Preserved Sheet Usi, Son Of Baruti

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eater of nuggies
Mar 20, 2020
Reaction score
a place of love
【character information】
  • Full Name: Usi, Son of Baruti
    • Meaning: Smoke
  • Race: Asha
    • Subrace: Senef
    • Clade: Sheta
  • Gender: Male
  • Eye Color: Sage Green

【core concept】

  • Usi is a traditionally-minded Asha with a penchant for stealth. Though a firm believer in karma, he is not opposed to using morally ambiguous means to meet noble ends. He journeyed to Regalia to satisfy in equal parts his curiosity and his yearning for a deeper purpose.


  • Strength: 3
    • Unarmed Pack
    • Short Blade Pack
    • Flexible Weapon Pack
  • Constitution: 2
    • Resiliance Pack
    • Brute Force Pack
  • Wisdom: 1
    • Hôterie Wisdom Pack
  • Dexterity: 4
    • Burglary Skill Pack
    • Disguise Skill Pack
    • Stealth Skill Pack
    • Parkour Pack
  • Magic: 0
  • Charisma: 4
    • State Saboteur Pack
    • Empire Linguist Pack
    • Distant Speech Pack
    • Mount Husbandry Pack
      • Mount: Living metal in the shape of a Janita Horse


  • currently unafflicted

  • Common - Free
  • Ibeth - Native
  • Empire Linguist Pack - Linguistics
    • Fordic
    • Thalic
    • Calem
    • Etos
    • Skodje
    • d'Ithanie
    • Lëtz
    • Dressalo
    • Daendroquin
    • Kriv
    • High-Anglian
    • Breizh
    • Altalar
  • Distant Speech Pack - Linguistics

【appearance information】

  • Usi has several small scars across his body that are well-hidden by his thick fur. The only readily visible scar is across his chin's right side. Otherwise, he has no physical deformities or mutations
  • Typical of the Senef subrace, Usi has a well-toned, athletic body. He stands at about six feet. His body is covered in thick, short fur with raccoon-styled markings. Similarly, his face is shaped like a raccoon's, complete with their trademark bandit mask. He carries himself with relaxed confidence, and his calm green eyes are prone to a glint of mischief.

【life story】

  • Usi was born the seventh child of Baruti and Sutekh, both Senef Asha. He spent his childhood roughhousing with his many brothers in the peaceful Ashal Isles
  • At a certain point, his curiosity led him to develop a taste for sneakery. He and his siblings would often peruse the homes of tourists without their knowing. Rarely did they actually steal anything.
  • In traditional Asha fashion, Usi was sent off from his clan at seventeen. He fell in with a group of Asha dedicated to espionage.
  • Eventually, he grew bored of life on the isles, and he hopped on a boat setting sail for Regalia.