Preserved Sheet Vaerishla Mirkalyn

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AKA SilentEndurance
Apr 12, 2014
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"Don't cling to life, for death is inevitable."

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Character Information

  • Full Name: Vaerishla "Vaerie" Mirkalyn
    • Nicknames: Vae, Vae-Vae, Little Glacier, 'Erie
    • Alias: Vaalir, Valor, Valerie, Frostbite
  • Race: Bene Rexit Isldar
    • Affliction Status: Mundane
  • Age: 43
    • Appearance: Late twenties
    • Voiceclaim: Lake Bell
    • Birthdate: January 31st, 268 AC
  • Gender: Female
    • Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them
    • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Eye Color: Green with Blue specks and black Sclerae
Core Concept
  • Upon first meeting her, Vaerishla can come off as a cold and apathetic individual. Her voice is often monotone, rarely changing in pitch, and when she is talking to strangers her personality is distilled to merely spouting information or answering questions. Only when one gets to know her and tries to melt through her icy walls is when her true self shows. She is expressive once comfortable, and her mind becomes an endless sea of creativity and inspiration. Because of this, her skills are most prominent in art. Her hobby becomes much of a profession as she pours her heart and soul into it. This is not to mention her devotion to friends, who she will protect in a maternalistic manner. As for religion, she worships the Ordial entity The Glacial. Also known as Frisit.
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  • Strength: 0
    • N/A
  • Constitution: 0
    • N/A
  • Wisdom: 0
    • N/A
  • Dexterity: 1
    • Roguery: Parkour
  • Magic: 7
    • Spells (Ordial): Enchanting, Displacing, Casting, Thanhicism (Free - Snow's Kiss), Materialism, Disruption, Illusionism, Protection
  • Charisma: 6
    • Free Theurgy (Ordial): Spirit Form, Bidden Summoning, Hosted Summoning, Anchored Summoning
    • Paid Theurgy (Ordial): Spirit Hexlord, Spirit Anchor, Spirit Haunting, Spirit Parasite, Spirit Enfeeblement, Spirit Deflection
    • Husbandry (Free - Wyvern Stables): Advanced Mount - Wyvern
"One day, Frisit will return. And I will be ready."
  • Isldar Specials
  • Death Isldar Specials
  • Scouring of Ellador:
    • Snow Element
    • Cold Immune
    • Arcane Sight
    • Altered Voice
  • Theurgy:
    • Sapper Hex - Tiring Hex
    • Anchoring Hex
    • Extension Hex
    • Life Leech
    • Rusting Hex
    • Deflection Hex
  • Spells:
    • Enchanted Buffer
    • Arcane Knockback
    • Arcane Attraction
    • Disrupting Rune (Free- Snow's Kiss)
    • Material Armor
    • Link Disrupt
    • Reflection Strike
    • Saving Grace
  • Greater Mage Spells:
    • Magic Blink
    • Illusioned Self
    • Magic Bolt
  • Surfwalking, Airwalking, Sanctum Vessel
    Self Control, Dueling Brand, Prison Break
    Chain Break, Arcane Wardrobe, Arcane Mastery
    Heat Immune, Minor Resurrection, Resurrected Familiar
    Grave Armor, Wraithwalking, Guardians
    Pocket Dimensions, Simulacrum, Mindscape
    Hex, Self Mutation, Element Control
  • Common (Free)
  • Sulvaley (Home)
  • Deathspeech (Racial)
  • Shadetongue (Racial)
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Appearance Information

  • Vaerishla is unmutated. Though due to the Manifesting Frost ability, ice crystals and frost patches cover her skin.
  • Vaerishla stands at a rather average 6'3" for an Isldar. Her hair is a stark black, however she often dyes it grey with white tips. It is typically worn in a tight bun though often lets it loose, of which it reaches to her mid-back. Her body appears extremely thin. More slender and tall than wide and short. It still has a healthy physique, though if she becomes a bit dehydrated or doesn't eat a lot it will take on an emaciated and skeletal appearance. She however, retains a sort of stretched hourglass form, appearing distinctly female. Her skin is often a light blue in color, however she sometimes sheds the blue for a pale skin tone. She has no scars or blemishes as she puts a lot time into her body care, her skin appearing smooth and youthful as a result.
"I was never in control of my life... So I took it back. Forcefully."

