina Ordoñes

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Lesbian Worst Enemy
Jun 10, 2016
Reaction score
Deep, Dark Forest of Eastern PA



☁ Basic Information ☁

Full Name: Valentina Catalina Ordoñes
Nicknames: Vale, Vally, the Wild One
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Race: Daendroque Ailor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Preferred Weapon of Choice: Fists or a wooden staff named "Mabel"



☁ Skill Information ☁
♜ Total Points:

♜ +15 Unarmed Combat (+15 from Points)
♜ +10 Stave Combat (+10 from Points)
♜ +10 Underworld Knowledge (+10 from Culture)
♜ +5 Athletic Training (+5 from Points)

♜ Body Shape:

♜ Physical Stat: 35
♜ Body Build: Ripped
♜Body Fat: Extremely Low Body Fat


♜ Common (Free language)
♜ Daendroquin (Native tongue)



☁ Visual Information ☁

♜ Eye Color: Light brown
♜ Hair Color: Black
♜ Hair Style: Curly; Often worn in a braid or down all together
♜ Skin Color: Tan
♜ Clothing: Tight clothing that cannot be grabbed onto in various shades of reds.
♜ Height: 5'7"



☁ Personality and Abilities ☁

♜ How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
♜Fear is an intriguing creature when it comes to Vale. It's like two wild cats entering the same area and sizing each other up. Hostility is how she responds to fear, much like an angry cat, she will bare her claws and wave whatever weapon she has on hand to scare the thing causing her fear off. If this does not work, she will attempt to subdue the creature causing her fear and then get away from the situation as soon as she can to see another fighting day.

♜ How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
♜ Having lived mostly a carefree lifestyle, stress is something that is quite foreign to Vale, but when it does roll into her court, she does not handle it very well. Often she turns to liquor and smoking heavily, putting herself into week-long drunken and sometimes high stupors. If not for drinking or smoking, she strolls up to the biggest person she can find and starts an all outright brawl.

♜ How would your character express feeling Happy?
♜ Similarly to how she reacts to stress, Vale drinks to a lighter extent and generally relaxes about with those she considers friends. When not drinking, she is singing terribly that has often been akin to someone skinning a cat. It's that bad, but don't go telling her that as she'll make you eat those words.

♜ How does your character view Law and Authorities?
♜ Laws are meant to be broken and Vale tends to be the lawbreaker. However, she's quick to get out of the situation or pin it on an unsuspecting person. She prefers to live her life freely without the bond of law and order. General mayhem and chaos is good, having law and order is bad, least in her eyes.

♜ How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
♜ Races other than her own are a tad iffy. On one hand, she sees them as just more creatures to beat and win out over, but on the other, she sees them as possible beings to use in her favour. However, if one is able to beat her at her own game of fighting with fists, they can earn some respect from Vale.

♜ How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
♜ To be terribly honest, Vale probably doesn't have a religion. But if one were to ask her, she would blink and think for a moment before saying she was a Unionist. She was raised in a loose Unionist household, but that's frankly about as far as it goes. Relatively speaking, her only "true religion" is a good fight and a good drink.

♜ How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
♜ Considering the only time she has ever come into contact with something "magical" in nature was with her undead cousin, to say Vale has positive feelings concerning would be a complete and utter lie. She despises more or less all arcane and magical beings, but in reality, this hatred for the arcane is rooted in the fact that she lacks real knowledge as to what causes these things to happen.

♜ How does your character feel towards their family?
♜ As she never knew her parents, being raised by her aunt and uncle surrounded by many cousins, family is not terribly important to her but she certainly does love them. She thinks of them from time to time and will send the occasional letter, but as previously stated they're not very important.

♜ What is your character's biggest insecurity?
♜ While she does not necessarily have actual insecurities, there are those types of people who she, generally speaking, has a soft spot for. In particular, those people who are down on their luck and the essential "underdog" type person as she herself was once like that. She was someone who came from little to become something much more. A decent fighter and someone with food in her mouth and clothes on her back.

♜ What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
♜ Having lived a good amount of her life being beaten down time and time again by those who were bigger than her, to say she has dragged herself from the bottom of being dirt poor to a place where it's moderately middle class, that would be Vale's greatest achievement. She's, generally speaking, proud of being able to pick herself after being kicked and hit down time and time again, both metaphorically and literally.

♜ What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
♜ Honestly? Money and a good fight is what truly drives Vale. She enjoys the thrill and the adrenaline that comes with a good, blood and guts fight, whether or not she's actually part of it. Money for her is essentially her life, that's all she lives for these days as she has often been told that the person who holds the money makes the world turn.

♜ What is your character's biggest fear?
♜ Other than becoming poor again, which is a bit of a given, the greatest fear Vale has is that she fears having damage come to her hand. This fear connects back to the other fear of losing everything and becoming poor again as her hands are the main way she gains her money-through combat and brawling.


☁ Life Story ☁

♜ Birth:
Born on July 9th, 277AC in Daenshore to parents she never got to know, Valentina was raised by her mother's sister and her husband, alongside her five male cousins.

♜ Childhood:
Being raised alongside her five male cousins, she was essentially treated as one of the boys and was often getting her knees and knuckles bloodied and dirtied as she was often seen fighting amongst them to try and come out on top.

Though she was treated like one of the boys did not mean she actually was one of them, and thus she was often taken advantage of and kicked down into the mud or the dirt. As she was the youngest of the group of them, she was often quite naive and went along with the jokes and plottings of her older cousins as to not be kicked out or ignored. She wanted to be included at the end of the day.

Her Aunt attempted to tame her into a being more of a feminine and domestic young girl, but it truly did not work out. If her Aunt put her in a dress, she would soon be ruining said dress with mud, dust, grime and on certain occasions blood.

♜ Adolescence:

Growing older, meant understanding things more clearly. And with understanding things more clearly, meant Vale was beginning to find a purpose in life. Setting aside her naivety, she began to sharpen her fighting skills and even taking up stave training under her Uncle who had a passion for it when he was younger.

Under her Uncle's keen eye, she learned how to fight properly both with her fists and with a stave. In the beginning, she did often lose to her cousins who took an interest in her training, she did not allow this to thwart her want to become a fighter. Rather she allowed it to fuel her want to win and be better thus pushing her to do better and fight harder.

Eventually, she would beat her cousins down one by one before the ultimate test was put before her: defeating her Uncle. She had trained for this very moment and she knew within her heart of hearts that this would be the turning point of her life. And as the day of this final "trial" for her came, she was ready.

She was knocked down numerous times but with each time, she got back up, but in the end, she was not able to defeat her Uncle. However, though she did not beat the trial, her Uncle believed her to be ready to go out into the rest of the world.

♜ Adulthood and Present:

With her Uncle's guidance and assistance, Valentina soon found work as brawler and mercenary. This line of work truly called to her and fed her love for fighting and the adrenaline that came with it. She brawled around Daendroque for a few years before returning home to spend time with her cousins.

However she arrived back at a bad time as one of her cousins had perished and had come back to life as a bone horror. As neither her Aunt nor her Uncle or any of her other cousins could kill the risen bone horror of a man, Valentina took it upon herself to drive him away from his original home and away from the still living family members.

After this was said and done, Valentina turned her eyes toward greener and richer pastures. She collected her things and headed off to Regalia to find more riches and to forget what had to be done in the Daen Jungles.
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Well written application, just one small thing I'd like to suggest.

Life Story
  • Consider expanding upon what happened with Valentinas parents, did they die shortly after her birth, run away, etc.
Since this point is so minuscule and not necessarily required I'll be approving this application.
