Archived Use The Silveredge Graveyard!

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Chief warmongererer
Nov 26, 2012
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
I was walking through the Graveyard when I noticed something... for such a huge city, SilverEdge has a low mortality rate as the graveyard is empty. So I propose this idea. Why don't we put the names of perm banned players on the vacant tombstones? That way, it adds an rp perspective as too why a player will never return. They don't require an Epitaph although here are some of my suggestions:

"Thought Nodus was a good idea"

"Foolishness was his final mistake"

"Was never very good with TNT"

"Thought he could kill the Wither with just a stick... he was wrong"

Feel free to suggest more Epitaphs and tell me what you think of this suggestion!
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There is a reason why we don't do this. The idea have been there many times. Making a tombstone would be like a tribute. And we don't want to tribute any banned players. We would rather like to act as they never existed then honor them.
A tribute? In a graveyard? The only thing I think that it can be used as a tribute is Miztorga putting flowers on BeeRando's grave. I see this as an extension of the Hall of Shame, the point of it is NOT to get your name here.
I like this idea, bu instead of banned players perhaps people who have gone fully inactive and were of assistance to the server?
Maybe you could sell grave sites. This could be used for role play. Maybe someone visits the grave of their lost loved one. Maybe it is the grave site of someone who is now undead. Maybe it is the grave site of someone whom they wish were dead.
Maybe you could sell grave sites. This could be used for role play. Maybe someone visits the grave of their lost loved one. Maybe it is the grave site of someone who is now undead. Maybe it is the grave site of someone whom they wish were dead.
I can see it now... a graveyard full of 'Steven1234' RIH
honestly the thing that got me was the low mortality rate of silver is quite low...i know it will have undercity but will regallia have a bigger/nicer looking graveyard? I mean silveredge's is nice but its quite small for a graveyard in my opinion
A tribute? In a graveyard? The only thing I think that it can be used as a tribute is Miztorga putting flowers on BeeRando's grave. I see this as an extension of the Hall of Shame, the point of it is NOT to get your name here.

No offence, but I would never do this. :P
honestly the thing that got me was the low mortality rate of silver is quite low...i know it will have undercity but will regallia have a bigger/nicer looking graveyard? I mean silveredge's is nice but its quite small for a graveyard in my opinion
But, honestly does not especially many live in SilverEdge. I don't know a single person except mayor baver living there, the rest is just shops?
They could have had a past in the city of silver edge, and had "wanted" to be buried in the place they most loved (Silveredge)
From a roleplay perspective, I love this idea :D. Although rather than burying banned players, maybe players who die during Role-Play events or what-not
I had this in my town awhile back Every player who griefed and got kicked or left got their name on a tomb stone. My assistant's could then go there to see who was not on any terms other than through me to be invited back.
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