Preserved Sheet Valère Del Coutance

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Feb 25, 2019
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"Wine and cheese are ageless companions, like June and Moon, or good people and noble ventures."
Basic Information
➽Name | Ser Valère del Coutance
➽Aliases | Val
➽Age | 40
➽Date of Birth | June 21st 268AC
➽Gender | Male
➽Race | Archan Ailor | Burdigalan Culture
➽Sexuality | Heterosexual
➽Preferred Weapon | Longsword​
Skill Information
Total Proficiency Points | 55 | 40 from age + 5 bonus + 10 hobby points
➽Combat Proficiency Category
➽+10 Blades Combat Skill
➽+4 Shielding Combat Skill
➽+2 Mounted Combat Skill
➽+2 Pole Combat Skill​
➽Arts Proficiency Category
➽+10 Cullinary Arts (from Hobby Points)​
➽Knowledge Proficiency Category
➽+4 Cultural Knowledge
➽Unionist Culture
➽+3 Historical Knowledge
➽Ailor History
➽Magic Proficiency Category
➽+20 Union Blessings​
➽Body Shape
➽Physical Stat | 10 (from Blades Combat Skill) +4 (from Shielding Combat Skill) +2 (from Pole Combat Skill) +2 (from Mounted Combat Skill) = 18
➽Body Shape | Athletic
➽Body Fat | Average​
➽Burdicalic 10/10
➽Common 10/10​
➽Special Traits
➽Bastion of Faith | Union Blessings | 10 Points Invested
➽Call of the Union (Free for all Archan)
➽Blessings of the Protector
➽Blessings of the Avenger
➽Blessings of the Lady
➽Blessings of the Lord
➽Blessings of the Waywatcher​
➽Unbreakable Devotion
➽Eternal Watch​
Visual Information
➽Eye Colour | Green
➽Hair Colour | Dirty Blonde
➽Hair Style | Windswept
➽Skin Colour | Caucasian
➽Clothing | Conventional Burdigalan Clothes
➽Height | 5'9​
Personality Information
➽Alignment | LG
➽Personality Type | ENFP
➽Religion | Unionism 10/10
➽Valère's tutoring in the Virdian Order heightened the groundwork of his faith set up in his childhood. Practising Unionism day-in-day-out continued to develop his faith, eventually reaching incredibly zealous heights.​
Life Story
➽Childhood (0-14)
➽Valère was the fifth born son to a somewhat wealthy family of cheesemakers in Coutance, Vixhall.
➽Seen as the runt of the litter, Valère felt outshone by his older siblings and was regularly teased for his ineffectiveness in anything conventional.
➽Despite this, he maintained a relativly healthy childhood, being taught in the customs and principles of his Burdigalan heritage.
➽Valère found some sanctury to his siblings teasings in the church, growing his devotion to the Spirit. Not a day goes by when the boy would not pray for his faith.
➽With most of the family coming into their roles in the business, Valère was left without much place in the household. Believing it to be a sign of status, his parents had the young man shipped to Kurtenwald Castle, where his training as a Virdian would begin.
➽Valère practiced in the traditional ways of the school up until his forteenth birthday, when he was named squire and began his service under the Man-At-Arms Quintin.​
➽Early Adulthood (15-30)
➽The Code of Charlemois slowly grew more and more engrained in the young man's mind, as did his work with a sword as Quintin tutored him during his squireship. The boy was niave to the ways of the world, with every new experience a learning one.
➽Eventually came the time for his graduation, ascending to the role of Man-At-Arms, alongside his tutor. Now Quintin's equal, he procceded to roam and fulfilling the will of the Viridian and the Emperor. He became to stranger to altruism and charity, regularly buying what foot he could for the scrounging street urchins, always meeting them with a large smile and a humbled heart.
➽He made infrequent visits to his family, more out of expectation than desire. Regular contact was upheld, but, he saw his true family within the order.
➽Soon came the events of the Ranger Crisis, during which Valère was deployed. The conflict hardened the chivalrous knight, as he watched many of his comrades fall to the blades of his enemies. Despite the victory, the return to Kurtenwald was far from one of jubilation.
➽Over the next few years, to make up for the lost numbers from the conflict, he took up a teaching role, taking on a squire of his own in Jean to play his part.​
➽Recent Years (31-40)
➽The Anahera Occupation fell upon the order, with the Lord Protector instagating their seige of Kurtenwald Castle. It was an arduous battle, however, the eventual victory came with it doubts from within and outwith the order. Valère remained optimistic about the abilities of his order, trying all he could to bolster morale in his own way.
➽Valère had all but his will and devotion broken during the Lo Occupation, watching the squires he trained fall, as well as countless friends and comrades made throughout the years. Through sheer luck than anything else, Valère with a handful of fellow knights managed to flee the castle; with Valère being the first to throw himself into the fires of danger to protect his comrades.
➽With the castle eventually made safe for return, Valère and his band of knights returned to the castle, being amongst the numbered sixty of the order left. Valère proceeded in his duties after this, however, the acts felt empty for many moons, feeling as though his actions during the Occupation were a discredit to his honour and order. Regardless, he had sworn an oath and had a duty to uphold. He continues to try and prove himself once more ever since the catastrophe.
➽With the reformation of the order, Valère took the Code of Ehrenhof to heart, remaining in and around the Archipelago as he carried out his duties.​
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Nothing is out of place, if you want direction on where to begin stuff with your Viridian Knight feel free to PM me, there isn't much to catch you up on.

@Wumpatron Another Ailor app for you to have a quick check over, m'lord. Character is of the Archan Lineage and has taken a full 20 points in Union Blessings.