- Joined
- Jan 15, 2020
- Messages
- 4
- Reaction score
- 0
- Points
- 176
Character Information
Appearance Information
Skill Information
Useyah grew up in a city in Solleria, living with her Solvaan mother and her Ashal father. Her childhood is very similar to many other Solvaans who grew up in Solleria, much of it spent training to fight, and spending her late teenage years helping various people and research groups travel safely through the Sollerian mists. Like many others from her community, she was encouraged to leave Solleria and meet people of other cultures, and so she did exactly that. She currently travels throughout Aloria, using her physical strength and martial skills to find work as she attempts to learn more about the different cultures found throughout the world.
Plot hooks
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: Strength (7)
Defense Stat: Constitution (5)
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
- Full Name: Userra Mialana Bel-Kesnora
- Heritage / Culture: Half-Remet Asha (Hedjet) Half Solvaan (Azureborn)
- Age: 21 (or whatever is the equivalent for her race)
- Gender / Pronouns: Female, She/They
- Religion: Khama
- Occult: Mundane
- Character Occupation: Freelance worker doing odd jobs
Appearance Information
- Eye Color: bright blue
- Skin Color: light blue with pale glowing markings.
- Hair: long fluffy mane-like hair. Fades from medium light teal to blonde. Her ears are dark blue, and her tail has a teal base, while the tuft of fur at the end fades to yellow.
- Height: 5'11
- Body Type: large muscular build with a healthy amount of fat, like a wrestler or a bodybuilder.
- Additional Features: Humanoid with Lion features (ears, tail, teeth, claws, etc.). She has thicker body hair compared to other female Solvaan elves. She often wears a Solvaan chest plate with Ashal Satoor. She wears bracelets, necklaces, and armbands of living metal.
Skill Information
- Hobbies and Talents: Userra actively works out, and has learned basic first aid. She also knows how to bake.
- Remet Asha have perfect night vision, capable of seeing in dark and low-light environments without needing external lights. Additionally, their claws when struck together create flint and steel like sparks that light up.
- Remet Asha either through a combination of excellent acrobatics, or shock-dampening limbs, or using their claws to slide down buildings, never take damage when falling from heights, so long as this fall is below 50 Blocks
- Solvaan will not be attacked by wild and non-humanoid creatures, which may prevent them drawing aggression from certain Event Creatures (discuss with Event Dm's).
- Solvaan are able to sense the minds of wild animals, which allows them to determine if an animal is an animal, or a person disguised as one (for example Body Arkenborn).
- Solvaan can see through low visibility conditions of any kind (sand storm, blizzard, fog, ash clouds, dust, etc), but must still protect from choking hazards.
- Khama Faith Mechanic 1: Any Believer of Khama, even non-Asha, gains access to the Remet/Savent Asha Heritage Mechanic regarding Living Metal. Living Metal is also called the Blood of the Gods among Khama believers and has great religious significance to them as a result. Additionally, Khama Believers, due to their access to Living Metal, gain the Living Metal variant of the Shapeshift Pack for free.
- Languages: Common, Altalar (Solaë dialect), very little Ibeth
Useyah grew up in a city in Solleria, living with her Solvaan mother and her Ashal father. Her childhood is very similar to many other Solvaans who grew up in Solleria, much of it spent training to fight, and spending her late teenage years helping various people and research groups travel safely through the Sollerian mists. Like many others from her community, she was encouraged to leave Solleria and meet people of other cultures, and so she did exactly that. She currently travels throughout Aloria, using her physical strength and martial skills to find work as she attempts to learn more about the different cultures found throughout the world.
Plot hooks
- Lost Heritage: Userra grew up surrounded mostly by Solvaan, thus much of her life has been dominated by their culture. Her father did his best to share Asha culture with her, but there's only so much one man can do. After Userra left to explore Aloria, she found herself struggling to connect with other Asha and their culture. She is currently working to reconnect to this side of her.
- Freelance Worker: Userra works contract to contract to make enough money to continue her travels, or uses said contracts as a means to travel. Most of these jobs involved moving heavy loads, working as a bodyguard, or helping guide people through rough conditions, though these aren't the only jobs she'll do.
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: Strength (7)
Defense Stat: Constitution (5)
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
- Strength: 7
- Building Scale
- Diving Tackle
- Weapon Throw
- Bruiser Stance
- Bruiser Slam
- Bruiser Flurry
- Bruiser Parry
- Bruiser Agony
- Bruiser Tackle
- Bruiser Rampage (Asha)
- Constitution: 5
- Rebound
- Status Endure
- Interception
- Bulwark
- Iron Will
- Intelligence: 0
- Wardrobe Pack (Asha)
- Shapeshift Pack, Living Metal Variant (Faith Mechanic)
- Wisdom: 0
- Dexterity: 2
- Dirty Fighter
- Escape Artist
- Faith: 0
- Magic: 0
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