Archived Use Enderpearl Cooldown Plugin

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Nicholai the Elder
Oct 15, 2012
Reaction score
After the recent discussion of enderpearl use, I looked through the Bukkit Plugins, and found a plugin I think would provide a descent solution to the problems raised.

This plugin provides permissions, configurable cooldowns, and optional costs for use of enderpearls. I expect that setting an appropriate cooldown will be all that is needed, as this makes glitching through doors more difficult, and could keep someone killed by defenders after using an enderpearl to scale a wall from returning immediately.
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i really dont see ender pearls as a big issue :/
I swear I sometimes think that people are looking for stuff to complain about.
There's no need for this plugin, just learn to deal with the actual MineCraft tools instead of trying to change them to suit your own needs, ya?
Perhaps you shouldn't be so quick to jump to things, Snake :P

was that a pun?

Anyway, I like this idea. It would stop people glitching while not making ender pearls usless. If someone builds a wall so high you can pearl over it then there is no real way you would be able to climb it RP wise. Ender pearls can go pretty high. If someone builds a wall that high and clears the land around it so there is no way over in 1 throw then they kinda deserve safety from raiders using ender pearls.
Massivecraft is an RP server. Walls are a part of RP. If someone builds a wall, it should have some kind of use besides looking moderately cool. China didn't build a wall for the looks, did they? No, they wanted to keep out the Huns. Kingdoms don't build walls for the looks. no, they want to keep out raiders. I see enderpearls as a threat to RP, and a cheap way for strong raiders to attack the innocent.
I totally agree with the RP point of view. We just caught a regular DeathFist troll breaking game mechanics again (sigh) because he used a known glitch to move into a block. It basically allowed him to bypass a cobweb by going through stone. Not to mention we've found some members have been using them to go through the iron bars of gates lately. What's the point of having all these nice & neat plugins & defenses if their rubbish for the intended purpose? All it seems to be doing is destroying the RP value of the server & degrading it into just another PVP battle zone.

<insert facepalm here>
i agree i was once in a factoion that had very tall walls with no entrence and we somehow got raided
Enderpearls make RP harder even though this is a RP orientated server. ShadowShy said in faction chat, "This server is RP based, not PvP." So why add RP elements for them only to be destroyed by ender pearls?
I'd ban ender pearls personally cause they can be used for block glitching and ruin rp
Enderpearls make RP harder even though this is a RP orientated server. ShadowShy said in faction chat, "This server is RP based, not PvP." So why add RP elements for them only to be destroyed by ender pearls?
I'd ban ender pearls personally cause they can be used for block glitching and ruin rp

There is no alternative, I've heard down the grape vine they may be considering a siege plugin, but only till they find a good one will they use or make one from scratch, until then raids need pearls to raid
There is no alternative, I've heard down the grape vine they may be considering a siege plugin, but only till they find a good one will they use or make one from scratch, until then raids need pearls to raid
This suggestion is an alternative. It does not eliminate enderpearls, it just puts a cooldown between uses so that it is harder to abuse their use.
This suggestion is an alternative. It does not eliminate enderpearls, it just puts a cooldown between uses so that it is harder to abuse their use.

that would be enough to stop people teleporting over a wall they could not climb RP wise. The problem is when people either A. use ender pearls to glitch or B. use multiple ender pearls to scale a wall that they could not get over only using 1.
My opinion on the matter is there are holes between the bars and openings in the doors called windows. Nothing stops someone from reaching into an open window and turning a handle. Also, enderpearls have a nasty side effect of fall dmg, which drops pacifist and take off at least two hearts of dmg. It takes very skilled players to Graceful Roll this type of dmg. If players wish risk loosing an entire inventory of items, then leave that to them.

I really dont see how Ender Pearls, a vanilla mechanic, hurt roleplay. There are many other things that are more detrimental to roleplay on the server. Like a lack of rp etiquette for rp wars and fights. Or a lack of understanding of the rules of roleplay.
I want to see one proper siege, a raid with no pearls, Where the raiders actually set up a camp outside the enemies base forcing the people to not be able to go directly outside their base without being killed, sure they would be able to go to other worlds and just chill there, but the raiders would have to wait for that perfect moment where one of their enemies forgot to close the gate or their enemies chose to come out and fight. If some sort of realistic sieging system was implemented. That would just be great. But until then, pearls are all we can use, raids will stay highly unorganised people just go in do what they want, kill at random.
This suggestion is an alternative. It does not eliminate enderpearls, it just puts a cooldown between uses so that it is harder to abuse their use.

I can understand what your getting at Ender pearls are annoying, but I would prefer a siege type alternative, if they implemented this I would still hope they continue to either make or find something that would fit medieval siege warfare a little better
Well its PvP and Rp ruining... First if you raid somebody and lose you normaly try to run and escape but with enders you can just tp away and get safed. At the otherside its how many people already said, rp ruining. I would increase the two hearts to about six or eight.
None of you have stated how it ruins Role Play. I am a role player and I would know. Ender Pearls are a vanilla mechanic that have been around since the official release of the game. They are the byproduct of killing the extremely difficult Enderman. Enderman will kill you if you're not in Iron or Diamond armour. And even then, if you get more than one, they are very hard to kill.

