Preserved Sheet Valbrand Haagenvig

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Sep 17, 2014
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United States of America
Mithril & Kataktites

Valbrand Haagenvig_MonMarty_Small.webp

King Arthur_Front.gif

Basic Information
⇸ Full Name: Valbrand Haagenvig.
⇸ Age: 40 years old.
⇸ Gender: Male.
⇸ Race: Nautilaan Velheim Ailor.
⇸ Preferred Weapon: Bearded axe.



Skill Information

Total Points: 50 proficiency points.

⇸ Core Group Proficiencies
⇸ Melee Combat Category
⇸ +20 Axe Combat (+18 from Points, +2 from Honed Skill III).
⇸ Special Combat Category
⇸ +4 Shielding Combat (from Points).​
⇸ Talent Group Proficiencies
⇸ Special Training Category
⇸ +5 Perception Training (from Points).
⇸ Hobby Group Proficiencies
⇸ Nature Art Category
⇸ +15 Sailing Art (+10 from Points, +5 from Racial Boost).
⇸ Personal Tallship.
⇸ +1 Hunting Art (+1 from Honed Skill III).
⇸ +10 Husbandry Art (+10 from Points).

⇸ Northern Wolf Familiar.
⇸ Erkebin Mount.
⇸ Point-Buy
⇸ Schooling
⇸ Command School, Skole Militair Nordskag.



Body Shape
⇸ 30 Physical Stat.
⇸ Ripped Body Shape.
⇸ Built Body Fat.

⇸ Skodje (Grew up learning).
⇸ Common (Taught to communicate with foreigners).

Visual Information
⇸ Eye Color: Arctic blue.
⇸ Hair Color: Blonde.
⇸ Hair Style: Slicked back with an undercut that connects to his beard.
⇸ Skin Color: Northland pale.
⇸ Clothing: Orange and black fabrics mixed with leather and fur pelts.
⇸ Height: 5 feet 10 inches (177.8 cm).



Personality and Abilities

Option Two: The Core List
Choose your Character Alignment
⇸ Lawful neutral.
Choose your Character Personality Type
⇸ The Commander.
Choose your Character's Religion
⇸ Oldt Fayth: 10 to 10.
⇸ Old Gods: 10 to 10.



Life Story

_____During a snowstorm, Vera Haagenvig conceived her second son, Valbrand Haagenvig on the tenth of February, 269 AC. He was born and raised in the Drixagh village of Kopvagr where his father Osvald led its people. He was given the most privileges a Northern boy could have, but his father's rules were enforced with no exception. His father was usually busy with the family business and its ergonomics, so Vera and Valbrand's grandmother Irma watched over him. He was fairly small as an infant and toddler, yet he showed energy.
_____Osvald only bore three sons who were Hjalmar, Valbrand, then Markus. When Valbrand was entering adolescence, Hjalmar had already been sent to the Elgsund Lodge to be taught the Älgträffar Discipline in the School of Skagger. While his brother was tunnel-visioned into becoming his father, Valbrand cared more for the leisure provided in his aristocracy. He met his first lover at fifteen, Irene Johansen. The two were close with Valbrand becoming more rowdy in attempts to entertain her. Eventually, the young couple had become careless and had twins which they would name the son Aksel, and the daughter Siselle Haagenvig. Vera and Irma assisted in caring for the newborn while Valbrand's father only grew more strict with him. The discipline given to him from his then rebellious, unwarranted acts had shown him the true responsibilities he held. Unlike his brother, Valbrand was deemed too rowdy and undisciplined to be sent to learn the Björntass Discipline. Like his brother Hjalmar, Osvald sent Valbrand off to the Crag to be taught the Skagenak Discipline.
_____His introductory training was more difficult than the fifteen year old aspirant could take. Valbrand was heavily undisciplined in his upbringing which was cut short. He realized the importance it took to undergo Skagenak Training, and gradually altered his mentality to fit the discipline that Skagger warriors upheld. While the mental training was taxing on his mind, Valbrand surpassed every obstacle even after failure. He progressed to physically adhering his body to the prime build of Skagenak berserkers. He still worked on his mental discipline all the while. In 288 AC, Valbrand received two war axes which he'd use to practice on dummies and spar against his comrades within the Crag. His training continued until what he learned reached a status quo. After this, he was sent onto the military campaigns skirmishing against enemies of the empire and local Drixagh conflicts.
_____Valbrand's training in the Crag was cut short during one of his visits to Kopvagr. The rival village of Skaloekr had set pillage to his village as smoke and screams filled the cold, northern air. Blood was spilled the day, but the most impactful loss for Valbrand was that of his lover. He had chased down two men attempting to kill Irene, but he was stopped by another warrior who tried cutting him down. Of course, he prevailed, but could not find Irene. It ended with him finding her corpse amongst a wagon carrying out all the dead. Enraged and put into a state of depression, Valbrand fled to the forests where he'd release his rage. He spent the next two months rebuilding Kopvagr; he took three gap years from the School of Skagger to attend the Skole Militair Nordskag. After graduating, he returned to the School of Skagger to tie up loose ends. In 303 AC, Valbrand and Hjalmar sailed around the eastern coast of Drixagh to the crown city to establish their family's name. Two years after, Hjalmar passed the title of patriarch to Valbrand who spearheaded the family from that point on. His time in Regalia had both shot his name down, and brought him to light.
_____In the later months of 305 AC, he fell victim to the possession of Rikkira who he served until he was freed from her trance. With her Arken generals entering the scene, he planned an attack which took one down as fast as she came. Rikkira was rooted out of the city, and Valbrand set his head on the politics within the archipelago once again. After this, he had become one of the resident Velheimers, and proved such when he attained the title of the Great Three. However, this title was revoked just a year later when he initially gave peace to the inhabitants of the Howlester-owned land in the northern lordships. Finding himself in a slump, he decided to part ways from the Crown City and spend time with the village he had forgotten to watch over. In the autumn months of 307 AC, Valbrand and the family that came with him had returned to the Crown City after spending months in their village to make yet another debut in the capital of Regalia. From 307 to 308 AC, Valbrand spent his time within nature, acclimating to both Varld and Vinella's beliefs. In due time, Valbrand even found skill in tending to animals.
Last edited:
- Edited the last paragraph of Valbrand's Life Story to make the date of his return more accurate.
- Added an alternative to his Skill Information and Body Shape that adheres to the old proficiency system until the new one is released for use.

- Removed alternatives to Skill Information because the new proficiency system was released.

- Added the name of Valbrand's regiment under Command Tactic Skill.

- Added Old Makdth as a Lanaguage as I forgot to initially do so.

- Updated physical stat.

- Added 5 hobby points to Carpentry Arts.
- Added 5 hobby points to Culinary Arts.

- Posted an updated video for Valbrand's theme song.

- Allocated 5 Culinary Arts hobby points into Carpentry Arts.

- Allocated 5 points from Axes Combat Skill to Marine Tactic Skill.

- Added Bolven Ailor Lineage.

- Switched to Nautilaan Lineage.

- Fixed Special Race Proficiency to Ritualism Proficiency Category.

- Updated Skill Information to the new proficiency system.
- Updated his Character Alignment.
- Updated the Life Story by expanding 1 sentence, and adding 1 sentence to adjust to the proficiency system update.
- Fixed formatting in Skill Information.

- Updated to the revamped Proficiency System.

1:37 AM
- Edited some mishaps in the edits made yesterday.
2:04 AM
- Added Honed Skill III refund points.
Last edited:
The old proficiency alternatives were removed because the new proficiency system is now in place. I am looking for a reapproval seeing as you already approved the new proficiencies.