Archived Usable Bookshelves?

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I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
-~=0 Bookshelf.png 0=~-

I'm just going to but this here to start out to avoid any arguments like "this is impossible," or "it'll take too much of the staff's time":

Okay. I had an amazing (in my opinion) idea while building my faction library today. "What if you could use bookshelves on Massivecraft?" A simple question. I have played on many servers before. One of them had just this. Usable bookshelves.

Basically, to sum up what it did, whenever you right-clicked a bookshelf, the inventory of a hopper (named "bookshelf") would open up. You could place things such as written books, regular books, paper, and even maps. They would be stored there for other players to pick up. This would be usable in libraries and such. Each bookshelf has its own inventory.

This would be no different then a room full of chests of even full of hoppers. I don't believe any lag will occur due to this. The only drawback I see is that it may not function well with Factions. However, having bookshelves, you wouldn't have much of a reason to lock them. If you really want to keep maps and books private, lock them in a chest.

Some of you may be asking, "what's the point? Is this really necessary? We don't really need this." Well, some of you may be right. This doesn't pertain to you. However, it is great for RPers. It would allow there to be libraries in Regalia that would provide books on various lore subjects. It would be much easier for characters to gain basic information. And before you say "people will steal the books and not give them back," for the Regalian library, bookshelves could be made infinite sources. With the plugin I was talking about before, this is possible.

Another use for this would be for factions. Information and news could be provided in the bookshelves. Of course, this brings an issue of people stealing the books there, but so long as an extra copy is kept of a book, it should be fine.

This provides a much nicer looking alternative to just having item frames with the books inside of them. Those require people use use an unwritten book to be able to read. This would not require anything other then to be set up. It even supports LWC and allows for shop shelves. Bookstores will get a nice upgrade! You don't even need to worry about losing your books when you break the shelf. The books will drop as well.

This will require next to none of the staff's time. No time will be wasted that could be used to work on something important. This plugin requires little setup. All that would really be needed would be some simple things like the size of each shelf and the permissions needed for it.

Over all, I see almost no reasons for this to not be implemented. Maybe you can think of some. Possibly, premiums could get extra storage space for shelves they use (maybe non-prems could have 6 while prems have 9).

I hope you all enjoy this idea. Until then, have a Massive day!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
This would be sooooo wonderful to have; however, I don't know if bookshelves would be a client-side mod. If it isn't, then this should certainly be taken into consideration :'3
I once saw a way someone did this in vanilla with redstone...
This is brilliant, we definitely need this to happen. You explained the plugin very well and included both a positive and negative point of the plugin, not to mention you came up with a back-up solution to the stealing books so I approve of this. Also, Regalia still needs a library so I can imagine having this plugin ready for when the staff come to the library. Who knows, it may even encourage more users to go to the library and may even RP there. Lastly, it will be healthy for the server since I am aware that the frames take up a lot of memories and causes lag so this is a good idea to ridding the typical 'Books in the frames' in order to get them.
Massivercraft staff! WHY AREN'T YOU FUNDING THIS!?
Only issue I see with infinite books: people who steal them can reset them to book and quills, and then sell them. Or keep them. Or, whatever.

Other than that, great idea!

As an unlimited source of writing materials? To sell to people who want to write?

Doing either would crash the price of book and quills.

Read OP. OP says that we could make bookshelves infinite so that people couldn't just steal it and then it is gone. Infinite of one book means that book is worth nothing. So... change them to book and quills, and now you have increased the price of that cheap-ass book. Sell, profit. Thus, market for BaQ is now crashed.


Read OP. OP says that we could make bookshelves infinite so that people couldn't just steal it and then it is gone. Infinite of one book means that book is worth nothing. So... change them to book and quills, and now you have increased the price of that cheap-ass book. Sell, profit. Thus, market for BaQ is now crashed.


Actually no.

If this WERE to create infinite books (which is most likely would not bc staff)
Than the now worthless book would make a book and quill which is right now almost worthless.
No problem.

Also the library s wouldn't come with books you have to put them in......

So there is no infinite books.
Absolutely wonderful idea! Regardless of the possible economic repercussions. You've given a very detailed description and I am sure the staff would be able to find a work around. They always have!
If this WERE to create infinite books

Which it would, because:

...for the Regalian library, bookshelves could be made infinite sources.

Also the library s wouldn't come with books you have to put them in......

The Regalian Library would.

Therefore infinite books?

Also, say you have 1000 book and quills from this. They go for 1 regal each? That's 1000r. 2 regals? 2000r. But you wouldn't sell it for that, as other people are doing the same thing. Eventually no one will buy them, making them worthless. Not 1 or 2 regals, but 0.
Which it would, because:

The Regalian Library would.

Therefore infinite books?

Also, say you have 1000 book and quills from this. They go for 1 regal each? That's 1000r. 2 regals? 2000r. But you wouldn't sell it for that, as other people are doing the same thing. Eventually no one will buy them, making them worthless. Not 1 or 2 regals, but 0.

And thats bad because?
Surely if the plugin runs using some hopper-coding-magic-thingamijig.... aren't hoppers covered in LWC, so can you not just... lock the bookshelf to stop people stealing them...?
[Probably misunderstanding something here, but just my two cents]
@Party_Penguin27 @Lamdax
Good idea. I've seen servers with this plugin before. If ppl made libraries this is the way to go! (clap)