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Played Character Valayn Alvarës Sélian Bel-Vashaäel Elasis

This character is actively played.


Enjoyer of grey long eared frens.
Jul 2, 2014
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Aelrrigan Order

"Books are beautiful things. Within them one can find a magic unlike any other. Able to cast you to far away coasts, or deep into the forest of an unknown land."

Character Information:
  • Full Name: Valayn Alvarës Sélian Bel-Vashaäel Elasis
    • Alias: The Storyteller Mage
    • Common Name: Valayn Sélian
  • Heritage / Culture: Lanlath
  • Age: 24
  • Gender / Pronouns: He/They
  • Religion: Estelley (Leyon focused)
  • Occult: Mageborn/Star of Peace/Storyteller Magic
  • Character Occupation: Aelrrigan Squire
Appearance Information:
  • Eye Color: Pink with a dull white ring
  • Skin Color: Pale white
  • Hair: Red, kept in a ponytail over his shoulder.
  • Height: 5'3"
  • Body Type: Lithe
Skill Information:
  • Hobbies and Talents:
    • Magical Talent
    • Reading Books
    • Coming up with fun stories
  • Languages:
    "Valayn picked up an understanding of different languages to better read and understand the sources of magic associated with their cultures."
    • Altalar
    • Common
    • Pannarokh
    • Shalota
  • Mechanics:
  • Valayn has a firm belief that magic should never be used in a way that paints it in a light to hurt others. As such, once per day he can absorb the Sinistral nature of an allies spell, making it Radiant. (Lalanth Mech 1)
  • Valayn does not draw his magic from the places one may think. Rather, he pulls essence from Lathan itself. Channeling it through his tome to bring the stories inside to life. (Lanlath Mech 2)
  • Valayn does not sleep, rather he doesn't need to. He can enter into a trance if he'd like, letting him stay watchful even while appearing to slumber. However, he is more often found wide awake, studying away or reading a book. (Lanlath Mech 3)
  • Valayn has often been told he has rather good eyesight. Rather insanely good eyesight. Able to pick out the spots on a ladybug sitting on a tree, from the otherside of a street, or even the outcome of a coin toss…from the other side of town. (Lanlath Mech 4)
  • While Valayn is not often one to drink, when he does he is often the last one standing at the table even despite his rather small and thin stature. Something that even he doesn't fully understand. (Lanlath Mech 5)

"The Moon's gentle embrace, it guides me..."
Valayn is a devout follower of the Estelley faith. However, he resonates the most with Leyon and his teachings. He is more than happy to sit and have polite discussion regarding those teachings. Or is even open to listening to the views of other faiths, though might be a bit more skeptical with things like Evolism or Cultism.

"The land was painted in lavender and dotted with hints of green and marble…"
Valayn was born in Lathan and spent several of his younger years in Regalia. His mothers had wished to expand a seamstress business within the city. However, after realizing just how dangerous the city can be they returned back to Lathan. There, he spent the majority of his teens learning magic at an academy and having his Starbirth. Feel free to ask him about his home, the star he was born under or even just for some guidance on magic. All of them are subjects he is more than happy to help with or even just idly talk about.

"Despite its flaws, its cracks and its imperfections. I still love it here…"
Several years of Valayn's childhood were spent within the walls of Regalia. And while he was often sheltered by his more wealthy seamstress mothers, and doted on by his four sisters, he often found himself being dragged off by a friend to get into trouble. But if you were to ask him about it he'd only have good things to say. This was where he found his love for magic, being a late bloomer to his own skills he watched one individual make beautiful creations with theirs. And this drove him later in life to inspire the same awe and wonder he had when he would watch them.

"I will protect this city, I will show the people here that this power is not just dangerous…"
Valayn is a member of the Aelrrigan order. He spent countless months just training and learning his craft so he could be accepted into it. Fueled by a conviction that there was a beauty in magic that the common people of Regalia did not recognize, that it was his duty to show them. Employing his magic of being able to bring the books and stories he reads to life, he aims to show the world a different side of magic, regardless of how long it takes him to do so.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities:
[14/14 points spent]
Attack Stat: Magic (7)
Defense Stat: Magic (5)
Proficiency Points:

  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 0
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Faith:0
  • Magic: 14
    • Cavalry Summon (Free)
    • Carriage Summon (Free
    • Mounted Lancer (Magic)
    • Mounted Trooper (Magic)
    • Familiar Disrupt (Magic)
    • Magic Shove
    • Magic Snare
    • Magic Resist
    • Magic Cleanse
    • Magic Bolster
    • Magic Barrier
    • Magic Warp
    • Magic Isolate
    • Magic Reduce
    • Magic Revive
    • Magical Safeguard Pack
    • Magical Wardrobe Pack
    • [Reserved]
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