Life Story
  • Vaerishla was born in the dead of winter January 31st, 268 AC to Shivalëy parents Ivaarym and Kaelyah Mirkalyn, her mother being a Dragon Priestess with staunch beliefs. As such her mother took painstaking control of her life from an early age, in order to groom her to become a priestess like herself. Though other than this, Vaerishla generally got along well with other kids her age and had a normal childhood for an Isldar.
  • As she reached her teens, her interest leaned heavily into artistic endeavors. Taking on an apprenticeship under a well known Isldar artist. She created various works of art, and kept up this hobby throughout her life. It was also around this time that her mother pushed her to become more involved with Isldar religion.
  • As she aged into her early adulthood, Vaerishla was ordained as a Dragon Priestess just like her mother wanted, though she wasn't truly happy in the role. As a result she became rather reclusive and reserved, losing her following soon after. This sudden change in personality led her to question her identity. Feeling like her true self lay under layers of deception she built up to make her mother proud. She eventually served in the Isldar military to fill her free time, picking up Exist magic to perfectly combine her artistic and combative tendencies.
  • Following the death and supposed rebirth of Frisit, Vaerishla left the confused and conflicted Isldar Holds. Since the interactions in Shiva's Cavern grew too hostile for her to feel safe. She traveled down southward for awhile falling into old habits of gathering information. Though eventually she ended up in Regalia where she resides to this day.
  • Upon being present with a choice between Frisit and Aurora, Vaerishla chose Frisit. Effectively becoming a Death Isldar. Her magic corrupting to Ordial and her interest turned towards Theurgy. She poured over any information she could get her hands on, and eventually learned enough to preform her own binding rituals.
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Claimed for review.​
Updated her to be infected with Cahalism. Probably needs a full re-review as the additions and changes were extensive:
-Added Cahal Form
-Added Cahal Abilities
-Reworded her stance on religion to reflect Cahal mentality.
-Added 3 Sorcery Spells to her kit
-Removed some points from Dagger Combat
-Removed Honed Skill 3 from Roguery
-Added Sleight of Hand and Burglary Packs
-Decided to make her a Level 3 Rogue for progressions.
-Updated Lifestory accordingly.
Overall I'm nudging her into more of a rogue/spy niche.
Looks good for the most part! There's just one issue that needs to be edited before I can approve:
  • You currently have 12 points put into roguery, for 4 abilities, but 5 abilities selected. Please shuffle your points around for the last ability or remove one.
Go ahead and tag me once you've made the necessary edits for another review, thank you!
Apologies for tagging again so soon after the Proficiency update, but things have progressed rather fast for this character IRP.


-She has been cured of Cahalism. Removed all mention and Cahal points from sheet.
-Added a line to the end of her lifestory to explain her curing.
-Added the Nerr Wisdom Pack
-Removed all Magic point Buy packs (Except Ice, which is a racial special and considered Ordial due to her subrace)
-Added Mystic packs Vanguard and Spectral Guide
-Removed Nehret from her worshipped Deities.
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@Yurs Geist Update!

-Removed Dimenthist Wisdom, Nerr Wisdom, and Spectral Guide packs
-Added Geist Abilities
-Added Necromancer Pack, Blades, Parkour, Geist Weapon and Thread Packs
-Added Eidolon Form Description
-Edited life story to explain her choice to become a Geist.
-Overall adjusted the sheet to reflect Geist appearance.
-Added a bit of flavor to the sheet to include info on her shade.
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@Volaie Small Update

-Removed Thread Art
-Removed Pet Husbandry
-Added North Linguist Pack
-Added Unarmed Melee Pack
Claimed for re-review!

