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Played Character Uvi-Zero

This character is actively played.


Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!
May 17, 2016
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Uvi-Zero
  • Heritage / Culture: Mech Automata
  • Age: 20+ (Unknown)
  • Gender / Pronouns: She/Her
  • Religion: N/A
  • Occult: N/A
  • Character Occupation: N/A
Appearance Information
  • Eye Color: Pink
  • Chassis Color: Silver, with chipped pink paint
  • Height: 7ft
  • Body Type: Mechanical, lithe
  • Additional Features:
    • TBD
Skill Information
  • Hobbies and Talents:
    • Technology Hobby
    • Athletic Hobby
  • Mechanics:
    • Mech Mechanic I - Cannot invest in Magic or Faith proficiencies, gain 1 free Point Buy Pack
    • Mech Mechanic III- Gain the 1st-3rd Skyborn Heritage Mechanics. Magic cannot tamper with their memories
      • 1st - Engineering and Tinkering, Repairs and Building, can be done in any Tech Branch
      • 2nd - Sequential memory with perfect recall and the capability to store memories externally on Memkeys
      • 3rd - Analytical abilities allowing them to perceive and understand machinery witnessed in events
    • Mech Mechanic V - Can create backups of themselves and their personalities to boot into after death
  • Languages: Common
  • Uvi-Zero is a Mech Automata of unknown origin and make. As far as she can tell she has been operational for at least 20 years, having vague recollections going back approximately that far. At some point, her Unimatrix was damaged or tampered with by an engineer, or both, accounting for the lost memories. Parts of it have clearly been replaced with a different plating and style of wiring.
  • Uvi-Zero has been inoperable for many years following an event that took place with her creator, though her memories of this too are mostly lost. She has the general impression however that the incident was violent, and likely ended in her creator's death. She was powered back on by chance by a scrapper in the Sewers, after being uncovered behind a collapsed wall. While intended to be used as scrap, Uvi-Zero was in the meantime put to work, during which time she fled and escaped.
  • Currently, Uvi-Zero has several Directives she must follow, and several tasks assigned that are unfulfilled due to her shutdown and her creator being missing:
    • Directives:
      • 1: Just do what I say and don't worry about the legality, we'll be fine
      • 2: If anyone breaks in while I'm gone, just fucking shoot them
      • 3: You can take care of yourself, don't let yourself fall apart just because I'm not here
      • 4: Don't tell the Guards shit, they don't have anything on us
    • Tasks:
      • 1: Perpetual Repair. Do not become inoperable
      • 2: Locate 'Home'. Shoot anyone who enters
      • 3: Locate 'Creator'
      • 4: Acquire 'Cool Hat'

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat
: 6 (Dexterity)
Defense Stat: 5 (Constitution)
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
  • Strength: 2
    • Athletic
      • Building Scale (-)
      • Steady Body (-)
  • Constitution: 5
    • Training
      • Rebound (-)
      • Status Endure (-)
      • Iron Will (-)
    • Tanking
      • Tank Stance (*)
      • Tank Tremor (-)
      • Tank Rally (-)
  • Intelligence: 1
    • Tech (Servotech, Clockwork)
      • Tech Ghost (*)
      • Hook Shot (-)
  • Wisdom: 0
    • N/A
  • Dexterity: 6
    • Ranger
      • Ranger Stance (*)
      • Ranger Cover (-)
      • Ranger Splash (+)
    • Roguery
      • Sharp Reflexes (-)
      • Escape Artist (-)
      • Smokescreen (-)
    • Cutthroat
      • Cutthroat Stance (*)
      • Cutthroat Flash (-)
      • Cutthroat Dodge (-)
  • Faith: 0
    • N/A
  • Magic: 0
    • N/A
(-) Bought with Points || (*) Included with other Packs || (+) Free from Mechanics

Combat Cheat Sheet
  • Base HP: 10
  • Attack Roll: 16
  • Defense Roll: 15
  • Movement: 10 meters
  • Lose 2 HP when hit
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