Yes, Fishing makes getting Ender Pearls easy, but instead of nerfing the item, nerf the rate they can be fished up. I've already suggested to the team making fishing progressive in such a way as the higher fishing you get, the more fish you get and the less 'junk'. Instead of flat out nerfing the drops 100%
Well its PvP and Rp ruining... First if you raid somebody and lose you normaly try to run and escape but with enders you can just tp away and get safed. At the otherside its how many people already said, rp ruining. I would increase the two hearts to about six or eight.
You could be a Robber and use it as a Grabbing Hook Or Even a jewelry that proper found with magic element that makes you teleport or even a Scientist's success project!
Personally, I don't know how it really ruins roleplay, but I do know that it ruins the raiding mechanic of the server. Walls are nothing more than very big decorations now with enderpearls. This used to be less of a problem back when enderpearls costed 1 silver each, when no one would use an enderpearl to attack someone else unless they absolutely needed to, but now it seems all raiders have enough enderpearls to use on a daily basis. What is the point of having a huge castle when someone can just easily enderpearl in? What really annoys me right now is that the most secure base on Massivecraft right now is a 3x3 dirt cube with you inside it. Personally if Massive were to implement a new siege system I would like them to allow tnt to TEMPORARILY break blocks, but I've already said that before. The problem this thread is trying to solve is that enderpearls basically can bypass any and all fortifications the enemy has, short of an dome or entirely underground base.
None of you have stated how it ruins Role Play. I am a role player and I would know. Ender Pearls are a vanilla mechanic that have been around since the official release of the game. They are the byproduct of killing the extremely difficult Enderman. Enderman will kill you if you're not in Iron or Diamond armour. And even then, if you get more than one, they are very hard to kill.

Yes, Fishing makes getting Ender Pearls easy, but instead of nerfing the item, nerf the rate they can be fished up. I've already suggested to the team making fishing progressive in such a way as the higher fishing you get, the more fish you get and the less 'junk'. Instead of flat out nerfing the drops 100%

It's teleporting, as soon as the team find an alternative the better, teleporting is a magical ability that should be reserved to the Mage role players or magical creatures with a magical background. The quantity of Ender pearls on the server will be unaffected because you get stack upon stack in a dark room :) yendors proposal in my eyes is a temporary solution to an interesting problem for a medieval server.
My opinion on the matter is there are holes between the bars and openings in the doors called windows. Nothing stops someone from reaching into an open window and turning a handle. Also, enderpearls have a nasty side effect of fall dmg, which drops pacifist and take off at least two hearts of dmg. It takes very skilled players to Graceful Roll this type of dmg. If players wish risk loosing an entire inventory of items, then leave that to them.

I really dont see how Ender Pearls, a vanilla mechanic, hurt roleplay. There are many other things that are more detrimental to roleplay on the server. Like a lack of rp etiquette for rp wars and fights. Or a lack of understanding of the rules of roleplay.

You have some great thoughts on this Gwen but the only problems I have is that with these same vanilla mechanics you cannot fire arrows through iron bars or doors. From my understanding, & their are conflicting reports on this, one cannot fire through iron bars unless provoked by an opponent. There is also points recently being made that it is actually legal to shoot arrows through doors because it's considered more "realistic" for RP regardless that wood has been used as shields for centuries. However, if your not supposed to shoot arrows through gates why is it okay to fire through doors? This all seems to be somewhat contradictory to me & considering that what applies to arrows could & should apply to ender pearls as they are both projectiles, it's posed questions for me about how Massive's rules actually work with the mechanics & RP.

From an RP point of view, opposing rules such as this make it unclear how to proceed with things like defending your faction, making proper RP builds vs. PVP problem solving, training your members to deal with straight PVP players instead of actually doing RP, having fun, enjoying the game, ect... To me it would make sense to consider the issues players are having & finding ways to appease both sides of the issue. Perhaps as some suggest, a cool down to prevent excessive pearling would help as opposed to "nerfing" them entirely. Personally I'd like to see them "nerfed" out but I know that's not gonna happen because your right, it is game mechanics.

Lastly, there are too many players on the server who only RP when it's convenient to their PVP goals that don't really care about things like intended game mechanics. This destroys the intended purpose of pearls when it's exploited or abused to bypass said game mechanics & gives 'em a deservedly bad reputation overall.

I do get your point about windows & all but that's only because of the particular skin being used show gaps while the actual game doesn't allow you to move, shoot, or pearl through without abusing them. :/
You could be a Robber and use it as a Grabbing Hook Or Even a jewelry that proper found with magic element that makes you teleport or even a Scientist's success project!
Sure you can but it still ruins Rp and PvP... the only way (in my eyes) is to increase the damage...
Walls are useless in Massivecraft, and though taking out enderpearls may not hurt or help RP (Though teleportation is a non-RP type of magic in lore) PVP would be alot more interesting then, it would help balance the divide between grinding and non-grinding factions and make it easier for the little guy.

China didn't build a wall for the looks, did they?
Your absolutely right about any wall except the great wall of China. They failed to comprehend that having 2 men every mile couldn't really stop anything short of a bunny from getting over. And as for all historical rules the mongols are the exception..
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