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Played Character Valent

This character is actively played.


Dec 20, 2022
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Valent
  • Heritage: Half-elf
    • Half Toulonne Ithanian Ailor, though he doesn't know the specifics of his elven heritage.
  • Age: 27
  • Pronouns: He/they
  • Religion: Unionism
  • Occult: Born Void mage
  • Character Occupation: Custodian, steward, servant
Appearance Information
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Skin Color: Dull tan
  • Hair: Mid-length, black, curly, longer at the back
  • Height: 6'3
  • Body Type: Lithe and athletic
Skill Information
  • Hobbies and Talents: Magical talent
  • Languages: Common, d'Ithanie, Altalar
Kathar free packs

Ailor are masters of languages, which is expected given their habit to culturally divides. Because so many of their languages are inter-connected, various words become more obviously related, and they also take more effort to learn other languages. If someone insults an Ailor, even in a language they do not speak, the Ailor would know, as they know most curse words or words by which to speak ill of others in all languages.

Ailor make for excellent negotiators. Ailor gain +2 on top of every Persuasion Dice roll result, and their Persuasion Cap is also increased by +2 for every Dice Roll. These effects only apply to non-Afflicted, non-Mystech individuals, as their speech and habits are entirely fine-tuned to the more mundane aspects of global society, they must venture beyond their comfort zone to be able to reach Magic things.

Kathar are not affected by the mental characteristics or changes of any Affliction or Affinity and are always in control of their own mind from them.

Kathar are able to look at a person and intuit their Corruption Desire, with OOC Consent. Then, the Kathar can act towards this goal.

Kathar can use subtle vice-heightening curses on those within Emote Range, heightening their Pride, Fury, Avarice, Corruption, Rejection, or Hedonism.
Proficiency Points
Attack Stat: Magic
Defense Stat: Constitution

  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 4
    • Rebound
    • Interception
    • Bulwark
    • Iron Will
  • Intelligence: 1
    • Mimicry Pack [Magical Variant]
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 2
    • Sharp Reflexes
    • Dirty Fighter
  • Faith: 0
  • Magic: 7
    • Magic Bolts
    • Magic Snare
    • Magic Smog
    • Magic Curse
    • Magic Resist
    • Magic Cleanse
    • Magic Bolster
    • Magic Warp [Free Pack]
    • Magic Shove [Free Pack]
  • Valent was born a bastard to a Silent Sister, the result of an illicit relationship with a Sollerian Kathar. He was taken in by the Ithanian temple as an orphan, and it was agreed upon to keep his heritage a secret to minimize the risk of him becoming a threat.
  • At an early age, Valent presented great magical ability, borne from his elven family line. The sisters raising him were swift to discourage and temper his uncontrolled casting, and he learned it was something to keep to himself early on.
  • His childhood and adolescence were defined by menial labor and limited education, most of the latter consisting of reciting scripture, especially that pertaining to penitence.
  • He was disallowed from joining the Pious Brothers, unusual for an orphan taken in by the ascetic orders - the higher-ups were well-aware of his Kathar ancestry and magical lineage, deeming him unfit for holy duty. Instead, he was assigned work as a lowly custodian and later a groundskeeper; trimming topiaries was labor he much preferred to emptying chamber pots.
  • Valent was allowed visits to the nearest town for his good behavior, which he'd only ever seen when on supervised errands for the temple. Without hawkish eyes on him at all times, he swindled and stole to amass a modest savings for the day he could escape indentured servitude to the temple.
  • While gardening for the temple, Valent chatted up a Crystal Sister by name of Hypatia on the odd occasion - the highest ranking sister he had the chance to socialize with more than once. One day, she informed him of her intent to join the Émérites chapter of the Lothar order, and he pitched an offer to join her as her servant. She accepted, respecting the hustle, and though he remained indentured the same as before, he at least had the opportunity to see more of the world and do something more with his life. There was no more room to advance in his work for the monastery, after all.
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