SUPER clean app. You laid everything out really plainly and it made checking for math / backstory / everything else hella easy. Thanks so much!

Aesthetic Update:
-Added a whole bunch of aesthetics and rearranged portions of the sheet. :)
-Removed: Short Blades, and State Diplomat packs.
-Added: Flexible Weapons, and Pet Husbandry packs.
Proficiency Tweaks:
-Removed: Spectral Guide, Stealth Roguery, Pet Husbandry
-Added: Dimenthist, Mineral, and Affliction Scholarly packs.
Another Update Sorry:
-I decided to retcon her being a Geist, as I want to shift gears with this character. All I did to the sheet was removed all mention of it.
More Updates
-Somewhat returning to my Exist roots with this character. She now has a few spells, Exist sourced. Solidifying her role as a mage.
-Removed: All Mystic Packs, Blades Melee Pack and Husbandry Packs.
-Added: Blood, Water, Flesh, Glamor, Shadow and Arcane Spell packs.
More Updates
-Somewhat returning to my Exist roots with this character. She now has a few spells, Exist sourced. Solidifying her role as a mage.
-Removed: All Mystic Packs, Blades Melee Pack and Husbandry Packs.
-Added: Blood, Water, Flesh, Glamor, Shadow and Arcane Spell packs.
Technically yeah, they can still learn and pursue magic but this character was around when the choice to go Life Isldar, Death Isldar, and Fin'ullen where presented. When you change your app it is more of an OOC retcon of events as opposed to an IC retcon. It made sense before for the character to go with the glacial but now it sort of doesn't? If they want to use Exist magics and be more of a follower of that plane, why wouldn't they had just chosen Fin'ullen? Maybe that's something to consider or maybe revert this character back to how they were and just make a new character if you want to focus more on using Exist magic and getting involved in that community rather than forcing this character to be x niche that they're not.
Technically yeah, they can still learn and pursue magic but this character was around when the choice to go Life Isldar, Death Isldar, and Fin'ullen where presented. When you change your app it is more of an OOC retcon of events as opposed to an IC retcon. It made sense before for the character to go with the glacial but now it sort of doesn't? If they want to use Exist magics and be more of a follower of that plane, why wouldn't they had just chosen Fin'ullen? Maybe that's something to consider or maybe revert this character back to how they were and just make a new character if you want to focus more on using Exist magic and getting involved in that community rather than forcing this character to be x niche that they're not.

The Isldar page, says the Bene Rexit have a lot of Exist Mages left over from before the civil war. Which is likely the reason their plane is exist.
Technically yeah, they can still learn and pursue magic but this character was around when the choice to go Life Isldar, Death Isldar, and Fin'ullen where presented. When you change your app it is more of an OOC retcon of events as opposed to an IC retcon. It made sense before for the character to go with the glacial but now it sort of doesn't? If they want to use Exist magics and be more of a follower of that plane, why wouldn't they had just chosen Fin'ullen? Maybe that's something to consider or maybe revert this character back to how they were and just make a new character if you want to focus more on using Exist magic and getting involved in that community rather than forcing this character to be x niche that they're not.
Changes have been reverted after reflecting on this. I did however switch out the Blades Melee pack for Morphing Alchemy.
Did a reshuffling of points to make her more combat viable.
-Removed: Both Husbandry Packs, North Linguist, Thin Blades, Morphing Alchemy
-Added: Disguise Roguery, Knocking, Backup, and Cover Ranged, Unarmed Melee
Jalidtech Update:
-Removed: Necromancer Mystic, Disguise Roguery, Quick Cover Ranged, Affliction and Dimenthist Scholarly.
-Added: Jalidtech Artifcer Barricade, Mech-suit, Tusseling, Scrapper, and Automaton
-Updated her lifestory to include engineering.
-Also felt that her name was a bit outdated with the new Isldar lore, so I changed it.
Small Combat Update:
-Removed: Unarmed, and Automaton
-Added: Evasion and Scaling Ranged
-Updated existing ranged packs to new names.